
  • 网络Public Crisis Events
  1. 公共危机事件中青少年心理危机应对与干预

    Response and Intervention of Adolescence Mental Crisis from Public Crisis Events

  2. 基于突发公共危机事件的企业社会责任营销

    Marketing of the Corporate Social Responsibility Based on the Bursts of Public Crisis Events

  3. 应对和处理公共危机事件是政府一个不可回避的问题。

    Handling public crisis is an inevitable problem for the government .

  4. 广播在公共危机事件中的传播效果研究

    Research on Communication Effects of the Radio Broadcasting in Public Crises

  5. 突发性社会公共危机事件下个体与群体行为决策研究

    Study of Individual and Crowd Behavior Decision under Paroxysmal Social Public Crisis

  6. 我国公共危机事件预警机制建设刍议

    On the Pre-Warning of Public Crisis Mechanism in China

  7. 我国现阶段正处于公共危机事件的高发期。

    The country is on the stage of high-incidence season of public events .

  8. 我国目前正处在突发公共危机事件的高发时期。

    Our country is in the period of high occurrence frequency of public crisis .

  9. 同时,这一时期也是各类公共危机事件的高发期。

    At the same time , this period is the peak time of various public crisis .

  10. 随着经济的飞速发展以及全球化的不断推进,公共危机事件不断出现。

    With the rapid development of economy and promotion of the globalization , Public crisis appears constantly .

  11. 最后,本文将模型植入到公共危机事件案例库系统中,并将其推广应用于其它传染病的预测中。

    Finally , we put them into case base and extend them to other infectious prediction application .

  12. 21世纪人类面临最大的挑战是各种突发性公共危机事件。

    Sudden burst public crisis is the biggest challenge facing all human beings in the 21st century .

  13. 每一次的公共危机事件都引起公众的极大关注,激烈的社会舆论也随之而至。

    Every public crisis attracts great attention of the public and the intense public opinion is substantially coming .

  14. 就都市商业的发展而言,不能不重视对重大自然灾害和突发公共危机事件的应对问题。

    As to the urban commercial development , we should pay enough importance on the disaster and crisis .

  15. 可是,进入新世纪以来频频发生的各类公共危机事件又将人们再次唤醒。

    However , the frequent occurrence of crisis in the new century wake up the public once again .

  16. 究其原因,主要在于近几年国内公共危机事件频发,且事件影响重大。

    The main reason is that some public crises happen in recent years , and they have significant impacts .

  17. 各种各样的公共危机事件日益成为束缚我国和谐社会建设的绊脚石。

    A variety of public crises increasingly become a stumbling tie to block building a harmonious society in China .

  18. 政府应对公共危机事件能力的提高是依靠经济、社会的发展和综合国力不断增强。

    Based on economics ; social development and national strength , the Government should improve the ability of public crisis .

  19. 政府如何有效的应对各类公共危机事件,成为了政府需要探讨的话题。

    The way to effective reaction of the governments for the public crisis events becomes their urgent topic for discussion .

  20. 面对日益频发的公共危机事件,传统单一的政府治理模式暴露出固有的局限性。

    Facing the increasingly frequent public crisis incidents , conventional and single governing made by government has been exposed inherent limitation .

  21. 近年来,世界范围内公共危机事件频繁爆发,且发生频率呈明显上升趋势。

    Recently , public crises have broken out frequently in the world-wide range , while the frequency is on the rise .

  22. 公共危机事件造成了公共领域的失序与动荡,但造就了与危机领导密不可分的危机情境。

    Public crisis caused disorder and unrest in the public domain , but created a crisis linked with the crisis situation .

  23. 在未来很长一段时间内,我国都将面临突发公共危机事件所带来的严峻考验。

    In the future for a very long time , our country will face paroxysmal public crisis brought about by the ordeal .

  24. 主要介绍了论文选题的目的和意义,基于自非典以来的公共危机事件的频发,行政问责问题逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。

    It mainly introduce the purpose and significance of the thesis . After SARS , the administrative accountability system becomes the focus .

  25. 公共危机事件发生过后,如果没有有效的补救措施,那么它所造成的影响可能需要很长时间才能恢复到原来的状态。

    After the incident , without an effective remedy , it may take a long time to return to its original vitality .

  26. 我国正处于经济转轨、社会转型时期,各类公共危机事件频繁发生。

    Now China is in the key period of " economic transition and social transformation ", all kinds of public crisis happen frequently .

  27. 突发公共危机事件指的是突然发生的、影响面广泛的、出乎民众和社会正常心理承受力之外的事件。

    Emergent public crisis refers to the sudden happened , broad-influenced events that beyond the normal psychological endurance of the public and society .

  28. 重特大灾害突发公共危机事件应急决策是一个多元组织型协同决策,涉及众多不同层次的组织和决策专家的智慧。

    The major disaster emergency decision-making is a typical multi-organizational collaborative decision-making , involving many different levels of organization and decision-making experts ' wisdom .

  29. 特别是在突发的公共危机事件中,更是要时刻关注网络舆情的动态。

    Especially in the event of sudden public crisis , the Government is to always pay attention to the network dynamics of public opinion .

  30. 在我国近一段时期发生的公共危机事件中,广播媒体起到了很大的作用。

    The radio broadcasting has played an important role in the public crises . The radio broadcasting is the first media when public crises happening .