
  • 网络open conflict;overt conflict
  1. 柏林墨卡托中国研究中心负责人韩博天(SebastianHeilmann)提醒道,中德关系可能会因为公开冲突而受到动摇。

    Sebastian Heilmann , director of the Mercator Institute for China Studies in Berlin , cautioned that the relationship between Germany and China has the potential to be shaken by open conflict .

  2. 这个国家突然加入了与邻国的公开冲突。

    The country had plunged swiftly into open conflict with its neighbours .

  3. 敌对团体(或个人)间的公开冲突。

    An open clash between two opposing groups ( or individuals ) .

  4. 2005年,围绕人民币汇率的紧张态势在尚未酿成公开冲突前得以化解。

    The 2005 currency tensions were dissipated without open conflict .

  5. 外交事务杂志编辑吉姆霍格说,他认为不太可能发生公开冲突。

    Foreign Affairs Editor Jim Hoge says he believes a public clash is unlikely .

  6. 这会转而引发和伴侣的公开冲突或对伴侣的不满,以及伴侣吸引力的下降。

    This can in turn lead to overt conflict or problems with partner satisfaction and attraction .

  7. 与女学生会主席的公开冲突打开了其他人不满的闸门。

    A public conflict with the female vice president opened the floodgates for others who were upset with me .

  8. 自1953年朝鲜战争签订停战协议起朝韩两国一直没有过公开冲突。

    North and South Korea haven 't been involved in open conflict since 1953 when an armistice ended the fighting in the Korean War .

  9. 既然不可能改变各国政策,那么就某些漂亮话达成一致也是一种成就远胜于发生公开冲突。

    Since national policy changes were out of the question , agreement on some fine words was an accomplishment far preferable to an open fight .

  10. 在最初的五年,每当中国遇到起诉或面对法律行动的威胁,它都会逆来顺受地和解,把公开冲突与外交破裂联系在一起。

    In its first five years , whenever China was sued or threatened with action , it meekly settled , associating public conflict with diplomatic breakdown .

  11. 它们争取铁路、公司、和保险公司控制权的竞争,有时很激烈,而且在一次难忘的时刻达到公开冲突的地步。

    Their rivalry for control of railroads , corporations , and insurance companies was sometimes bitter and on one memorable occasion reached the point of open war .

  12. 过去18天里,中芯国际的两家国企股东之间发生了罕见的公开冲突,导致该公司香港上市的股价下跌近10%。

    Shares fell almost 10 per cent in Hong Kong in reaction to a rare public feud between two state-owned shareholders of SMIC over the past 18 days .

  13. 他说,他将恢复维护美国安全的盟友关系,并减少与盟友的公开冲突,他的前任正是因为与盟友发生冲突而闻名。

    And he said he was going to restore the alliances that kept the U.S. safe and cut back public clashes with allies , for which his predecessor was known .

  14. 这个争议在是否接纳得克萨斯州为联邦一员的问题上激化成公开的冲突。

    The issue flamed up into open conflict over the admission of Texas to the Union .

  15. 公开的冲突目标并不重要:重要的是冲突的延续。

    The declared goals of the conflict are irrelevant ; what matters is the perpetuation of conflict itself .

  16. 我将努力避免利益冲突以及潜在的利益冲突,并且将毫不隐瞒地公开这些冲突。

    I will seek to avoid conflicts of interest and potential conflicts of interest and openly disclose any such conflicts .

  17. 正因为如此,本文以“金融隐私权保护与银行业信息公开的冲突与协调”作为选题。

    This paper focus on conflict and balance between the protection of Financial Privacy Right and the disclosure of bank information .

  18. 这意味着风险成倍放大:一起意外、或者一名飞行员或舰长的误判,就可能导致公开的武装冲突。

    That multiplies the risk that an accident or a misjudgment by a pilot or captain could lead to open hostilities .

  19. 论电子政务信息公开与隐私权冲突之协调

    Coordination on Conflicts between the Right to Know and the Right of Privacy in Information Disclosure of Electronic Government

  20. 在平衡政府信息公开中的利益冲突时,首先要坚持公共利益优先原则,其次要依法界定各种利益的界限,再次要有正确的利益平衡方法,最后要坚持正当的法律程序。

    When balancing the benefits in government information openness . Firstly , we hold the principle of public benefit priority .

  21. 在发生公开或白热化冲突时,联合国采取一系列手段,从调解一直到派遣维持和平部队。

    In situations of manifest or simmering conflict , the UN employs tools ranging from mediation to the dispatch of peacekeeping forces .

  22. 第三部分分析了政府信息公开中的利益冲突。这种冲突包括公共利益间的冲突,公共利益和个人利益的冲突,个人利益和个人利益的冲突。

    The third part analyses conflicts in the government information openness , which includes conflicts among public benefit , conflicts among personal benefit and conflicts between public benefit and personal benefit .

  23. 在保密性问题上,确实存在着与一般专利的公开性之间的冲突,这也是采取国防专利这种特殊保护模式的根本原因所在。

    With regard to its confidentiality , it notices that this characteristic is obviously different from the publicity of other normal patent , and this is the root cause for adopting a special protection mechanism for national defense patent .

  24. 首先,对冲突及其管理的相关研究进行了梳理,发现在人际冲突管理研究中,多立足于公开或直接的冲突,而对未发生的潜在的冲突重视不够;

    First of all , through combing the relevant research of the conflict and its management , the research finds , in the interpersonal conflict management study , that most research focuses on open or direct conflicts and pays less attention to potential conflicts ;

  25. 对法律公开的漠视;公开的家庭冲突;公开的敌意;明显的追求虚荣;明显轻率的举动。

    Open disregard of the law ; open family strife ; open hostility ; a blatant appeal to vanity ; a blazing indiscretion .

  26. 李泽楷的独立及他们父子之间的紧张关系,已是香港最公开的秘密之一。但如此这样公开展示家庭冲突,却出乎人们的意料。

    Mr Li 's independence and tension with his father are among Hong Kong 's worst-kept secrets but public displays of the family drama are unprecedented .