
shī yè bǔ chánɡ
  • unemployment compensation
  1. 失业补偿保险/失业救济金这一较为复杂的概念也是如此。

    The same can be said with the trickier concept of unemployment compensation insurance / benefits .

  2. 代表人应该支付所有社会福利和法定失业补偿必须的税款和物资;

    Representative shall pay all taxes and contributions required of Representative under social security and unemployment compensation laws ;

  3. 他得到一年的工资作为失业补偿金。

    He received one year 's salary as compensation for loss of office

  4. 这些福利包括:社会保障金,工人补偿金,失业补偿津贴,保险,以及退休金。

    These include : social security , workers compensation , unemployment compensation , insurance , and retirement benefits .

  5. 案件综述:被上诉人要求上诉人缴纳应当支付给州失业补偿基金的差额。

    OVERVIEW : Appellee state sought to collect from appellant corporation a deficiency in the payment of contributions to the state unemployment compensation fund .

  6. 没有人表示要对失业矿工给予补偿。

    There was no attempt to recompense the miners for the loss of their jobs .

  7. 我们是否应该重振经济而不是为失业者提供补偿?

    Rather than compensate people for unemployment should we not rebuild the economy ?

  8. 非商业的公共支出(如付给失业人员的补偿费或退休人员的福利)。

    A public expenditure ( as for unemployment compensation or veteran 's benefits ) that is not for goods and services .

  9. 因此,投资不能仅仅被看作是对技术性失业的一种补偿方式,相反,投资甚至有可能强化了技术创新对劳动力的替代效应。

    In other words , labour-saving techniques are introduced through gross investments and so the latter can not simply be considered a way in which to compensate for technological unemployment ; on the contrary , gross investments can even reinforce the process of substitution of labour .

  10. 相反,下岗和失业的工人可以提交索取失业补偿金,这将导致政府有财政负担。

    In contrast , workers who are laid off and unemployed can file claims for unemployment compensation , which results in a financial burden for the government .

  11. 在市场经济中,拯救儿童是一项没有利润的工作,政府也不会提供补助。失业救济结束时退出率增长:是退出了失业补偿系统还是开始了新工作?

    The market did not reward saving the lives of these children , and governments did not subsidize it . The Spike at Benefit Exhaustion : Leaving the Unemployment System or Starting a New Job ?