
  1. 面对现代日益复杂多变的灾害性公共危机,唯有规范、强化政府与NGO的相互合作,才能全面提高我国应对危机的综合能力。

    Facing the increasingly complex disaster public crisis , if only standard and strengthen mutual cooperation between the Government and NGO , can China improve the comprehensive ability in order to deal with the crisis .

  2. 因此,在这种政治导向型的灾害性公共危机管理模式下,政治统帅一切,抗灾救灾活动在一定程度上忽略了人本身,偏离了以人为本的价值理念。

    Therefore , under the model of political-guide disaster public management , political command all activity , relief activity neglected the people to a certain extent .

  3. 我国在灾害性公共危机管理方面也更趋于务实,在灾害管理的指导方针、法律制度建设、管理的方式方法等方面都进行了全面的改革和调整。

    China disaster public crisis management is to more pragmatic , the disaster management guidelines , legal system construction and management methods were in a comprehensive reform and adjustment .

  4. 所以,本文分别从政治,管理和法治的途径论述了公民参与重大自然灾害性公共危机治理的重要价值。

    Therefore , from the ways of the politics , management and the rule of law , this paper discusses some important values of citizens participate in public crisis governance of major natural disasters .

  5. 在对灾害性公共危机管理进行一般性概述的基础上,论文通过理论分析和实证考察,对我国建国以来灾害性公共危机管理的制度建设和实践经验进行了认真剖析和深刻反思。

    On the basis of the general overview of the disaster public crises management , through the theoretical analysis and investigation , this article has analysis and rethink the system construction and practical experience of the disaster public crisis management since 1949 .