
  • 网络cause-related marketing;cause marketing;Public welfare marketing;charity marketing
  1. 百事换新活动也许是目前为止最著名的“公益营销”例子&旨在通过行善而争取顾客。

    Pepsi Refresh is probably the most prominent example so far of " cause marketing " & trying to win customers by ostentatiously doing good .

  2. 相信本文所提出的建议可以帮助中国企业更清楚的认识公益营销,更有效地开展公益营销活动。

    It is hoped that this thesis could give the Chinese enterprises a clear insight of Cause Marketing , and help them to make proper Cause Marketing strategy .

  3. 公益营销:企业品牌助推器

    Commonweal Marketing : Roll Booster of the Enterprise 's Brand

  4. 公益营销;现状;措施;

    Public welfare marketing ; Present situation ; Measure ;

  5. 而作为时下热门话题之一,公益营销活动也越来越被人们接受。

    Cause Marketing , as one of the most popular marketing tools , is getting widely accepted by the public .

  6. 本文在品牌建设对策中着重强调商业银行应注重提炼品牌文化和公益营销。

    In the brand construction countermeasures , this article focuses onthe commercial bank ' cause marketing and refine the brand culture .

  7. 第六、丰富营销模式,通过公益营销、文化营销、深度与广度营销和诚信营销等提升顾客对济南国美品牌及促销活动的感知度。

    Charity marketing , culture marketing , depth and width marketing and integrity marketing can all improve the perceptions of consumers toward Jinan Gome and its sales promotions .

  8. 企业通过公益营销的方式,不仅增加了销售额,提高了知名度、美誉度,也在很大程度上融洽了企业与社会的关系。

    Marketing through public way , not only increased sales , improve the visibility , reputation , but also to a large extent a harmonious relationship between business and society .

  9. 公益营销作为一种新型的营销手段,与其他营销方式的区别在于,公益营销把企业的商业目的与慈善目标结合在了一起,其主要目的在于追求长期的品牌效益。

    With other forms of difference between marketing , public marketing to business goals and charitable goal together , and its main purpose is to pursue long-term effectiveness of the brand .

  10. 第一部分为绪论,综述了国内外学者就公共图书馆营销及公益营销的研究情况,并论述了本文研究的意义、目的。

    In this part , the research situation about public library marketing and cause marketing which has been done by the scholars at home and abroad is reviewed , and makes a discussion on the meaning and purpose of the paper .

  11. 它最终追求的是社会效益的最大化,是公共图书馆对社会的影响,是吸引更多读者来利用图书馆从而确定图书馆在整个信息市场中的应有地位,即应对其实施公益营销。

    To enhance the position of public libraries in the whole information marketing , the final pursuit of public library marketing is the maximizing social profits , their social influence , and absorbing more users to use the library . So we should practice cause marketing to public libraries .

  12. 从14年前平凡起步,到如今,VivaGlam已成为全球公益事业关联营销最大胆、规模最大的样板之一。这种营销手段承诺将收益的一部分捐给非营利性活动,借此推动销售。

    From its modest beginnings 14 years ago , Viva Glam has grown into one of the world 's boldest and largest examples of cause-related marketing , the practice of boosting sales by pledging a share of proceeds to non-profit activities .

  13. 应用该过程模型策划南京市大型科学仪器共享网络的公益事业社会营销项目。

    At last , it applied the managing process model to mastermind the public utility project of the service and communion plat on the network of large scientific instrument in Nanjing .