
ɡài niàn chē
  • concept car
  1. 法拉利表示,概念车的电池被安置在浅盘形地板下方,这种设计能降低重心,从而提高而非妨碍其性能。

    Ferrari said that the design of its concept car , with its batteries positioned below the floorpan , would improve rather than hinder its performance by lowering the centre of gravity .

  2. 上海汽车工业公司(shanghaiautomotiveindustrycorp)展示了一款自主研发的燃料电池混合动力概念车。

    Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation , which has joint ventures with GM and Volkswagen , is showing its own fuel-cell hybrid concept car .

  3. 至少有50辆新车和概念车将在周六开始向公众开放的底特律北美国际汽车展(NorthAmericanInternationalAutoShow)亮相。

    At least 50 new vehicles and concepts are making their debut at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit , which will open to the public on Saturday .

  4. 本文介绍了概念车主观试验评价的内容和方法,并对其中的NVH试验和DoubleLaneChange试验进行阐述。

    The contents and methods of the subjective test evaluation of concept car are introduced including NVH test and double lane change test .

  5. 而奥迪ShootingBrake和沃尔沃XC双门跑车都是插电式混合动力车,跨界概念车。

    The Audi Shooting Brake and the Volvo XC Coupe are both plug-in hybrid , concept crossovers .

  6. Sequel是辆真正意义上的汽车,而非概念车。

    And Sequel truly is a real car .

  7. 电池技术的进步意味着到2020年,电动汽车一次充电可行驶最高600公里,这是大众汽车为其ID电动概念车承诺的目标。

    Battery advances mean that they should be able to drive up to 600km on one charge by 2020 , the range VW promises for its proposed ID car .

  8. 就在马斯克发表这番讲话一天前,在底特律车展上,通用汽车(GeneralMotors)悄然抢占先机,披露了一款以电池电力推动的概念车,其目标价位定为3万美元。

    Mr Musk was speaking a day after General Motors stole a march on rivals at the Detroit motor show by unveiling a battery electric concept car with a targeted price tag of $ 30000 .

  9. 下一章要讨论的是PRT概念车的附属站台设计。

    The next chapter to be discussed is a subsidiary site PRT concept car design .

  10. 北美国际汽车展(theNorthAmericanInternationalAutoShow)上,本田(Honda)公司展出了一款名叫“城市SUV概念车”的车型,造型十分独特,本田预计将在2014年在美国销售这款车型。

    At the North American International Auto Show , Honda ( HMC ) displayed what it called an urban SUV concept , a swoopy looking model the Japanese automaker will bring to the U.S. in 2014 .

  11. Polyphony与雪铁龙联手打造的GTbyCitroen概念车在巴黎车展上揭开了神秘面纱。

    Polyphony built jointly with the Citroen GT by Citroen concept car at the Paris auto show opened a mystery .

  12. 通用公司2007年推出雪弗莱volt概念车,这是一种由电池提供动力的电力马达驱动的汽车。

    GM introduced the Chevrolet Volt concept car , a vehicle propelled by an electric motor powered by a battery , in 2007 .

  13. 2005的底特律车展上,雷克萨斯LFA首次以概念车身份亮相。

    Lexus first introduced the LFA as a concept car at the2005 Detroit auto show .

  14. Faraday一名前员工认为,尽管在国际消费电子展上展示了概念车,但2017年量产是不可能的。

    One former Faraday employee reckoned that a 2017 delivery was not possible , even if it does show off a working prototype at CES .

  15. 他说,保时捷将在今年晚些时候决定是否要生产MissionECrossTurismo概念车,这款车能在3.5秒内使时速从0加速至100公里。

    Porsche will decide later this year whether to build the Mission E Cross Turismo concept , which surges to 100 kph in less than 3.5 seconds , he said .

  16. 梅塞德斯将在本周的纽约和上海车展上展示一种小型a级概念车,而宝马则已宣布了推出基于mini平台的新车型的计划。

    Mercedes will show a small A-class concept at the New York and Shanghai shows this week , while BMW has announced plans for new models based on the mini platform .

