
  • 网络conservatism;Conservatism Principle
  1. 文章首先阐述了稳健性原则及其应用的合理性;

    The article explains the conservatism principle and its rationality at firs ;

  2. 稳健性原则在股份制企业中应用刍议

    The application of conservatism principle in the accounting of the joint-stock enterprise

  3. 稳健性原则在企业中的合理应用

    The Rational Application of the Principle of Solidity for the Enterprise

  4. 论财务管理中稳健性原则的应用

    The Discussion about the Application of Conservative Principle to Financial Management

  5. 浅议稳健性原则在企业会计核算中的运用

    Brief discussion on the use of the principle of steadiness in accounting

  6. 应用稳健性原则做好坏帐准备的核算

    The application of steadiness principle to accounting of allowance on bad debts

  7. 稳健性原则在以往的准则中都有所体现。

    The principle of conservatism is contained in the pasted accounting standard .

  8. 会计稳健性原则的应用及其负面影响

    The Application of Accounting Sound Principle and its Negative Effects

  9. 浅议稳健性原则与其它会计原则的冲突

    On Conflicts Between The Steady Principle And Other Account Principles

  10. 我们以前提过会计稳健性原则。

    We previously have made reference to the accounting concept of conservatism .

  11. 会计稳健性原则的应用分析

    The Application Analysis of the Steady Principle of Accounting

  12. 稳健性原则在我国会计实务中的运用效果分析

    The Application of Analysis of Conservative Principle in Accounting Practice in Our Country

  13. 稳健性原则在准则层面上的强化能够更好地应对不确定性因素对资产减值会计实施效果的影响。

    The intensification of conservatism helps to against uncertainty .

  14. 现代会计中稳健性原则的运用及操作

    Application and Operation of Conservatism Principle in Modern Accounting

  15. 稳健性原则是会计核算中一个非常重要的会计原则。

    Conservatism principle is one of rather important principles for an accounting system .

  16. 其计提依据是稳健性原则和配比原则。

    Their provision is based on sound principles and the principle of proportion .

  17. 稳健性原则是企业会计核算和信息披露所遵循的一条重要会计原则。

    Conservatism principle is an important accounting principle abided by accounting and disclosure .

  18. 公允价值与稳健性原则可能存在冲突。

    There has existed conflict between conservatism and fair value in possibility . 3 .

  19. 稳健性原则在会计中运用的研究

    On the Application of Steady Principle in Accounting

  20. 论会计稳健性原则浅谈会计的谨慎性原则

    TALKING ABOUT THE PRINCIPLE OF THE ACCOUNTANTS PRUDENCE Discussion on the Conservatism Principle of Accounting

  21. 浅论稳健性原则的运用

    On the Exertion of the Solidity Principle

  22. 试论稳健性原则及其现实运用

    On Conservatism Principle and Its Used

  23. 对稳健性原则的探讨

    Research on the firm Principle

  24. 关于稳健性原则的探讨

    A discussion on steady principle

  25. 会计师应遵循稳健性原则,以便合理地确定可能发生的损失和费用。

    Accountants should follow the conservatism principle so as to determine the possible loss and expense reasonably .

  26. 稳健性原则要求在确认利得时,需要具有更高的可证实程度,这是对可靠性的进一步强化。

    Conservatism principle requires that when confirm the profit , it needs a higher degree of reliability .

  27. 一直以来,会计稳健性原则都是会计理论界与实务界争论的热点之一。

    Accounting conservatism principle has been the hot debating point in accounting theories and practices since long time ago .

  28. 因此,必须采取有力措施把握好这些负面影响,用好会计稳健性原则。

    Hence , we should take effective measures to control the negative effects and make full use of it .

  29. 在我国,稳健性原则在理论上不断得到完善,在实践中不断得到充分运用。

    In our country , the prudent principle is perfected constantly in theory and getting abundant application constantly in practice .

  30. 随着会计改革进程的推进,稳健性原则在我国会计准则中的地位与作用逐渐得到明确和肯定。

    With the development of accounting reform , the function and role of conservatism have been recognized gradually in China .