
shī mián
  • insomnia;sleepless;lose sleep;wakefulness;agrypnia;ahypnosis
失眠 [shī mián]
  • [insomnia]辗转不能入眠或半夜醒后无法再入睡

失眠[shī mián]
  1. 由荷兰医疗保健及电子集团飞利浦(philips)委托进行的这项调查显示,美国人比其他国家的人更有可能因为工作压力而失眠,有30%的人称,工作压力导致他们半夜醒来。

    Americans are more likely than other nationalities to lose sleep through stress at work , with 30 per cent citing it as the reason they wake up in the night , according to the survey commissioned by Philips , the Dutch healthcare and Electronics Group .

  2. 我们偶尔是否会因为担心自己的将来而失眠呢?

    Do we occasionally lose sleep worrying about the future ?

  3. 深夜喝浓咖啡或浓茶可能会导致失眠。

    Strong coffee or tea late at night may cause sleeplessness

  4. 她失眠了。

    Sleep eluded her

  5. 成年人失眠是常有的事。

    Insomnia is fairly common among adults .

  6. 他受到失眠的折磨。

    He was plagued by insomnia .

  7. 昨夜我作了个恶梦,失眠了。

    I had a nightmare last night , and lost sleep .

  8. 病人昨夜失眠。

    The patient had a sleepless night last night .

  9. 如何让失眠不再困扰我?

    How to let insomnia perplex me no longer ?

  10. 失眠使他的眼皮浮肿。

    Loss of sleep bagged his eyes .

  11. 这些公司中包括一些此行业的重量级公司,如电子艺界、失眠者游戏工作室、动视暴雪和迪士尼。

    The companies include some of the heavyweights of the industry , like Electronic Arts Productions , Insomniac Games , Activision and Disney .

  12. 例如,失眠可能使学生晚上无法入睡,导致学生上课时间疲惫不堪,这是一个严重的问题,患者可能需要接受医疗护理。

    For example , inasomnia , which may keep a student up at night , causing exhaustion during class hours , is a serious problem that may require medical attention .

  13. 具体症状包括,分析能力丧失、不断搜索更多信息、焦虑和失眠症状加剧,以及决策时自我怀疑。

    Symptoms might include the paralysis , as well as increasing self-doubt in decision-making .

  14. 但在私底下,他们饱受惊恐症和失眠的困扰,很自卑,甚至会想到自杀。

    But underneath3 they are suffering secret panic attacks , insomnia4 , crushing low self-esteem and even suicidal thoughts .

  15. 这两个省份的人每晚睡眠时间在7至8小时的比例更高,失眠比例也较低。

    They also reported higher rates of securing seven to eight hours of sleep at night and lower rates of insomnia .

  16. 研究显示,闷爆引发的抑郁症在工作之余会继续困扰着职员,并会引发失眠、头痛等身体不适。

    Studies show depression from boreout can follow workers outside the office , and lead to physical ailments11 from insomnia12 to headaches .

  17. 失眠时想到的人通常控制着你的快乐、痛苦。

    The person on your mind while you 're unable to sleep is usually the person responsible for your happiness , pain .

  18. 过去的研究曾将深夜听音乐与改善失眠者的睡眠质量联系在一起,这或许是因为听音乐可以让身体放松。

    Past studies have linked late-night music listening with better sleep in those with insomnia7 , perhaps because it can relax the body .

  19. 中国睡眠研究会此前发布的报告显示,中国成年人有失眠困扰的超过38%,而且这一比率逐年攀升。

    Previous reports released by the society showed that more than 38 percent of Chinese adults suffer from insomnia6 , with the rate climbing each year .

  20. 专家表示,除了鼻部症状,如控制不当,过敏还可能引发肺部疾病、哮喘、失眠、焦虑、抑郁。

    Besides nose-related symptoms , it can also lead to lung disease , asthma , anxiety and depression if not controlled properly , according to experts .

  21. 基本上,失眠者在宝贵的几小时睡眠时间内睡眠强度更大,从而导致他们的梦更生动。

    Basically , people who are sleep-deprived tend to have greater sleep intensity17 during the precious few hours they manage to sleep , which leads to more vivid dreams .

  22. 经济与社会研究委员会指出,据认为,西方世界有10%到30%的成年人随时遭受失眠困扰。

    In the Western world , insomnia2 is thought to affect between 10 and 30 percent of adults at any one time , according to the Economic and Social Research Council .

  23. 2014年发表在期刊《大脑皮层》上一篇研究报告称,记得自己梦的研究参与者“失眠程度”是其他人的两倍,这意味着他们更频繁地醒来。

    According to a 2014 report in Cerebral15 Cortex , study participants who remembered their dreams had twice as much " wakefulness , " which could be taken to mean they woke up more often .

  24. 睡眠慈善机构的发言人称:“尽管处方药物有助于治疗短期失眠,打破睡眠不良的恶性循环,但不能根治失眠。他们其实只是在掩盖症状。”

    A spokesperson for The Sleep Charity said : “ While prescription7 drugs can help with short-term insomnia , and help to break a cycle of poor sleep , it doesn 't tackle the root problem . They really just mask the symptoms .

  25. 研究人员按照参与者运动量的高、中、低三个水平进行分组,并根据他们的睡眠时长、上床时间以及失眠、打鼾和白天嗜睡情况,给他们的睡眠质量打分(最低为0分,最高为5分)。

    Participants were grouped into three levels of physical activity ( high , medium or low ) and were also given a sleep quality score from 0-5 based on the amount of shut-eye they got , how late they stayed up , insomnia4 , snoring and daytime sleepiness .

  26. 想到新年、春节的大量花销,和同事、老板间的应酬,各类部门总结,人事变动,很多人都会感到厌烦、无助、焦虑、恐慌,甚至出现肠胃不适、头疼、失眠等一系列亚健康症状。

    Thinking of the New Year 's day , Spring Festival of large spending and all kinds of colleagues , the boss of entertaining , and all types of unit summary , the personnel changes , many people feel boring , workplace helpless , agitated and so on a series of sub health symptoms .

  27. “情境性失眠”指的是生活中的短期因素导致的暂时性的失眠症,比如旅行途中(换了床睡觉),或者生活环境发生了改变(失去工作、离婚、至亲去世等等)。

    Situational insomnia1 refers to a temporary form of insomnia that occurs as a result of short-term factors present in a person 's life , ranging from travel ( sleeping in a strange bed ) to changed life circumstances ( e.g. , job loss , divorce , death of a loved one , etc. ) .

  28. 在改善眩晕、心烦易怒、失眠多梦等临床症状方面,治疗组亦优于对照组(P<0.05)。

    And the effect of YQG for dizziness , irritability and insomnia was better than the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  29. TESS量表以头痛、激越、失眠、嗜睡、恶心等多见。

    Headache , agitate , insomnia , lethargy , nausea are more to meet .

  30. 以正常的脑电作为刺激源,通过基于MATLAB的小波分析进行脑电数据处理,对特定穴位进行电刺激,达到治疗失眠的效果。

    Processed by the MATLAB-based wavelet analysis , normal EEG signal is used as stimulating source to stimulate brain at proper points for insomnia treatment .