
  • 网络Conceptual Product;product concept
  1. 基于OWL本体建模的概念产品配置

    OWL-based Ontology Modeling of Conceptual Product Configuration

  2. 面向用户需求的概念产品设计模型

    Conceptual Product Design Model Based on User 's Requirements

  3. 概念产品信息建模的主要特征及其与STEP、多媒体等标准的关系;

    The main features of the information model of conceptual products and the relations among this model 、 STEP 、 multi medium and special data standards ;

  4. 基于快速成型的概念产品实现方法研究

    The Realization Technique Research of Conceptual Production Based on Rapid Prototyping

  5. 概念产品与产品概念设计

    Conception Products and Conception . Design , of Products

  6. 多级概念产品信息模型研究

    Research on multilevel conceptual product information model

  7. 本文将重点讨论业务建模,您仅仅需要概念产品知识即可。

    This article focuses on business modeling , and you only need conceptual product knowledge .

  8. 概念产品设计模型的研究与实现

    Research and implementation of concept design product

  9. 实现减速器概念产品的相似实例的快速检索。

    That realizes the quick index of the similar case of the deceleration machine conceptual product .

  10. 用Access2000建立模拟概念产品设计实践的相似实例库模型。

    It uses the Access 2000 to establish the similar case-base model to simulate conceptual product .

  11. 概念产品设计的创新

    Innovative Design of Conceptual Product

  12. 经实践证明,该方法可有效缩短概念产品的开发周期,减少评价的次数,正是论文研究的归宿所在。

    Proven that the method greatly reduces the product development cycle of the concept design , reducing the time of design evaluation .

  13. 在概念产品信息建模方面,提出了信息传输表面的概念,其作为一种综合的物质单元具有功能与结构的二元属性,支持功能的明确定义与几何信息的表达。

    With the double attributes of function and structure , it supports the definition of Function and the express of geometry information .

  14. 讨论了装配副、符号装配关系、定性几何约束和定性几何约束图,并结合实例介绍了概念产品装配结构定性模型的建立过程。

    Assembly pair , symbol assembly relation , qualitative geometry constraint , qualitative geometry constraint graph are discussed and qualitative modeling examples are presented .

  15. 本周,消费电子产品展在拉斯维加斯开幕,这款内置感应器与远程低功率无线电系统的概念产品惊艳亮相。

    Launched this week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas , the concept combines the sensors with a long-range , low-power radio network .

  16. 概念产品是产品概念设计的成果,概念设计处于产品设计的早期阶段,却决定了产品设计的绝大部分内容。

    Conceptual Production is the result of production conceptual design . It is although in the forepart of the design , it decides most content of the production .

  17. 研究结果有助于设计师将可持续设计原则有效地运用到概念产品设计中去,采取更加友好的设计决策,最终实现可持续目标。

    The results will help designers effectively use the principles of sustainable design into the design of concept product , take more friendly design decisions , realize sustainable design of concept product .

  18. 针对概念产品装配结构的定性特性,通过对符号装配模型中零部件之间空间位置关系的定性描述,建立了面向概念设计的产品装配结构定性模型。

    Aiming at the qualitative features of conceptual product structures , by qualitative describing of space position relations among parts in symbol assembly models , the assembly qualitative models in concept design are presented .

  19. 图片不是你有时看见的概念产品的那种简单素描,不是“以防万一”的专利,看起来像很具体的真正设备的机械制图。

    The image is no simple sketch like those you sometimes see of notional products and " just in case " patents - this looks like a fleshed-out mechanical drawing of a real device .

  20. 最后使用故事化的交互设计方法进行了概念产品的设计和评估,以来验证此设计方法的可行性。

    Finally , in order to verify the feasibility of story-based interaction design method , we used this method to do the design of a concept product and also did the evaluation to the product .

  21. 本文在绿色产品生命周期信息需求分析的基础上对绿色概念产品设计对象进行了定义和表达,基于设计对象定义了绿色概念产品复合信息模型结构。

    The definition of design object in conceptual design of green product is introduced according to the analysis of product life cycle information , and the compound green product information model is constructed based on design object .

  22. 这一概念产品形似星星上半部,162英尺长,60多米高,为顾客提供3500平方米的豪华内部空间。

    Shaped like the top half of a star , the concept vessel measures 162 feet in length and more than 60 metres in height , and has over 3,500 square metres of luxury interior space for guests .

  23. 最终,该技术将更为可靠稳健,制造商可采取小步走的方式,生产出某种更先进的产品,比如在一支笔上,屏幕可以展开(参见下面的通用显示器公司的概念产品图片)。

    Eventually the technology will become more robust and manufacturers can take small steps towards something more advanced , like a pen with a screen that rolls out . ( See the concept image from Universal Display below . )

  24. 产品造型设计在工业设计中占有举足轻重的地位,而概念产品造型设计往往引导着在现代产品设计的方向,其中概念车型设计就是一个有代表性的领域。

    Product design in industrial design play a vital role , and the concept of product design is often guided in the direction of modern product design , vehicle design is one of the concepts of a representative of the field .

  25. 绿色概念产品信息模型不仅应包括传统概念设计产品信息模型所包含的基本功能和结构信息,还应包括面向产品全生命周期的环境性能描述。

    The green product information model should include not only the information of function and structure , which is often included in the traditional product information model , but also the information describing the environmental properties of product in its life cycle .

  26. 根据概念产品信息建模的要求,建立了概念产品设计的功能模型、结构模型和行为模型,有利于开发新一代计算机辅助产品设计系统。

    : The function model , structure model and behavior model of the concept design product are build based on the standard of the concept product information modeling . These models conduce to the development of the new computer aided product design system .

  27. 概念产品的特点决定了要在设计中体现先进的设计观念,可持续设计正是这样一种观念,是在环境不断恶化的状况下提出的,它应贯穿产品的整个生命周期。

    The characteristics of concept product design decides embodying an advanced design concepts in the design activity , sustainable design is such a kind of concept , proposed in the condition of environment worsening , it should run through the whole life cycle of the entire product .

  28. XML相关技术在基于公理化设计的概念设计产品模型中的研究

    Research of Product Model Based on Axiomatic Design in Conceptual Design with XML-related Techniques

  29. 在总结现有的功能定义和功能表示方法的基础上,提出了以EXPRESS语言描述的概念设计产品功能信息模型。

    The product function information models described in EXPRESS are proposed here after surveying on the definitions and the representations of product function .

  30. 产品基因(ProductGene,PG)是参照生物基因提出的关于机械产品遗传信息的概念,产品基因工程是生物基因工程思想在机械领域的应用。

    Product gene is a concept concerning the inheritance information of mechanical product with the reference of biological gene , and the engineering of product gene is the application of thoughts of biological gene engineering in the mechanical domain .