
zāi hài báo xiǎn
  • disaster insurance;casualty insurance
  1. 中国自然灾害保险风险度综合评判与区划

    The Comprehensive Assessment and Regionalization of Natural Disaster Insurance Risk in China

  2. 灾害保险赔案数据库的建立及应用&以湖南省溆浦县保险赔案数据库为例

    The construction and application of the disaster insurance case database

  3. CCRIF将使政府能够购买类似业务中断保险那样的灾害保险,使它们能够在强烈飓风或地震发生之后,尽早获得现金支付。

    The CCRIF will enable governments to purchase catastrophe coverage akin to business interruption insurance that will provide them with an early cash payment after a major hurricane or earthquake .

  4. 四川省地质灾害保险的风险分析方法研究

    Risk Analysis for Insurance of Geology Disaster in Sichuan Province

  5. 它们还将获得十年的自然灾害保险。

    They will also be insured against natural calamities for ten years .

  6. 试论我国重大自然灾害保险制度的构建

    On the Construction of Insurance System of Major Natural Disasters in China

  7. 建立生命线工程的灾害保险制度

    Establishment of the disaster insurance system of lifeline projects

  8. 北京山区泥石流灾害保险的风险评判方法研究

    Risk assessment for insurance of debris flow disaster in mountain area in Beijing

  9. 四川省泥石流灾害保险的风险分析与区划

    Risk analysis and regionalization for the insurance of debris-flow disaster in Sichuan Province

  10. 第二十五条国家鼓励单位和个人参加地震灾害保险。

    Article 25 The State encourages units and individuals to insure against earthquake disasters .

  11. 陕西省灾害保险赔案分析及防灾减灾

    Analysis on Reparation Case of Disaster Insurance and Disaster Prevention and Reduction in Shaanxi

  12. 日本地震灾害保险体制的形成及其问题

    Introduction to earthquake insurance system in Japan

  13. 自然灾害保险风险分析

    Analysis of natural disaster 's insurance risk

  14. 基于委托&代理理论的自然灾害保险模型

    Research on Insurance Model for Natural Disaster Based on the Theory of Principal and Agent

  15. 泥石流灾害保险起到对受灾区灾后补偿的作用。

    Debris flow hazard insurance on the affected areas are playing the role of post-disaster compensation .

  16. 软土地区地下隧道地震灾害保险费率厘定和理赔探讨

    Discussion on the Seismic Calamity Insurance Premium Rate of Underground Tunnel in Soft district Clay and Claims

  17. 而建立专门的灾害保险法律制度,也是针对我国灾害防治法律制度的缺失所提出的,非常具有针对性。

    At last , it is very important to establish the specialized disaster insurance legal system in china .

  18. 介绍了建立自然灾害保险风险分析的数学模型的方法;

    The method of establishing the mathematics model to do the insurance risk analysis for the natural disaster is introduced .

  19. 保险作为一种集合风险和分散风险的有效机制,重大灾害保险成为重大灾害风险管理的重要途径之一。

    As an effective mechanism for risk diversification , major disaster insurance is one of the important ways in disaster risk management .

  20. 然后运用期望效用理论,给出在逆选择以及保费补贴等条件约束下海洋灾害保险决策模型。

    Then according to the expected utility theory , gives the model for marine disaster insurance in the constraint conditions such as premium subsidy and adverse selection .

  21. 最后根据评判结果得到了各风险区的自然灾害保险风险度,由此绘制了中国自然灾害保险风险区划图。

    At last , every region 's natural disaster insurance risk degree can be concluded from the assessed result and then the regionalization map of China is drawn .

  22. 自然灾害保险包括地震保险在城市发展规划中起着减轻财产损失,加速恢复重建的重要作用。

    The natural disaster insurance , including earthquake insurance , plays an important role in city developmental planning to reduce property losses , speed up restoration and reconstruction .

  23. 而在社会保障制度中占重要地位的社会保险制度,主要包括医疗、年金、雇佣、劳动灾害保险等各项内容。

    The social insurance system occupies an important position in the social security system , which includes medical care , annuity , employment and labor / calamity insurance , etc.

  24. 因此,灾害保险业是城市发展规划顺利运作的支柱之一,是严格实施发展规划标准的监督者。

    So the disaster insurance is one of the pillars for implementing smoothly city developmental planning , and acts as a supervisor to strictly implement the standards of city developmental planning .

  25. 随着当前改革步伐的加快,以及全社会商品意识和保险意识的提高,包括地震在内的灾害保险问题已提到议事日程上来。

    As the present reform steps are speeding up and commodity awareness and insurance awareness are raising , the disaster insurance problems including earthquake insurance have been placed on the agenda .

  26. 因此,要加强立法,实施地质环境灾害保险,扩大宣传力度。

    On this account , the paper offers some specific methods for improving this situation : strengthening legislature , carrying out geological environmental disasters insurance , and making great efforts on propaganda .

  27. 运用保险精算学方法对海洋灾害保险进行费率厘定,确定海洋灾害的损失分布、信度保费的确定并给出最优定价,以期为海洋灾害保险的开展提供有益的帮助。

    And then it determines the loss distribution of marine disasters , reliability premium and optimal premium pricing in order to provide some useful help to the marine disaster insurance carrying out .

  28. 再利用改进后的数学模型计算出各风险区的自然灾害保险风险度,并绘制了中国自然灾害保险风险区划图;

    After that , every risk region 's natural disaster insurance risk degree is figured out by the improved mathematics model and China 's natural disaster insurance risk regionalization map is drawn .

  29. 我国以个人转移风险和社会分摊风险为主的自然灾害保险很不发达,海洋灾害保险更是一片空白。

    In China , the natural disaster insurance , such as " personal transfer risk " and " social risk sharing ", is very underdeveloped . Also , marine disaster insurance is a blank .

  30. 为此,提出应更多地运用市场经济手段,如经济互补、灾害保险及产业核算等经济政策,以逐步解决资源管理中的公平与效率问题。

    Hence , it is necessary to adopt more market economic instruments such as economic compensation , disaster insurance , and industry account-ing , etc. to gradually solve equity and efficiency problem in forest resources management .