
  1. 美国伦理文化观的形成及对公司治理伦理的影响

    The formation of ethics and culture of the United States and effect the impact of corporate governance ethics

  2. 伦敦大学伯克贝克学院(BirkbeckCollege)就开设了一个名为公司治理与商业伦理的两年制硕士学位项目。

    London University 's Birkbeck College offers precisely this with a two-year Master of Science degree entitled corporate governance and business ethics .

  3. 通过本章论述不仅可以了解到当前上市公司治理与财务伦理的基本理论框架和相关基本涵义,还可以了解到上市公司在证券市场中财务伦理冲突相关内容和范围。

    Through this chapter discusses can understand the current financial ethics governance of listed company and basic theory frame and related basic connotation , understands the listed company financial ethics in the security market content and scope of relevant conflict .

  4. 商业伦理与民营上市公司第二类代理问题:公司治理的伦理维度

    Business Ethic and the Second Agency Problem in Listed Private-Controlled Companies : Corporate Governance in Ethic Dimension