  17. 本田的FC跑车只是一辆概念车,而目前没计划很快将此零排放设计原型投入量产。

    Honda 's FC Sport is only a concept car , and there are currently no plans to enter this zero-emission design study model into actual production anytime soon .

  18. 这类汽车(如通用的雪佛兰Volt概念车)是通过电源接口充电,不过仍不能完全抛弃汽油。

    Such vehicles , like GM 's proposed Chevrolet Volt , are recharged through an electrical outlet yet are still partially powered by gasoline .

  19. 周一,通用汽车在推出其别克愿景SUV(BuickEnvisionSUV)概念车时,还公布了一种在中国设计、面向全球的车型。

    When GM on Monday unveiled its Buick Envision SUV concept car , it revealed a car designed in China , for the world .

  20. Bentley又译作本特利,以豪华、奢侈闻名的富豪概念车,英国女王指定御驾。

    Bentley is famous for its luxurious , rich concept car . It 's also the car that the British Queen uses .

  21. 通用汽车将寻求提高其在环保方面的声誉,推出三款雪佛莱(chevrolet)“迷你”概念车,目标定位于年轻的城市驾驶者。

    GM will seek to burnish its green credentials with three Chevrolet " minicar " concept vehicles , aimed at young urban drivers .

  22. 这是标致的一款三座概念车EVE,车上有个感应界面面板,能够根据司机不同的情绪,来改变汽车的颜色。

    This is a Peugeot concept car of a three EVE , the car has a sensor interface panels , according to the driver of different emotions , to change the car color .

  23. 观致有掀背车和紧凑型越野车,但尽管在上海国际车展上展出了混合动力SUV概念车,目前还不清楚它的第四款车型将是什么。

    Qoros offers hatchbacks and compact off-roaders , but despite the hybrid SUV concept shown in Shanghai , it is unclear what the fourth model will be .

  24. 通用汽车展示了一款雪佛兰volt(chevroletvolt)电动概念车,由一块氢燃料电池提供动力,同时还有一块锂电池作为备份。

    General Motors is showing a version of its Chevrolet Volt Electric concept car , powered by a hydrogen fuel cell backed up by a lithium battery .

  25. 瓦格纳昨日访问上海时,试驾了通用的Sequel概念车。该车采用了氢燃料电池技术,但距商业化生产尚有多年时间。

    During a visit to Shanghai yesterday , Mr Wagoner test-drove the group 's Sequel car , which uses hydrogen fuel-cell technology but is many years away from being commercially available .

  26. 法拉第没有给出多少细节,但公司计划1月4日在拉斯维加斯的的科技贸易展会消费者电子产品展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)上推出一款概念车,并希望最早在2017年上市一款车。

    Faraday has offered little detail on its plans , but the company intends to unveil a concept car on Jan. 4 at the Consumer Electronics Show , a technology trade show in Las Vegas , and it hopes to bring a car to market as early as 2017 .

  27. 上周,法国电信运营商Orange在巴黎车展上披露了一款概念车,车上安置了两部平板电脑、一部诺基亚Lumia1320手机和一个蓝牙音箱。

    Orange , the French telecoms operator , unveiled a concept car at last week 's Paris motor show , fitted with two tablet computers , a Nokia Lumia 1320 handset and a bluetooth speaker .

  28. 在上周举办的法兰克福车展上,它推出了自己的C-X17概念车。

    It showed its c-x17 concept last week at the Frankfurt auto show .

  29. 正如汽车制造商的“概念车”,LG电视只是为了展示这个技术的可能性,即使当前还不适于市场销售、消费者还负担不起、或者还无法批量生产。

    Like automakers ' " concept cars , " LG 's TVs are meant to show off what 's possible , even if it 's not yet marketable , affordable or able to be mass-produced for customers .

  30. 以高性能红色跑车闻名的法拉利(Ferrari)昨日推出了首款混合动力车,由此正式加入了汽车业朝电气化方向发展的行列。这款概念车被涂成了翠绿色。

    Ferrari , known for its high - performance red sports cars , formally joined the car industry 's move toward electrification yesterday when it unveiled its first hybrid car , an experimental or concept model painted bright green .