
ɡōnɡ shānɡ zhù cè
  • industrial and commercial registration register in Administration for Industry and Commerce
  1. 工商注册具有的只是证权功能,只有在与公司以外的第三人发生纠纷时才具有重要意义。

    Registered with the only " certificate authority " function , only the third person outside the company when a dispute is important .

  2. 提供经营、办公、会议、洽谈场地租赁服务;代办工商注册、税务登记等手续,协助企业取得高新技术资质认证。

    To provide various office facilities including multi-functional conferencing room , VIP room , to provide one-stop service for business administration and tax registration .

  3. 目前在全国工商注册登记的中小企业占全部企业总数的90%,中小企业工业总产值和实现利税分别占全国的60%和40%左右。

    The registered small and medium enterprise hold 90 percent amount all registered enterprises in China and the gross product and tax achieve 40 percent and 60 percent .

  4. 股东资格认定有关的证据,主要有出资行为、公司章程的记载和签署、工商注册确认、股东名册的记载以及出资证明书和股票等。

    Shareholder qualification has a few of relevant evidences : investment behavior , the record and the subscription of company regulations , enrollment and affirmation , shareholder record , investment proof and stock .

  5. 天津开发区取消了除国家法律规定的工商注册费、税务登记费、国有土地使用费之外的一切涉及企业的行政性收费。

    TEDA has eliminated all the administrative fees concerning operation of enterprises , except for three fees required by State laws : Enterprise Registration Fee , Tax Registration Fee and Land Use Fee .

  6. 在全国工商注册登记的中小企业占全部注册企业的99%以上,中小企业工业总产值占总产值的60%以上。

    Middle and small - sized enterprise occupy 99 % upwards in whole register enterprise in our country . Their gross industrial output occupy 60 % upwards in Chinese gross output and become an important economic growth point .

  7. 现已在国家工商局注册。

    Commerce and Industry , is now registered in the country .

  8. 第四步:到工商局注册大厅领取营业执照。

    Fourth step : Please go back to our registration hall and get your business license .

  9. 世鹿实业有限公司是经国家林业局批准,工商局注册成立的。

    Is approved by the State Forestry Administration , Commerce and Industry , set up the registration .

  10. 未取得经营许可证和未经工商登记注册,任何单位和个人不得经营销售危险化学品。

    Without the operating license or industry and commerce registration , no entity or individual may operate or market hazardous chemicals .

  11. 济南利雅德保洁清洗技术有限公司,经济南市工商局注册成立于二零零三年五月。

    Riyadh cleaning Cleaning Technology Co. , Ltd. , Jinan , economic Nanshi Trade and Industry Bureau , incorporated in May2003 .

  12. 本公司在此技术领域已申请两项国家实用发明专利,并已在工商局注册。

    Shantou Friend of Bottle Swing-top Cap Industry CO. , LTD has applied two national patents of this technology and has CIB registration .

  13. 公司简介:公司中文介绍:大连洋铭船务有限公司是在大连市工商局注册的独立法人企业。

    Presentation by english : The ocean track shipping limited company of Dalian is an independent corporative business enterprise registered in the industry and business bureau of Dalian City .

  14. 5年前,中小型企业占香港法国工商总会注册企业总数的40%左右:如今这一比例已升至50%。

    Five years ago small - and medium-sized businesses made up about 40 per cent of the businesses registered with the French chamber of commerce in Hong Kong ; today this proportion has risen to 50 per cent .

  15. 大连中寰物流有限公司是经中国工商局批准注册的一级货运代理企业。

    Is approved by the China Trade and Industry Bureau registration of a freight forwarding business .

  16. 于1992年政府发文,工商部门登记注册,防疫站坚定卫生合格。

    In1992 , the government , industry and Commerce Department postings registered , epidemic-prevention station firm health qualified .

  17. 我们公司创建于1998年,是经江阴市市工商部门批准注册。

    Our company was founded in1998 , Jiangyin City , by approving the registration of industrial and commercial sectors .

  18. 中航商旅,经国家工商局正式注册批准的商务机构。

    Air china trip , register the business organization of the approval formally through the national industry and business bureau .

  19. 我公司系大连市工商局登记注册成立的国际贸易有限公司。主要开展国际货物进出口、技术进出口、国内一般贸易等国际国内贸易业务。

    Our head-office is located in Dalian City , and we are an international enterprise importing and exports goods and technology all over the world , specially dealing in the line of paraffin wax .

  20. 1月4日,郑州两位市民同时成立了一人公司,到了4月底,郑州市工商局登记注册的一人公司就已达到302家之多。

    On January 4 , two people set up a one-man company in Zhengzhou . By the end of April , there had been more than 320 one-man company registered in Zhengzhou City Industry and Commerce Bureau .

  21. 公司在国家工商行政管理总局注册,总部设在深圳。

    Shenzhen Ping An Insurance Company registered with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce .

  22. 所有产品严格经国家工商质检部门批准注册的企业。

    All the products strictly qc department approved by national industry and commerce registration of enterprise .

  23. 具有独立法人资格,在工商行政管理局注册的境内企业;

    An independent legal entity , domestic enterprises that registered in the Administration of Industry and Commerce .

  24. 第四部分阐述了云南省工商行政机关企业注册登记管理落实建设效能政府的措施及现状。

    Chapter four describes the measures and current status of building efficiency-government of the industrial and commercial administrative organs and enterprises in Yunnan Province registered the management .

  25. 富缘剪纸社隶属于淄博金昌文化传播有限公司,是经工商局批准登记注册的正规文化艺术传播经贸实体。

    Authorized by Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Zibo , Fortune and Luck Paper Tole Arts Club is a regular economics and business entity communicating culture and arts .

  26. 经济结构的变化、巨大的技术变革和商业变革等等都给工商部门的企业注册登记管理工作带来了冲击和挑战。

    The changing of economic structure , great technology innovation and commercial reform had brought about impacts and challenges towards the enterprise registration administration work of the industrial and commercial department .

  27. 注:参展单位应为经工商行政管理部门注册登记的企事业单位,产品项目须经有关主管部门组织鉴定取得合格证书,并具有一年以上实际使用周期。

    REMARKS : all exhibitors is registered by the industrial commercial administration , the products To be approved by the department concerned and has been put in use for a year above .