
wěn dìnɡ zhuànɡ tài
  • stable state;plateau
  1. 如果你每日坚持跳舞,即使舞蹈难度大,你的身体仍能保持稳定状态。

    If you are dancing every day , your body hits a fitness plateau , even if the dancing is very difficult .

  2. 这支队正处于赛季中期的不稳定状态。

    The team is experiencing a mid-season wobble .

  3. 当植物干枯时,这些物质首先呈现蜂蜜的特性,然后是橡胶的,最后进入一种类似玻璃的状态,法兰特称该状态是“植物可以维持的最稳定状态。”

    As the plant dries , these resources take on first the properties of honey , then rubber , and finally enter a glass-like state that is " the most stable state that the plant can maintain , " Farrant says .

  4. 执行task足够多次,以确保出现稳定状态的执行数据。

    Execute task enough times to ensure that its steady-state execution profile has emerged .

  5. 剪开后的血管环迅速展开成C形,并逐渐趋于一个稳定状态,即零应力状态。

    The segments spring open into " C " shape immediately and approach the zero-stress state .

  6. 负载控制是无线资源管理中重要的一部分,它通过为不同业务选择合适的实时传输参数来达到合适的QoS和保持系统工作在稳定状态。

    As the important part of RRM , congestion control can determine the appropriate transmission parameter for AT and keep the system in a steady state .

  7. 我们建议在每次调整之后等待一周,以确保Domino服务器保持稳定状态。

    We recommend that after every adjustment , you wait a week to make sure the Domino server remains in a stable state .

  8. 确保度量处于稳定状态,即JMS和动作队列为超载。

    Ensure that measurements are steady state , that is , that the JMS event and actions queues and topics are not overloaded .

  9. TiC/Ni3Al系梯度功能材料在稳定状态下的隔热应力及其组成分布优化

    Heat-isolated stress of a tic / ni_3al functionally gradient materials in steady-state and its compositional distribution optimization

  10. 在鸽肝脏RNA中编玛原α1(1)胶原和弹性硬蛋白mRNA的稳定状态水平之间未见差异。

    No differences in steady state levels of mRNA coding for pro α 1 ( 1 ) collagen and elastin were observed in RNA extracted from liver of WCP and SRP .

  11. 序列相关性表示JVM还没有达到稳定状态(其特征是执行时间有小幅随机波动)。

    Serial correlation indicates that the JVM has not reached its steady-state performance profile ( which should be characterized by execution times having small random variations ) .

  12. 当系统达到稳定状态时,COD去除率可达599%~693%,各项指标均可达到地表水三类水质标准。

    When stable situation was acquired , the removal ratio of COD was 59.9 % ~ 69.3 % , and each index could attain the third level surface water quality standards .

  13. 这表示W3C认为这个规范已经处于稳定状态,并鼓励开发人员实现这个规范。

    This means that the W3C believes the specification is in a stable state and encourages developers to create implementations of the specification .

  14. 研究发现,在驯化20d后整个反应系统已处于稳定状态。

    After 20d , the entire response system is already in stable state .

  15. 说到测试,您的测试长度应该最少为10-15分钟以便JVM能够优化字节码和运行时达到稳定状态。

    Speaking of testing , your test length should be minimally be10-15 minutes in length in order for the JVM to optimize the bytecode and runtime to stabilize .

  16. 实现了随机Petri网模型的可达集生成算法和同构马尔可夫链的构造及其稳定状态概率的求解等关键技术;

    The crucial technologies including the reachability set algorithm of the stochastic Petri net model , the constitution of the homogeneous Markov chain , and the computation of the steady state probability are implemented .

  17. 获得了γ+α2双相片层组织,处于稳定状态的增强相Al2O3分布于基体界面。

    A duplex structure consisting of the laminar phase containing α 2 + γ can be obtained , in which reinforced Al2O3 phase distributed in interface is in stable state .

  18. 本文是对内燃机凸轮-挺柱副不稳定状态承载弹性流体动力润滑(简称动态弹流润滑或动态EHL)油膜厚度和其他润滑参数的计算及其润滑性能分析研究的继续。

    This paper is a continuation of the computation of unsteady loaded EHLfilm thickness of cam-tappet pairs of IC engines and analysis of its lubrication performance .

