
  1. 关于落实集团全资子公司法人财产经营权的目标、难点与对策的研究

    Studying the Targets , Difficulties and Countermeasures on Carrying Out the Corporate Property Managing Right For Group Holding owned Subsidiary

  2. 股权与公司法人财产权相结合便形成了公司权利结构,并成为公司治理结构的理论前提。

    The combination of stock holders ' right and corporate legal person 's property right is the corporate right structure . And this become the theory premise of the administration of the company .

  3. 描述了落实该子公司法人财产经营权的目标模式及通过五个转变实现具体目标,阐明了在实现该目标时存在十大难点,并提出了对策。

    The target model of corporate property managing right for the subsidiary was described , this model could be realized through five transformations . There will be ten difficulties in the course of realizing the target model , the corresponding countermeasures were given .

  4. 公司拥有法人财产所有权,但由经营管理层对财产行使控制权;

    Company has the ownership of corporate property , but the power of control is in the operators ' hand .

  5. 公司享有法人财产权,具有独立承担责任的能力,公司捐赠法律责任的承担主体是公司。

    Companies have corporate property rights and have an independent ability to assume responsibility , so the company is the main legal responsibility of corporate donation .

  6. 董事会作为代表公司行使其法人财产权的必要会议体机关,处于公司内部治理结构的核心。

    As essential organ of conference exerting corporate property rights by representing corporation , Board of directors is the core of corporate governance structure .

  7. 股东对公司出资后形成了公司的法人财产权,股东享有平等的股东权。

    After capital contribution , corporation forms property rights of legal person , while shareholders enjoy equal shareholders ' rights .

  8. 本文从我国公司立法出发,论述了公司法人财产权诸问题,认为公司法人财产权是民事权利;

    This article discusses some problems of the legal person 's financial right in a company , and argues that the financial right belongs to a civil one .

  9. 论公司人格否认制试论公司制企业法人财产权

    On the Property Right of the Corporate Juridical Person

  10. 国有企业(上市公司)存在的问题如上市公司不规范、法人财产权难以落实、资本功能残缺、内部人控制等是由各种原因促成的。

    There exist various reasons for the problems of the state owned enterprises ( listed companies ) such as the unqualification of the listed companies , the unsettlement of corporate property rights , the incompleteness of capital function and the unfair inside manipulation .

  11. 董事会处于现代公司决策和控制系统的最高层,代表公司行使法人财产权,是公司内部治理结构的核心。

    Board of directors , the highest level in the decision and control system of modern companies , which exercising corporate property rights in the name of company , is the core of corporate governance structure .

  12. 本章阐述了公司法人财产权与股东权益问题,认为出资人向公司法人让渡出资财产的所有权是公司制的本质也是公司治理的起源。

    First the author expounds the issues of property right of LLC and shareholders ' equity . Transferring the ownership of the investment by the investors to LLC is considered as both the essence of the company system and the origin of the corporate governance .

  13. 在现代公司,股东的原始财产所有权发生了裂变,分为了股票所有权与公司法人所有权,公司法人对财产的所有权又与经营权相分离。

    In the modern corporation , the ownership of property is divided into the ownership of stock and the ownership corporate property .

  14. 公司法人财产权包括物权、债权、知识产权、有价证券等权利,公司法人所有权只是其中一项,而公司产权即是指公司法人财产权。

    The property right of corporation aggregate includes right of thing ( or jus ad rem ), credit rights , intellectual property rights , and securities etc.