
  1. 基于大学教育与失业预警机制的大学生就业应对措施探讨

    Measure analysis for undergraduate employment based on university education and the System of unemployment early-warning

  2. 希望自己的研究能对我国失业预警机制完善,失业问题防范有所裨益。

    Hopes the research can improve the early warning mechanism in our country , the problem of unemployment prevention benefit .

  3. 这就为失业风险预警机制的建立创造了充分的条件。

    It just provided abundant conditions for the establishment of the early-warning mechanism .

  4. 失业风险预警机制研究

    The Study of the Early-warning Mechanism of Unemployment Risk

  5. 然后分析了失业风险预警机制的理论构想;

    Second , it analyzes the theory structure of the early-warning mechanism of unemployment .

  6. 文章首先对构建失业风险预警机制的理论前提进行了解析,为建立失业预警预控管理系统提供可借鉴的理论依据;

    First of all , it analyzes the theory premise of the early-warning mechanism of unemployment .

  7. 沿着这一逻辑起点,我们有可能清晰地把握失业风险预警机制所需的各级子结构,把这些指标合理、科学、系统地构建在一起。

    And belong this , we can grasp every substructure which the early-warning mechanism of unemployment risk needs and integrate these quota rationally by the numbers .