
  • 网络Bond of Works
  1. EPC模式下应用工程保证担保制度的建议

    Some suggestion on project guarantee and bond system in EPC pattern

  2. 工程保证担保体系分析及借鉴

    Reference and Analysis on Project Surety Bond System in Developed Countries

  3. 完善工程保证担保制度法律环境的对策建议

    Suggestion on Perfecting Legal Environment of Project Guarantee and Bond System

  4. 工程保证担保与灾后重建工程安全监管

    Surety Bond and Safety of Engineering In Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Restoration and Reconstruction

  5. 北京市完善工程保证担保制度的对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures to Perfect Engineering Guarantee System in Beijing

  6. 政府对工程保证担保行业的宏观管理初探

    Basic Probing into Government Macro-Management for Engineering Surety Bond Industry

  7. 我国工程保证担保制度的理论与实践研究

    Research on the Theories and Practices of Construction Contact Bonding System for China

  8. 论入世后我国工程保证担保制度的建立

    On The Establishment of Engineering Guarantee Warrant System in China after she Entry WTO

  9. 国际工程保证担保制度特征的研究

    The Research on the Feature of Construction Contract Bonding System with an International View

  10. 浅论工程保证担保制度

    On Insurance On engineering surety bond system

  11. 北京市推行工程保证担保制度的实践&存在的主要问题与原因分析

    Practice of Carrying out the project guarantee and Bond System in Beijing & Problems and Countermeasures

  12. 工程保证担保与担保

    Construction Contract Guarantee and Bond

  13. 工程保证担保是国际建筑业采用的一种行之有效的风险管理手段。

    Construction surety bonds / guarantee is an effective measure of risk management in international construction industry .

  14. 工程保证担保制度应用与推广工程担保市场应建立风险管理机制

    Application and generalization of engineering surety bond Discussion on necessity of establishing a risk management mechanism at engineering insurance market

  15. 分析了我国推行工程保证担保的现实条件和我国政府在推行工程保证担保制中的作用。

    The dissertation detailedly expound construes realistic conditions in China and actions of Chinese government in practicing construction surety bonds .

  16. 本文通过对工程保证担保的概念进行阐述,指出我国工程担保宜采用保证方式。

    This paper explains concept of construction guarantee pointing out that construction surety of our country should adopt the way of guarantee .

  17. 工程保证担保和工程保险分别以不同的侧重点,不同的介入时段和不同的作用作出了回答。

    Project guaranty with pledge and project insurance have given the answer from different sides , different intervention moment and different function .

  18. 完善工程保证担保和保险制度。使我国工程管理更好地与国际惯例接轨。

    Perfect project guaranty system , with the purpose of project management of our country being better in accordance with international rule .

  19. 工程保证担保制度发展壮大于美国,以其特有的方式保证了美国建筑业快速健康的发展。

    Developed and strengthened in America , Construction Bonding System guaranteed the rapid and healthy development of American construction industry by its own methods .

  20. 随着经济的发展和外资的涌入,我国也已经开始了对工程保证担保制度的探索与实践。

    With economic development and the influx of foreign capital , China has embarked on a project to ensure the security system of exploration and practice .

  21. 加强对工程保证担保的研究,尽快建立工程保证担保制度,这对提高我国建筑企业的风险管理水平有着积极的作用。

    To deepen the study of engineering guarantee warrantee , and then to quicken the establishment of it , is very significant to improve China 's risk management level .

  22. 工程保证担保是建筑工程风险转移的一种重要手段,也是业主与承包商信用保障的重要工具。

    Engineering guarantee warrantee is not only an important means of risk transferring in construction engineering , but also an important tool of credit insurance between proprietor and contractor .

  23. 本文就工程保证担保的含义、历史背景和国际、国内现状以及在国内实践中的作用进行论述。

    This paper discusses the engineering surety bond from four aspects including the connotation , historical background , current situation in China and foreign countries , and the function in domestic practices .

  24. 其次,基于不对称信息经济学、期权理论等相关理论及合同制度、风险转移机制和市场信用机制的相关原理对工程保证担保制度的基本原理及其本质进行了理论研究;

    Secondly , the basic principle and essence of construction surety bonds / guarantee are analyzed based on the theory of asymmetry information economics and the principle of risk transfer mechanism and market credit mechanism .

  25. 最后,本文研究分析了在我国建筑业建立工程保证担保制度所面临的困难,提出了我国目前建立和推行工程保证担保制度的基本策略和建议。

    Finally , this paper analyses the difficulty to establish construction contract guarantee system in construction industry of our country proposing basic tactics on establishing and enforcing construction contract guarantee system at the present time .

  26. 工程保证担保制度作为工程建设项目管理的国际惯例之一,在西方发达国家已是一套非常成熟的风险管理方法和信用保障体制。

    As one of the international convention of project management in construction , construction contract guarantee system has been a set of very ripe risk management procedures and credit security system in the western developed country .

  27. 工程保证担保是国际上工程风险管理以及有效地保障建设工程合同履行的一种有效的信用工具,同时,也是国际建筑业的一种通行做法。

    Construction surety bonds is an effective credit instrument to guarantee the performance of a construction contract in the international project risk management and it 's also a common approach in the international building at the same time .

  28. 本文将博弈论和信息经济学原理引入建筑工程保证担保体系中,用博弈理论分析了建筑工程保证担保中工程业主、承包商、工程担保机构三方主体所面临的主要风险及如何将这些风险进行转移。

    The game theory and the information economics principle are employed to the guarantee system research . The main risk and its transfer among the owners , the contractors , and the guarantee mechanism are analyzed by using the game theory .

  29. 本文在对国际工程保证担保制度进行研究、分析的基础上,结合当前中国的国情,提出了在广东省推行工程保证担保制度的构想。

    Based on extensive investigation and analysis on construction contract guarantee / bonds internationally , combined with the consideration of the current market condition of China , a proposal of applying contract bonding system in Guangdong province construction market is developed .

  30. 实行工程保证担保制度是国际惯例,是完善我国工程建设市场,建立风险管理和市场信用机制的必要条件之一。

    Implementing the system of the construction surety bond is an international practice , and is one of the essential conditions that perfect the market of engineering construction of our country , set up the risk management and the market credit mechanism .