
  • 网络Stability and Growth Pact;sGP
  1. 违反《稳定与增长公约》(stabilityandgrowthpact)的欧元区成员国,将面临几乎不可能受到阻止的制裁。

    Members of the eurozone who break the stability and growth pact will face sanctions that are almost impossible to block .

  2. 最恶劣的例子是2002-03年的法国和德国,当时它们不但违反了《稳定与增长公约》(stabilityandgrowthpact),甚至还在政治上争取到多数支持来反对该公约条款的实施。

    The worst example was delivered by France and Germany in 2002-03 , when they violated the stability and growth pact , and even organised a political majority against the application of its rules .

  3. 2013年,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)宣布将在执行《稳定与增长公约》方面,在有严格限制的前提下适用这种做法。

    In 2013 , the European Commission announced that it would apply it , within strict limits , in enforcing the stability pact .

  4. 2003年德国和法国违反《稳定与增长公约》(stabilitypact)让其他欧洲国家难以接受,就是这个原因。

    That is why the violation of the stability pact by Germany and France in 2003 went down so badly with other Europeans .

  5. “债务断头台”规则要求到2016年,德国结构性赤字最高不得超过gdp的0.35%,几乎仅相当于欧盟《稳定与增长公约》(stabilityandgrowthpact)现行规定水平的十分之一。

    The " debt guillotine " requires a maximum structural deficit of just 0.35 per cent of GDP by 2016 , or little more than one-tenth of the present level set by the EU stability and growth pact .

  6. 其中最重要的措施就是所谓的《稳定与增长公约》(stabilityandgrowthpact),它的要求之一就是成员国的预算赤字不得超过当年GDP的3%。

    The most important measure was the so-called stability and growth pact , which stated , among other things , that a nation could not run a budget deficit that exceeded 3 % of its GDP in any given year .

  7. 制裁只在理论上存在于稳定与增长公约【注1】中,公约要求欧盟区国家的赤字要低于gdp的3%,政府债务低于gdp的60%,但制裁从未真正实施过。

    Sanctions exist , in theory , in the stability and growth pact , which requires euro-area countries to keep deficits below 3 % of GDP and government debt below 60 % of GDP , but they have never been imposed .

  8. 欧盟《稳定与增长公约》有效性探讨

    Discussion on the " Stable and Growth Joint Pledge " Valid of European Union

  9. 但不可避免的诱惑是效仿《稳定与增长公约》,界定门槛。

    But the temptation will inevitably arise to copy the stability pact and define thresholds .

  10. 为此,在本文的最后部分,对于稳定与增长公约的改革问题,提出一些建议和想法。

    Finally , some advice and suggestions are offered to reform Stability and Growth Pact .

  11. 随着《欧洲稳定与增长公约》的崩溃,欧元区财政政策陷入了一片混乱。

    The collapse of the stability and growth pact has left European fiscal policy in disarray .

  12. 论欧盟《稳定与增长公约》框架下的财政约束与改革趋向

    Fiscal Restraint and Reform Tendency under the Framework of Stability and Growth Pact in European Union

  13. 首先,《稳定与增长公约》目前大体上没有得到遵守。

    First , the stability pact , by and large , is not currently complied with .

  14. 《稳定与增长公约》下财政政策约束机制改革研究

    On the Reform of Fiscal Discipline Mechanism under the Framework of the Stability and Growth Pact

  15. 其次,是对围绕《稳定与增长公约》所产生的主要争论进行了研究;

    Secondly , to around " Stability and Growth Pact " main dispute that produce carry on research ;

  16. “稳定与增长公约”对欧元区构成的约束,本来应当能够制约欧元计值的主权借款。

    The restraint imposed on the euro area by the stability and growth pact was supposed to limit euro-denominated sovereign borrowings .

  17. 德国是欧洲货币联盟中,第一个违反稳定与增长公约中有关赤字和债务规则的国家。

    Germany was the first in the European Monetary Union to break the stability and growth pact rules on deficits and debt .

  18. 各成员国根据自身情况与需求,调整税收、财政、赤字等政策,在《稳定与增长公约》允许的范围内进行调节。

    The member states adjust their tax , budget and deficit according to their need in the permission of Stability and Growth Pact .

  19. 但比起要求控制中央政府收支的稳定与增长公约,对此进行监测和控制会容易得多。

    But that would be far easier to monitor and control than a stability and growth pact that requires control of central government revenues and spending .

  20. 此外,有一点是它本该更清楚的:德国违反了《稳定与增长公约》,德国的银行不计后果地购买了高风险债券。

    In addition , Germany , which should have known better , broke the stability and growth pact , and its banks recklessly bought risky bonds .

  21. 这是欧盟委员会首次动用《欧盟稳定与增长公约》2005年修订后授予的权力,对其成员国发布政策建议。

    It was the first time that the European Commission issued a policy advice to a member state as introduced in2005 under the EU Stability and Growth Pact .

  22. 2003-04年,德国违背了《稳定与增长公约》的条款,其目的在于落实一个大胆的改革议程,该议程如今获得一致好评。

    When Germany broke the terms of the stability and growth pact in 2003-04 , it did so to implement a bold reform agenda that is unanimously applauded today .

  23. 德国政府的两个报告所反映出来的经济政策,可以看出德国政府对未来经济发展的设想,以及德国政府在处理经济问题时是否能够遵守欧盟制定的《稳定与增长公约》。

    The two reports also tell us the trend of German economic policy , and whether Germany can abide by the Stability and Growth Pact of the European Union .

  24. 要达成这个目标,欧盟委员会应该毫不妥协地实施当前的《稳定与增长公约》,同时在2013年设定的限制下允许对公共投资做更加合适的处理。

    To achieve this , the commission should enforce the existing stability pact without concessions , while allowing for the favourable treatment of public investment within the limits set out in 2013 .

  25. 第二,在欧元诞生初期,简单化的《稳定与增长公约》可能是一个正确的选择,但欧洲已经无法再承受继续沿用这样一个过于初级的工具了。

    Second , while a simplistic stability pact may have been the right choice when the euro was in its infancy , Europe can no longer afford to stick with such a rudimentary instrument .