
  • 网络stable employment
  1. 尽管西方企业在以合理条件提供稳定就业方面名声不错,但这些企业的职业发展前景被认为更加有限。

    While Western companies are known to provide stable employment on reasonable terms , prospects for career development are perceived to be more limited .

  2. 然而,自身综合素质不高,劳动技能缺乏等方面的问题使农民工向非农产业和城镇转移的过程受到影响,使农民工在城镇中的稳定就业难以实现。

    However , because of the low integrated quality and skill , it is difficult for rural migrant workers to transfer to non-agricultural industries and cities and difficult to achieve stable employment .

  3. 他表示,中国今年将加大力度稳定就业。

    He says China will efforts to stabilize employment this year .

  4. 中国将优先稳定就业、保障基本民生。

    China will give priority to stabilizing employment and ensuring living standards .

  5. 政府一直在向国有企业大力施压,要求稳定就业。

    The government has been putting heavy pressure on state-owned businesses to maintain employment levels .

  6. 专家们表示,光是追求预计能够带来稳定就业的领域是不够的。

    It isn 't enough to pursue a field with perceived stability , say the experts .

  7. 然而这只是一个稳定就业(和选票)的权宜之计,对于重振经济则于事无补。

    But it is a sideshow & a way to save jobs ( and votes ), not restart the economy .

  8. 解决失业问题的一个途径是建立有效的失业保险体系。失业保险体系的作用有平滑消费,提高产出、稳定就业等。

    The unemployment insurance system can smooth consumption , promote productivity , stabilize employment . The unemployment insurance can be founded in different ways .

  9. 至于在韩国富豪中该比例如此之高的原因,专家们列举了一些。比如以企业集团为中心的经济结构、不成熟的资本市场,以及更倾向于稳定就业的趋势。

    As reasons for the high percentage of such billionaires in South Korea , experts cited an economic structure centered on conglomerates , an immature capital market and the trend of preferring stable jobs .

  10. 如何实现农村劳动力迁移的有限理性向理性转变是合理引导农村劳动力有序迁移,降低迁移成本,实现稳定就业的关键。

    How to change the bounded rationality of rural labor migration into complete rationality is the key to reasonably guide rural labor to migrate orderly , decrease migration costs , and to achieve stable employment .

  11. 我们要看到,进城务工的农民并没有获得可以在城市体面生活下来的稳定就业和收入条件,当他们无法在城市体面生活下去时,必须要让他们可以返乡。

    What we want to see is whether migrant workers are able to make a decent living in cities , with stable employment and income , and if not , we must allow them to return home .

  12. 实施更加积极的就业政策,全方位促进就业增长,稳定就业局势,对维护社会稳定,保持经济平稳较快发展,具有十分重要的意义。

    The government now is implementing the more positive employment policy , the Omni-directional promotion employment grows to maintain the social stability steadily , and the maintenance economy develops quickly which will have the extremely vital significance .

  13. 有色金属产业是重要的基础原材料产业,产品种类多、应用领域广、产业关联度高,在经济建设、国防建设、社会发展以及稳定就业等方面发挥着重要的作用。

    Nonferrous metal industry is an important basic raw materials industry , product variety , wide application field , high degree of industrial linkage , in economic construction , national defense construction , social development and employment etc play an important role .

  14. 创建充分就业社区,就是要围绕构建和谐社会这个目标,通过开发社区就业岗位,帮助解决下岗失业人员,特别是4050等就业困难群体再就业问题,达到扩大就业、稳定就业目的。

    Build up full employment community should surround the object of establishing harmonious society , through measures of developing society employment position , help the unemployed people , especially 4050 the inadequate employment people , reach the aim of expanding employment and stabilizing employment .

  15. 因此,在深化开放的进程中要关注和构建与服务贸易有关的就业保障和就业培训的必要性,从而增强出口对稳定就业的作用以及减少进口对劳动力市场的负面冲击。

    Therefore , in the process of deepening open to concern and construction and service trade related employment security and the necessity of employment training , thereby to increase exports to stable employment and function of import less of the Labour market negative impact .

