
  • 网络public good;Publicgoods
  1. 随着综合国力上升,中国有能力、有意愿向亚太和全球提供更多公共产品,特别是为促进区域合作深入发展提出新倡议新设想。

    As its overall national strength grows , China will be both capable and willing to provide more public goods for the Asia-Pacific and the world , especially new initiatives and visions for enhancing regional cooperation .

  2. 全球治理必须专注于提供必不可少的全球公共产品。

    It must focus on providing the essential global public goods .

  3. 这是中国秉持人类卫生健康共同体理念、履行自身承诺推动疫苗成为全球公共产品的一个重要举措。

    This is an important step China has taken to uphold the concept of a shared community of health for all and to honor its commitment of turning COVID-19 vaccines2 into a global public good .

  4. 这当中蕴藏着公共产品与服务的巨大空间。

    This means a massive space for increasing public goods and services .

  5. 他们的选票无处可投,因为没有政客谈论公共产品或治理。

    They have no one to vote for because no politician talks the language of public goods or governance .

  6. 我们说要改造传统引擎,重点是扩大公共产品和公共服务供给。

    To transform the traditional engine of growth , we will focus on increasing the supply of public goods and services .

  7. 中国表示,将加强国际合作,如果新冠病毒疫情研制成功,将把疫苗作为公共产品向全球提供。

    China says it will increase international cooperation if it succeeds in developing a novel coronavirus vaccine and will make a vaccine a " global public product " when it is ready .

  8. 需要达成协议,以防止一些国家在其他国家采取努力的情况下“搭便车”,促进技术合作,为贫穷国家提供气候融资等公共产品。

    An agreement is needed to prevent countries from freeriding on the efforts of others , to facilitate co-operation on technology and to provide public goods such as climate financing for poor countries .

  9. 增加公共产品和服务供给,加大政府对教育、卫生等的投入,鼓励社会参与,提高供给效率。

    We will increase the supply of public goods and services , increase government input in areas like education and health care , and encourage nongovernmental participation to improve the efficiency of supply .

  10. IBM的独特之处在于,它提供适用于企业的公共云产品。

    IBM is unique in providing a public cloud offering that is suitable for enterprises .

  11. 第三章对国外农村公共文化产品的国际经验进行分析。

    The third chapter analyses the international rural public cultural experience .

  12. 公共安全产品质量与成本及其价值探析

    Analyse on Quality , Cost and Value of Commonality Security Products

  13. 农村公共文化产品供需现状的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Supply & Demand Status of Rural Public Cultural Products

  14. 五是公共服务产品分配不均衡。

    Fifth , the distribution of public service products is not balance .

  15. 新中国农村公共体育产品供给制度的变迁与创新

    Change and innovation of new China rural public sports goods supply system

  16. 当代中国农村公共卫生产品供给问题研究

    Study on the Public Health Goods Supply in Contemporary China Rural Area

  17. 中国农村公共体育产品供给的制度设计

    System design of China 's rural public sports products supply

  18. 社会公共体育产品的界定与转变政府职能的研究

    Study on Definition of Social Public Sport Products and Transform of Government Functions

  19. 提高政府公共信息产品服务效能的思考

    The thought of improving the service efficiency of the government 's public information

  20. 新农村公共体育产品投入主体政策的理性思考

    On Policy of investing principal body of public sports products in rural area

  21. 公共环境产品系统设计概论

    An Introduction to System Design of Public Facilities

  22. 公共服务产品的价格形成机制及定价策略

    The Price Forming Mechanism of Public Service Product

  23. 公共卫生产品与政府卫生投入补偿机制

    The Public Health Products and the Government 's Input and Reimbursement Mechanism to Health Services

  24. “社会公共安全产品行业企事业单位产品数据库”免费入库通知单

    The notice of free entrance of " social public safety industry enterprises products database "

  25. 她的全部公共促销产品。

    All her publicity sold the products .

  26. 公共卫生产品的基本属性与供求均衡分析

    Analysis of the basic properties of public health products and the balance between their supply and demand

  27. 这些文件的发布也为我国农村公共文化产品研究提供了有力的政策导向和支持。

    These released documents provided a strong policy guidance and support for rural public cultural product research .

  28. 结果显示:1、社区卫生服务的产品分为公共卫生产品、准公共卫生产品、个人产品;

    The research shows : 1 CHS output include public goods , merit goods and private goods .

  29. 主要是不能满足弱势群体对公共服务产品的基本需要。

    The main reason is that it can not meet the basic needs of public service products for vulnerable groups .

  30. 从图书消费视角浅议农村公共文化产品的偏离与缺失

    On the Deviation and the Flaw of the Countryside Public Culture Product from the Angle of View of the Books Expense