  19. 在此基础上,对于TiC/Ni3Al系梯度材料(FGM)在稳定状态下产生的隔热应力,利用有限元方法进行了热弹性模型下的三维解析。

    The heat-isolated stress of a disk-like TiC / Ni3Al FGM in steady-state are analyzed under the assumption of thermoelasticity with an axisymmetric finite element method .

  20. 并以Hep-2细胞系为代表,应用免疫荧光方法检测喉癌中心体扩增情况;常规和高分辨G显带及荧光原位杂交(FISH)分析染色体不稳定状态。

    Meanwhile Hep - 2 cell line was used as an example to detect centrosomal amplification by immunofluorescence and chromosomal instability by routine and high - resolution G - banding and fluorescent in situ hybridization ( FISH ) .

  21. 结果显示,在4d内微生物开始附着纤维载体生长,反应器经过30d驯化启动即进入稳定状态;

    The results showed that microorganism had settled on the surface of granula in 4 days and the reactor had achieved stable state for 30-day domestication .

  22. 重熔过程达稳定状态后,分点加入氧化剂(Fe2O3粉)或脱氧剂(Ca-Si粉或金属Ca)。

    After the remelting process reaching a steady state an oxidizer ( Fe_2O_3 powder ) or a deoxidizer ( Ca & Si powder or metallic Ca ) is added to the slag bath by point .

  23. 文章运用进化博弈的方法对B2C市场进行了分析,在市场信息缺失的条件下,买卖双方对效用或利润的追求,会促进市场达到稳定状态。

    This paper analyzes B2C market with Evolutionary Game Theories . On the condition of less information , businesses and customers will pursue profits and benefit , force the market to be evolutionary stable .

  24. 在食管鳞状细胞癌发生发展中,是否有错配修复缺陷途径的参与,是否存在基因组不稳定状态,MSI和LOH各自发挥了什么作用,都是需要阐明的问题。

    The role of MSI and LOH is not very clear in the oncogenesis and process of esophagus squamous cell carcinoma , as well as of MMR genes and genome instability .

  25. 当激活工艺稳定状态下,光谱性能差是因GaAs发射层表面氧化,受碳污染及玻璃粘接应力过大等因素造成。

    We found that after steady activation , three major factors , including the oxidation and carbon contamination of the GaAs surfaces , and the glue-induced high stress at the interface of glass and GaAs , inversely affect the electron emission .

  26. 定子电阻的估算策略是从电机的模型出发,根据定子电流跟随定子电阻变化的特性,采用PI调节器对电阻进行补偿,使转矩和磁链的重新回到稳定状态。

    The stator resistance estimation strategy is to proceed from the motor model , according to the stator current change with the stator resistance , using PI regulator to compensate for resistance to turn torque and flux linkage back to a stable state .

  27. 实验结果表明,随着HMM从单音素建模到三音素建模的转换,测试语句在语句级和字词级的识别率都呈增加的趋势,捆绑三音素后识别率达到稳定状态。

    Experiential results showed that as the HMM changed from mono-phone model to tri-phone mode , the recognition accuracy of statement-level and word-level were both increased , and reached a higher level after Tied-State Tri-phone model was employed .

  28. 本研究根据稳定状态理论与临界孔隙比(ecr)对细粒散料的振动松散与密实机理进行了实验分析和研究。

    In this paper , based on the stable state theory and the stable void ratio ( e cr ), the loosening and concentrating effect of the stuff has been studied through experimental and theoretical methods .

  29. 关于四元数BAM网络的稳定性,我们证明了不论是并行更新还是串行更新,对于给定的任意权值矩阵四元数BAM网络都会有限步收敛到一个稳定状态。

    About the stability of quaternionic BAM network , we prove that the network would converge to a stable state in finite steps for any given weight matrix in both synchronous and asynchronous updating mode .

  30. 而且,随着HLD的不断充实,在达到稳定状态(一个文档中的更改不会对其他文档造成影响)前,也可能会出现其他意料之外的需求。

    Moreover , as the HLD is fleshed out , additional and unexpected requirements will likewise appear until a steady state is achieved and changes in one document don 't substantially affect the other .