  16. 加强培训与教育,先行试点、分布推广低碳产业,以在经济发展与低碳转型中寻求最佳结合点以保持经济的持续增长和稳定就业。

    The way to establish pilot projects first , then to promote the distribution of low-carbon industries is recommended , so that the best combination point between economic development and low-carbon transition can be caught , in order to maintain sustained economic growth and stable employment .

  17. 焦化产业是山西省的主要支柱产业之一,是为冶金产业服务的重要基础能源原材料产业,在山西省经济建设、社会发展、财政税收及稳定就业等方面发挥着重要作用。

    The coked industry is one of the main pillar industries of Shanxi province , which is important foundation energy raw material industry serving for the metallurgy industry , and played an important role in economic development , social development , financial tax revenue and stable employment of Shanxi province .

  18. 妇女就业状况稳定,就业结构趋于合理。

    The condition of women employment has remained stable , and the employment structure is being rationalized .

  19. 要想确保社会稳定和就业水平,变革必须是循序渐进而理性的。

    Changes have to be incremental and sensible if they are to ensure social stability and employment levels .

  20. 中国制造:全球化时代不稳定的就业与外来女工。

    Title of paper made in china : precarious employment and female migrant workers in the age of globalization .

  21. 如何提高农民工素质、增强其择业竞争力,是促进其稳定的就业的保障。

    To solve how to enhance the quality and improve the competition of rural workers insure them to be employed steadily .

  22. 维特纳表示,住房市场自2012年开始复苏,这要得益于稳定的就业形势以及达到历史最低点的抵押贷款利率。

    Vitner says the housing market began to recover in 2012 , helped by steady job gains and record-low mortgage rates .

  23. 正如最近关于燃油价格的抗议所示,稳定的就业和不断上涨的工资并不是社会稳定的唯一条件。

    As the recent protests over fuel costs made clear , steady jobs and rising incomes are not the only conditions for social stability .

  24. 首次申领失业救济金人数经季节性调整为36万人,但是这个数字仍符合美国经济目前稳定的就业形势。

    New jobless claims rose to a seasonly adjusted 360000 but that 's still in line with steady job gains in the US economy .

  25. 智联招聘首席执行官兼董事郭盛称,随着经济的稳定,就业市场第三季度继续改善。

    Guo Sheng , chief executive and director of Zhaopin.com , said the job market in the third quarter continued to improve as the economy steadied .

  26. 由于某些原因,现有劳动力人口中的一部分目前仍滞留各地再就业中心的大龄下岗困难职工,将可能永远无法再回到社会主导产业中去,或找到稳定的就业机会。

    For certain reasons , some poor employees at old age , who are still staying at the reemployment center in different areas , will probably not return to the main industries and find stable employment opportunities .

  27. 因此,如何提高农民工自身综合素质和劳动技能,实现农民工稳定非农就业,已成为国内外学术界关注的热点问题。

    Therefore , how to improve their comprehensive quality and labor skills as well as how to achieve the stable job for rural migrant workers , which has become a hotspot in domestic and foreign academic circles .

  28. 目前,我省的就业状况基本保持稳定,就业政策的调节功能发挥了重要作用,但是就业形势依然严峻,仍需要不断完善就业政策。

    At present , the employment situation remained stable , the regulating function of employment policy has played an important role , but the employment situation is still grim , still need to improve the employment policies .

  29. 统计研究显示,无论在我国还是世界其他国家,中小企业已经成为拉动经济增长、增加国家税收、推动自主创新、稳定城镇就业的主要企业群体。

    Statistical studies shows that whether in China or other countries all around the world , SMEs have become a driving force of economic growth , state tax revenue increasing , innovation promotion and urban employment stable in the major business groups .

  30. 伴随着经济的信息化和全球化,人类步入知识经济时代,由于外界环境的变化以及组织结构的调整,组织已不能为员工提供相对稳定的就业环境。

    Along with the globalization and knowledge of economy , we are stepping into the times of knowledge economy , because of the change of environment and rectifications of organization structure , the organizations can not provide employees with stable employment environment .