
fǎ láng; fà láng
  • franc
法郎 [fǎ láng]
  • (1) [franc]

  • (2) 1360年首次铸造的一种古代法国金币

  • (3) 1575到1641年发行的一种古代法国银币

  • (4) 现代法国的本位货币名称,也是它的基本单位

法郎[fǎ láng; fà láng]
  1. 瑞士法郎是一种硬货币。

    The Swiss franc is a hard currency .

  2. 目的在于制止瑞士法郎兑换率上涨。

    The purpose was to halt the rise in the exchange rate of the Swiss franc .

  3. 该工程已制订一千万法郎的预算。

    The project has been budgeted at ten million francs .

  4. 为该工程已编制了一千万法郎的预算。

    Ten million francs has been budgeted for the project .

  5. 他们同意将这幅画的价格提至4,500法郎。

    They agreed to bid the picture up to 4,500 francs .

  6. 葡萄价格大幅上涨,达到每公斤32法郎。

    The price of grapes had shot up to 32 francs a kilo .

  7. 他们将预付130法郎。

    They will pay a hundred and thirty francs in advance .

  8. 他将法郎兑换成美元。

    He converted his frances into dollars .

  9. 他们决意把所有的收入都投资进去,直到行市涨到一百法郎为止。

    He has decided to invest in a new car .

  10. 要是我差十法郎,不得不向客人借的话,那就太丢脸了。

    It would be embarrassing to find myself ten francs short and be obliged to borrow from my guest .

  11. 画家画完之后,向他收取一百万法郎的报酬。

    The artist did the little thing and asked a million francs .

  12. 声明达到了预期的效果,致使法郎在即将到达目标水平时贬值了8.2%(见article)。

    The announcement had its intended result , driving down the franc by8.2 % within minutes to the targeted level ( see article ) .

  13. 这一点应该会让主张重新启用法郎的马琳勒庞(marinelepen)和她的国民阵线(nationalfront)受益。

    This ought to benefit marine Le Pen and the national front , who want a return to the franc .

  14. 今年1月,瑞士央行(SwissNationalBank)放弃了遏制瑞士法郎升值的努力,这使瑞士的生产成本变得更为高昂。

    Switzerland became even more expensive in January , when the Swiss National Bank gave up trying to contain the appreciation of the franc .

  15. 瑞士央行(swissnationalbank)采取措施遏制瑞士法郎的涨势,让交易人员大吃一惊,此后,在周三,外汇市场的注意力转向东京。

    After the Swiss National Bank stunned dealers with its move to curb the franc , the focus in currency markets on Wednesday switched to Tokyo .

  16. 如果希腊离开欧元区,瑞士央行(SwissNationalBank)将考虑对外国存款实施资本管制。目前,在欧洲寻找避风港的投资者对瑞士法郎有着巨大的需求。

    The Swiss National Bank is considering imposing capital controls on foreign deposits if Greece leaves the eurozone , as the franc comes under heavy demand from investors seeking a haven in Europe .

  17. 其一,按照巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)的计算,瑞士法郎是与合理币值偏差最大的货币,而日元并非特别强势。

    The first is that , unlike the Swiss franc , which is the currency furthest from its fair value , on Barclays Capital calculations , the Japanese yen is not particularly strong .

  18. 马里奥德拉吉(mariodraghi)本来可以叫欧元去自生自灭,或者是将他手头所有的现金都兑换成瑞士法郎。

    Mario Draghi could have told the euro to fend for itself or shifted all his cash to Swiss francs .

  19. 更大胆的是,中国化工(ChemChina)据报道正考虑以现金竞购市值350亿瑞士法郎的先正达公司(SyngentaAG)。

    And most brazenly , ChemChina is reportedly considering an all-cash bid worth SFr35bn for Syngenta AG .

  20. 目前各方日趋预期,美联储(Fed)将在下月按照所谓的定量宽松政策,向美国经济注入更多资金。这种预期昨日导致美元兑人民币、瑞士法郎和澳元创下新低。

    Increasing expectations the Federal Reserve will pump more money into the US economy next month under a policy known as quantitative easing sent the dollar to new lows against the Chinese renminbi , Swiss franc and Australian dollar .

  21. 知情人士表示,其竞争对手瑞士的瑞银(UBS)在本月底发布三季度财报时,也即将把诉讼准备金增加至少几亿瑞士法郎。

    Swiss rival UBS is also set to increase litigation reserves by at least several hundred million Swiss francs with its third-quarter results at the end of the month , people close to the situation said .

  22. 瑞银(ubs)外汇策略师曼努埃尔奥里弗利(manueloliveri)称:“他们主要关心的是守住瑞士法郎对欧元的汇率上限。”

    Manuel oliveri , a foreign exchange strategist at UBS , said : " their key interest is to keep the Swiss franc-euro exchange rate capped . "

  23. 例如,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)认为,美元兑欧元、日元和瑞士法郎的汇率被低估了10%至15%;兑澳元等大宗商品货币的汇率被低估了近三分之一。

    Morgan Stanley , for example , reckons the dollar is now 10-15 per cent undervalued versus the euro , yen and Swiss franc , and almost a third too cheap against commodity currencies such as the Australian dollar .

  24. 瑞士央行(snb)行长昨天警告,如果瑞士法郎对欧元升值过高,该央行将再次入场干预。

    The president of the Swiss national bank gave notice yesterday of renewed intervention in the foreign exchange markets if the Swiss Franc started to rise too high against the euro .

  25. Swisscom因错误使用客户数据而被瑞士通讯部罚款200万瑞士法郎(136万欧元)。

    The Swiss Communications Ministry has fined Swisscom CHF2 million (€ 1.36 million ) for the wrongful use of customer data .

  26. 为了更加便于管控,IMF不得不将货币篮子从上世纪70年代的16种货币削减至1981年后的5种,后来随着德国马克和法国法郎被并入欧元又减少至4种。

    To make it tractable at all , the IMF membership had to whittle the basket down from its original sixteen currencies in the 1970s to five after 1981 , later compressed to four as the D-Mark and the French franc were subsumed into the euro .

  27. 瑞士私人银行宝盛(JuliusBaer)将收购美林(MerrillLynch)的非美国财富管理业务,这将令宝盛的资产规模扩大近一半,并让目前拥有这块亏损业务的美国银行(BankofAmerica)回笼8.60亿瑞士法郎(合8.40亿美元)。

    Julius Baeris to buy the non-US wealth management operations of Merrill Lynch , boosting the Swiss private bank 's assets by almost half and netting as much as SFr860m ( $ 840m ) for Bank of America , which owns the lossmaking unit .

  28. 只用500万法国法郎启动资金建立,而且由于有MaisonBouygues客户存入的押金,所以融资成本很低。

    With just FFr5m in initial share capital , the business was cheap to set up and , because Maison Bouygues 's customers put down deposits , its financing costs were low .

  29. 瑞士央行(SNB)承诺,将以固定的瑞士法郎兑欧元汇率,不计数量地向任何买家出售瑞郎,这意味着它打出了阻止瑞郎不断升值的最后一张牌。

    By   promising   to   sell   Swiss francs at a fixed euro rate to any buyer and in any amount , the Swiss National Bank is playing its last card to prevent the incessant rise of the national currency .

  30. 以该公司在2008年的收入为例,雀巢表示Nespresso在2008年的产品销售上升了30个百分点,年收入超过了预计的20亿瑞士法郎的目标,比原计划提前2年达到目标。

    Presenting its 2008 earnings , Nestle said sales of Nespresso products grew 30 percent in 2008 , taking annual revenue past its goal of 2 billion Swiss francs , two years ahead of schedule .