
  • 网络Island of stability;stable island
  1. 对超重元素稳定岛存在问题的讨论

    A discussion on the existance of the super-heavyweight element 's stable island

  2. 蔡氏电路的建模、仿真及混沌稳定岛图的研究

    Research of modeling , simulation and chaos stable parameter diagrams for chua 's circuit

  3. 以电路实验数据为依据,首次绘制出两个混沌电路的稳定岛图。

    Finally , based on circuit experimental data , stable-parameter diagrams of two chaotic circuits were given for the first time .

  4. Dullmann博士所述的119号元素也并不能达到稳定岛,它只有177个中子。但如果119号元素可以合成,将会是走向传说中的稳定岛的一个台阶,而稳定元素岛是公认的有价值的目的地。

    Dr Dullmann 's version of element 119 will not quite be there . It will have only 177 neutrons . But if it can be made , it will be a stepping stone towards the fabled island of stability , which is generally agreed to be a worthwhile destination .

  5. 正如在周期表上本不该有放射性的部分存在着锝和钷这样的不稳定元素岛一样,许多物理学家相信,在周期表不稳定的底部区域会有一座稳定元素岛。

    Just as technetium and promethium are islands of instability in parts of the periodic table which are not normally radioactive , so many physicists believe that in the unstable part at the bottom there lies an island of stability .

  6. 从区域断裂带的活动性和区域稳定性看,信阳市燃气混气站场区处于相对稳定的“岛区”。

    Based on regional tectonical activity and regional stability , the site of gas works of Xinyang City is located at the safe island region .