
  • 网络corporate politics;Company Politics
  1. 公司政治行为中上下级权力冲突的研究

    Research of Power Conflict between the Superior and the Subordinate in the Company Politics Behaviors

  2. 如果在做决定时感情用事,或是受公司政治左右,将会十分危险。

    Basing decisions on emotions and internal corporate politics is dangerous .

  3. 论中国企业的公司政治行为及其管理

    On Corporation Political Actions of Chinese Enterprises and its Management

  4. 基于这种认识,自20世纪70年代以来,公司政治行为显著增长。

    Based on this knowledge , corporate political actions increased rapidly since 1970s .

  5. 跨国公司政治行为的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Political Behavior of Multinational Corporations

  6. 公司政治行为:西方相关研究的综述与评价

    A Study on Corporate Political Action : Summary and Comment on Studies in Developed Countries

  7. 当您被提升到架构师职位时,公司政治将是您所要遇到的众多难题之一。

    Corporate politics is one of the first rude awakenings you encounter when promoted to architectural position .

  8. 本文欲从多角度对此问题进行剖析,并从中找出东道国应对跨国公司政治行为的策略。

    Eventually , this thesis tries to find out the strategies to counter the political behavior of multinational companies .

  9. 女性不愿意放弃这样的乐趣去换取高层管理职位,她们担心身处高层要面对大量劳神费力的会议和公司政治。

    Women don 't want to trade that joy for what they fear will be energy-draining meetings and corporate politics ' at higher levels of management 。

  10. 40%受调查者认为,男上司能主动远离公司政治和牢骚,14%认为男上司比女上司更通情达理。

    Forty per cent said men were more able to distance themselves from politics and bitching and14 per cent said they found them more reasonable than women .

  11. 聪明人在公司政治上并不幼稚、清高,他们善于寻找对自己最有利的工作环境,从而使自己的兴趣得到最充分的资金支持。

    Smart people are by no means innocent or arrogant in corporate politics . Instead , they are good at seeking the most favorable work environment and feed their interests with sufficient capitals .

  12. 两院举行听证会是为了讨论谷歌与雅虎于上月达成的广告合作协议,标志着两家公司政治斗争史上迄今最直接的摊牌。

    The committee hearings , called to consider a proposed advertising alliance between Google and Yahoo that was struck last month , marked the most direct showdown yet in the political battle between the two companies .

  13. 本文将公司政治行为理论与企业市场营销理论相结合,分析了企业政治策略与行为的作用机制,即从微观的角度探讨企业的政治策略与行为是怎样实现企业所预期的政治目标的。

    By integrating CPA theory and theory of marketing , this paper discusses the functional mechanism of corporate political strategy and action , that is , how enterprises achieve their expected political targets by taking corporate political strategy and action from the viewpoint of micro angle .

  14. 他关闭公司投身政治。

    He closed down the business and went into politics .

  15. 这项研究由全球最大的律师事务所高伟绅律师事务所(CliffordChance)发起。研究指出,许多尚未在俄罗斯投资的跨国公司担心政治风险,却低估了税务繁杂、技能短缺和官僚政治效率低下的影响。

    The research , sponsored by Clifford Chance , the world 's largest law firm , says many multinationals that have yet to invest in Russia are worried by political risk but underestimate the impact of tax complexity , skills shortages and bureaucratic inefficiency .

  16. 第三,不要参与公司的政治斗争。

    And third , not getting involved in office politics .

  17. 发挥思想政治优势,推动集团快速发展&大连开建集团有限公司思想政治工作的调查

    Exerting Ideological & Political Advantage Promote Group Developing Quickly

  18. 他掌控的公司,政治贡献

    the companies he controls , political contributions .

  19. 由于一些跨国公司具有政治倾向,他们可能完全失去私人身份。

    As some MNCs are politically oriented , they may lose their private status altogether .

  20. 还有一些人则可能非常善于理解公司的政治动态。

    Other people might be very good at understanding the political dynamics of a company .

  21. 在欧洲,投资者的需求通常会让位于公司和政治目标。

    Elsewhere in Europe , investors'needs often take a back seat to corporate or political goals .

  22. 联合会希望取得的成果之一是,避免让私人股本公司成为政治出气筒。

    One of the outcomes is to avoid a situation where private equity becomes a political punching bag .

  23. 为上海经济发展和居民生活提供可靠的气源,成为公司的政治使命和社会责任。

    To provide reliable natural gas source for economic development and people in Shanghai is the mission and social responsibility of Shanghai LNG .

  24. 那一决定让人们担心,现代视觉语言正在被大型科技公司从政治或财务角度进行塑造。

    That decision has helped stoke concerns that modern visual language is being shaped by the political or financial priorities of gigantic tech companies .

  25. 在两极对峙时期,发展中国家在摆脱殖民统治后,经常对跨国公司进行政治干预。

    In the period of two-pole confrontation , developing countries often carry out political intervention for multinational corporations after they get rid of colonialist rulers .

  26. 外商在华保险公司利用政治特权,垄断保险市场,攫取巨额利润,致使白银大量外流的严峻事实,唤起了中国人民的民族意识。

    The facts that the foreign insurance companies in China monopolized the insurance markets and make enormous profits by using the politic privilege aroused the national consciousness of Chinese people .

  27. 美国2008年总统大选即将到来之际,美国企业界对其政治支出秘而不宣的传统正受到投资者的攻击。机构投资者们发起了一项前所未有的行动,要求各公司提高政治支出的透明度。

    The US business community 's traditional secrecy over its political spending is coming under attack from an unprecedented investor drive for greater transparency ahead of the 2008 presidential election campaign .

  28. 当遇见激烈的竞争时,必须要小心,最好远离公司的政治斗争,特别是在像我们这么庞大的机构中。

    You have to be careful when you step into the executive jungle and it 's best to stay away from office politics , especially in a big organization like ours .

  29. 多个股东团体表示,近年发生在华尔街和华盛顿的丑闻,迫使投资者要求公司提高政治捐款的透明度。2002年,政治捐款总额达1.84亿美元。

    Shareholder groups say that recent scandals on Wall Street and in Washington have prompt-ed investors to demand more transparency on companies ' political contributions , which totalled $ 184m in 2002 , the latest major election cycle .

  30. 许多尚未进入俄罗斯的公司对政治风险感到不安:53%的公司称这是对它们在俄罗斯经商意愿的一大限制,相比之下,已经在俄罗斯开展业务的公司中,只有40%持这种看法。

    Many companies not yet involved in Russia were nervous about political risk : 53 per cent described it as a significant constraint on their willingness to do business there , compared with 40 per cent of those already active in the country .