
  • 网络concept marketing;conceptual marketing
  1. 对企业概念营销实践的理性思考

    The Rational Thought to the Concept Marketing Practice of the Enterprise

  2. 概念营销:用营销概念产下消费的蛋

    Concept Marketing : Make Marketing Conception Produce the Eggs of Consumption

  3. 概念营销是新时代房地产营销模式中的一种整合营销模式。

    Conceptual marketing is an integral marketing pattern in new era .

  4. 论概念营销在房地产市场中的运用

    On the Application of Conceptual Marketing in Real Estate Market

  5. 第三章服务企业概念营销的传播推广。

    Chapter Two The Creation and Form of the Concept in Service Industry .

  6. 走出概念营销的误区十大概念营销

    Go ont of the mistaken idea of concept marketing

  7. 概念营销:一半是海水,一半是火焰

    Concept Marketing : Half Brine , Half Flame

  8. 概念营销的操作模式分析

    Analysis on Executive Model of Conceptual Marketing

  9. 概念营销是最新的,也是实践证明卓有成效的营销方式之一。

    Concept marketing , proved effective in practice , has been increasingly accepted by enterprises .

  10. 产品核心竞争力的三大支柱&产品概念营销观念价值创新策略

    Three Main Power of Product Core Competitiveness Product Concept , Marketing Concept Value Creation Strategy Strategy

  11. 概念营销是企业快速发展的有效手段之一,是企业营销组合策略的重要组成部分。

    Concept marketing ( CM ) is one effective method of enterprise development , and one important factor for enterprise marketing strategies .

  12. 对概念营销的研究和运用主要集中在制造业方面,而对服务行业的概念营销尚未有较系统的理论研究。

    Most of researching on concept marketing focuses on manufacture industry , and there is not much systemic researching on service industry .

  13. 必须指出的是,在地方引发的概念营销,营销是一种特定的含义。

    Must be pointed out that in areas where the initiator of the concept of marketing , marketing is a specific meaning .

  14. 本文提出,要增强四川旅游资源的竞争力应引入注意力经济的思想,通过概念营销来提高四川旅游资源的知名度,并塑造出四川旅游的总体品牌形象。

    This paper holds that it is necessary to strengthen the idea of introducing attention economy to promote competitive power of tourism resources of Sichuan .

  15. 概念营销是一种营销手段,它的出现是遵循着市场经济发展规律的,它和概念炒作是有着本质区别的。

    Conceptual marketing is a sort of marketing means , its emergence conforms to development rule of market economy , and it is essentially different from " concept boast " .

  16. 面对媒体和消费者对概念营销这一营销手段的质疑,学者们各抒己见,因而研究这个问题对房地产企业和消费者都有现实意义。

    Confronting with the doubt of consumer and media , Scholar each airs his own views , so the study of this problem is actually significant to real estate enterprises and consumers .

  17. 如何建立概念营销的营销体系,怎样利用概念营销建立企业的营销优势,是欲图发展的企业亟待解决的问题。

    However , a problem remains unsolved to many companies as to how to establish a concept marketing system and how to bring it into operation in order to gain more competitive advantages .

  18. 本文从服务行业的特点出发,试图解决服务行业和概念营销所共有的抽象性特点对服务业采取概念营销所存在的障碍。

    This thesis is about the researching on concept marketing in service industry and trying to solve some problems which come from the common features of abstract in concept marketing and service industry .

  19. 近年来,一些营销新思维如概念营销、绿色营销、权力营销、情感营销、体验营销等在中国已经被许多企业所运用,并产生了很好的效果。

    Recently , some new marketing concepts such as Concept Marketing , Green Marketing , Executive Power for Marketing , Emotion Marketing and Experience Marketing have been widely applied by many enterprises in China with perfect effects .

  20. 概念营销的目的是使消费者形成对新产品及企业的深刻印象,建立起鲜明的功用概念、特色概念、品牌概念、形象概念、服务概念,以增强企业的竞争实力。

    The aim of conceptual marketing is to make consumer be impressed with new products and enterprises , establishing function concept , feature concept , brand concept , visualizing concept , service concept to enhance the competing strength of enterprises .

  21. 第二章介绍聚类市场、客户细分的相关概念以及营销理论和SWOT分析法。

    The second chapter introduces the related concepts of clustering market , customer segmentation and marketing theory and the SWOT analysis method .

  22. 1965年卡道佐(Cardozo)首次将顾客满意的概念引进营销领域。

    The concept of Customer Satisfaction ( CS ) was introduced to marketing area firstly in 1965 by Cardozo .

  23. 整合:没有概念,营销将会怎样?

    Integration : no concept of marketing will be ?

  24. 有关营销文化的研究目前处于起步阶段,对于营销文化的概念及营销文化的传播要素方面尚未达成共识。

    There is much discuss about the concept and factor of marketing culture .

  25. 本文首先从理论上阐述了市场营销定位的概念及营销定位所应包括的主要内容。

    Firstly , the writer defines the concept and contents of marketing positioning theoretically .

  26. 基于体验经济理论的产品概念与营销创新策略

    The Conception of Product and the Tactics of Marketing Innovation Based on Theory of Experience Economic

  27. 目前,营销学中关于需求概念与营销导向的研究成为学者日益关注的领域。

    The research on the concept of demand and marketing - orientation has drawn more and more attention in China .

  28. 首先,提出三个基本概念:营销传播、营销传播资源、营销传播资源配置。

    There are three basic concepts : marketing propagation , the resource of marketing propagation , the arrangement of marketing propagation resource .

  29. 近年来学者们开始把心理契约这一概念引入营销情境,认为心理契约在营销情境下同样存在。

    In recent years , scholars have begun to introduce psychological contract into marketing context , they think that psychological contract also exists in the marketing context .

  30. 文章探析了产品概念创新营销的内涵、产生的背景以及企业在运作产品概念创新营销策略时应注意的应用原则,列举了几个成功实施产品概念创新营销的案例,以示启迪。

    This paper explores the connotation , relevant background and applying principles of this new marketing mode , and enumerates several successful cases of the marketing of products concept innovation for enlightening .