
  • 网络Small Government;limited government;little government
  1. 你只是在选择减税或加税,小政府或大政府。

    You were for either tax cuts or tax hikes , small government or big government .

  2. 小政府玩转大市场&解读开发区的江宁模式

    Small Government and Big Market

  3. 小政府:渊源、意义及其向度

    The Origin and Significance and Direction of " Little Government "

  4. 边沁小政府思想对以后新自由主义思想构成了重要的影响。

    His government thought has an impact on new liberalism afterward .

  5. 对海南特区小政府、大社会的质疑&兼论海南特区的基本经验及教训

    Basic Experience and Lessons in the Construction of Hainan Special Economic Zone

  6. 他是一场主张低税、小政府的运动的政治领袖。

    He was the political leader of a low-tax , small-government movement .

  7. 但不论双方提出怎样的竞选纲领,小政府方案都已赢得了胜利。

    Yet for all the rhetoric , the small-government agenda has already prevailed .

  8. 目前的多级政府是从最初的单一层次的小政府发展演化过来的。

    Current multilevel governments evolved and developed from the original single level little government .

  9. 责任政府论小政府是有权威的责任政府&边沁功利主义政府思想分析

    The Micro-government : A Responsible Government with Authority ── Analysis on Bentham 's Government Theory

  10. 以小政府、大服务的原则调整政府机构;

    Adjust government organizations under the principle of " simplified government and magnified service " ;

  11. 当今,政府有效性成为人们关注的核心,有效政府成为小政府模式发展的向度。

    Effective government has become the direction in which " Little Government " is to be developed .

  12. 社会建构是实现小政府、大社会改革目标的基础性工作,第三部门的培育和发展又是社会建构的重要方面。

    The development of the third sector is an important aspect in social building of contemporary China .

  13. 在思想上对西方亦步亦趋的亚洲,遵循着有关建立“自由市场”和“小政府”的共识路线。

    Intellectually subservient to the west , it followed the consensus of freer markets and smaller states .

  14. 怀疑者则批评联合政府施行不必要的削减措施,仅仅是源于意识形态上对小政府的热爱。

    Sceptics accuse the coalition of unnecessary cuts , fuelled by an ideologically driven love of small government .

  15. 作为一位主张小政府的民粹主义者,桥下彻通过抨击官僚和工会赢得了民众的支持。

    A populist who favours small government , he has won support by bashing bureaucrats and labour unions .

  16. 茶党是由相信小政府和自力更生的来自不同阶层的市民组成。

    The tea party is a group of diverse citizens who believe in small government and self reliance .

  17. 布什总统8年前入主白宫的时候大力倡导低税收、小政府。

    President Bush came into office eight years ago with an agenda of low taxes and limited government .

  18. 但是他坚信在小政府和自由市场里受到保守派和自由主义者的欢迎。

    But his belief in small government and free markets is still popular with economic conservatives and libertarians .

  19. 二是按照小政府大社会的基本模式构建农村的政治组织和经济组织;

    Second , constituting the countryside political organization and economic organization onthe pattern of small government and large society ;

  20. 有效政府,而不是小政府,是经济社会发展的关键。

    Effective government , not the small government , is the key to the development of the economic society .

  21. 机构改革的目的不是要建立小政府,缩小机构规模,精减机构人员,而是要建立一个有效政府。

    The purpose of organizational reform is to have efficient government , rather than simply to lessen the government size .

  22. 社区的事务,应该依照小政府、大社会的管理思路,实现真正的自治。

    Community affairs , should be in accordance with the small government and big society manage rule , to achieve genuine autonomy .

  23. 杜维尔表示,保罗代表了自由主义理想,主张小政府,不干预外国事务,这吸引了许多年轻人。

    Duewel says Ron Paul represents libertarian ideals of small government and non-intervention in foreign affairs that appeal to many young people .

  24. 由于这些特色基本遵循着小政府原则,意味着民间参与环境管理的可能性和必要性。

    The characteristics followed " small government " principle basically , and meant non-governmental possibility and necessity to participate in environmental management .

  25. 在经历了小政府论、大政府论之后,现在世界范围内都认同了适度政府论。

    After the small government theory , the big government theory , now the proper government theory is commonly agreed throughout the world .

  26. 行业协会作为市场经济的重要组成部分,是小政府、大社会的中坚力量。

    As an important component of market economy , trade association is the core force of " little government , big society " .

  27. 邮政民营化改革是小泉政府实现其小政府、大经济施政纲领的具体体现。

    Postal privatization reform is the concrete expression of the political program " big businesses and small government " of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi .

  28. 公共开支过份膨胀并长期高于经济增长率,已背离香港一向倡导的小政府原则。

    Having public spending consistently exceeding the rate of economic growth is a departure from the principle of small government we have always promoted .

  29. 杜维尔希望,小政府运动将在未来几年不断壮大,并且在民主党人和共和党人中都得到支持。

    Duewel says he hopes the limited government movement will gain force in the years ahead and take hold among both Democrats and Republicans .

  30. 在我国,鼎力发铺慈善事业有利于“小政府大社会”的政治体系体例改造目的的树立;

    In our country , develops the philanthropy is advantageous to " the small government big society " the political reform goal establishment vigorously ;