
wěn dìnɡ rén kǒu
  • stable population
  1. 稳定人口增长率和出生率公式的误差估计

    The Error Estimate of Stable Population Rate of Increase and Birth Rate

  2. 离散人口模型的解和稳定人口的讨论

    Solution of discrete population model and discussing on stable population

  3. 但我们现在的任务是稳定人口,稳定在此时此地的水平。

    But our business is to stabilize the population at this moment , here and now .

  4. 并从该模型方程的特征方程出发,讨论了稳定人口增长率及模型的几个主要参数之间的关系.分析表明:中国目前的人口状态与相应的稳定人口状态有较大的差异。

    The stable population increasing-rate and the relations between several main parameters of the model are discussed .

  5. 本文认为,上海的人口发展应以规模适度、结构均衡的稳定人口或相对静止人口为远期目标。

    This dissertation deems that , the long-range goal of Shanghai population development should be orientated in stable or stationary population with optimal scale and balanced structure .

  6. 人口动态对微观和宏观经济均有较大影响,对降低人口出生率、稳定人口、减轻贫困具有重要意义。

    This article has analyzed the economics of the population dynamics from both micro and macro perspectives , which demonstrates the significance of birth rate reduction and population stabilization to economic development .

  7. Ratha说,发展中国家应该调动这个相对稳定的人口的潜力,他们的收入一般高于祖籍国的GDP。

    Ratha says developing countries could tap this relatively stable population , which often has a higher income than their home country 's GDP .

  8. 兴旺和稳定的人口对每个国家来讲,都是一种财富。

    A prosperous and stable population is an asset in every country .

  9. 健康、有生产力和稳定的人口永远是一种财富,尤其是在危机时期。

    Healthy , productive , and stable populations are always an asset , but most especially in a time of crisis .

  10. 所以,如果我们去满足那些没被满足的需要,各种分析表明,要达到稳定全球人口所需的低出生率,我们还有很长的路要走。

    So if we were to satisfy that unmet need , various analyses show we would go a long way towards achieving the reduction in birth rates that are required to achieve global population stabilization .

  11. 从可持续发展的角度看稳定中国的人口规模

    Study on Stable Population of China from the Perspective of Sustainable Development

  12. 基于区域观点的稳定态城市人口规模模型研究

    On the regional stable-state urban size model

  13. 而人口老龄化挑战的日趋严峻,改变了传统现收现付制赖以稳定运行的人口条件,各国的社会保障制度在财务上普遍陷入不可持续的境地。

    With the aging population which has changed the demographic condition , the social security system of the developed countries gradually fell into the unsustainable financial situation .

  14. 体育锻炼目的明确,但锻炼时间不足,频度不稳定,体育人口低于全国平均水平;

    Their purposes in exercising are explicit but their time spent in exercising is insufficient , the frequency of exercising is irregular and the population taking part in exercising is lower than the national average ;

  15. 出生性别比偏高既是人口问题,又是深刻的社会问题,它将影响经济发展和社会稳定,危及人口安全。

    High sex ratio at birth ( SRB ) is both a population problem and a profound social problem , it will influence economic development and social stability , and it will endanger population security .

  16. 稳定的城市人口与农作物生物总量成线性关系,低灌溉效率下农业用水的增加非但不能使农业增产,还将导致农作物生物总量的减少和城市规模的减小;

    With a very low irrigation rate , more water used in agriculture can not lead to the increase of crops yield , but the decrease of the crops yield and reducing of the city scale ;

  17. 时至今日,当持续稳定增长的全球人口需要越来越多的食物时,更多的粮食却被用于牲畜饲养。

    At a time when a steadily climbing global human population needs food , more grain is being used as animal feed .

  18. 如何监管好社会保障基金的投资运营是关系到社会稳定和亿万老年人口生活的重要课题。

    How supervises the good social insurance fund the investment operation is relates the social stability and trillion old population life important topic .

  19. 研究表明:(1)稳定平衡态时人口数量与土地资源生产潜力总量成正比;

    The results of study show : ( 1 ) The population is proportional to gross potential land resource productivity in equilibrium state ;

  20. 运用耗散结构理论对人口系统的演化问题进行了研究,并用非线性系统的稳定判据得出了人口持续发展目标。

    This paper studies evolution problem of population and discusses its sustainable development goal by using the theory of dissipative structures and nonlinear stability criteria for nonlinear system .

  21. “在全球普遍将注意力集中在银行资源和一揽子经济刺激计划的同时,我们不应忘记,如果发展中国家的经济形势不稳定,其贫困人口将面临更大风险,”佐利克说。

    " While much of the world is focused on bank rescues and stimulus packages , we should not forget that poor people in developing countries are far more exposed if their economies falter ," Zoellick said .