
  • 网络Salary expense;Wage Expense
  1. 与独资企业一样,合伙企业不把合伙人为企业提供的服务作为工资费用。

    Partnerships , like sole proprietorships , recognize no salaries expense for services provided to the organization by the partners .

  2. 政府数据显示,占总成本十分之一的工资费用自2004年以来增长了近一倍。

    Wages , which account for one-10th of costs , have nearly doubled since 2004 , according to government data .

  3. 在本例中,工资费用是100美元,应付工资减少额是20美元,于是,向雇员支付的现金可计算如下。

    In this example , the salary expenses is $ 100 , and the decrease in salary payable is $ 20 , thus , we can calculate the cash payments to employees as follows .

  4. 它不负责为盖茨的信托基金管理后勤、工资或者费用支出,而完全是一家为盖茨个人财富做投资的资产管理公司。

    It does not handle logistics , payroll or expenses for the foundation and is purely an asset management firm that invests Gates 's personal wealth .

  5. 一月份我们的工资随生活费用调高。

    We had a cost of living increase in january .

  6. 我会补偿你的工资和医疗费用。

    I 'll compensate your wages and hospital bills .

  7. 很多雇员诚望其工资的生活费用部分每年都有增长。

    Many employees expect a yearly cost of living increase in their paychecks .

  8. 第一类是用于支付工资和当前费用的一般义务债券。

    The first type is the general obligation bonds that fund salaries and current expenses .

  9. 此外,在关注工资薪金所得费用减除额之余,相关配套的措施也应当加以完善。

    In addition , relevant measures should be improved besides the deduction of income from wages and salaries .

  10. 实务中利润损失保险核保的主要内容,包括对毛利润、工资、审计师费用、投保保险金额的确定,物质损失保险的核保因素和利润损失保险特有的核保所要考虑的影响因素;

    In practice , the importance is to decide the insurance amount of gross profit , wage and so on .

  11. 论个人所得税工资、薪金费用扣除标准制度鲍勃每周净薪(:扣除税金、会绩等后的钱)300美元。

    Study on the Exemption Deducting Standard System of Wages and Salary in Individual Income Tax Bob makes $ 300 a week in take-home pay .

  12. 一些主要工业国交给联合国系统的钱有一大部分以联合国在这些国家中花钱购买材料、支付工资和业务费用的形式又还给了它们。

    A large share of the money that some major industrialized countries give to the UN system returns to them in terms of the money the UN spends in their countries on materials purchased , salaries and operating expenses .

  13. 因其家庭负担之重,工资和生活费用之不相称,时有贫困的压迫和失业的恐慌,和贫农亦大致相同。

    They feel the constant pinch of poverty and dread of unemployment , because of heavy family burdens and the gap between their earnings and the cost of living ; in this respect too they largely resemble the poor peasants .

  14. 企业会计部门办理劳动保险基金会计人员的工资、办公费用、传票、帐簿、报表及其他经常开支,均由企业行政方面或资方负担。

    Overhead of etc of fare of the salary of personnel of treasurer of fund of conduction labour insurance of company treasurer department , office , subpoena , account book , forms for reporting statistics , all by business administration respect or burden of those representing capital .

  15. 依据科斯第二定理,完善制度将是降低中小学教师绩效工资政策中交易费用的根本举措。

    Based on kos second theorem , perfecting systems will be a fundamental measure of declining the transaction costs .

  16. (一)破产企业所欠职工工资和劳动保险费用;

    Wages and salaries of staff and workers and labour insurance expenses that are owned by the bankrupt enterprise ;

  17. 公司和工会商定,今后工人工资应比照生活费用的变化而调整。

    The company and the union agreed that the worker 's wages should be subjected to changes in the cost of living .

  18. 不少大学曾一度坚持增收学费是为了支付尖端的现代科技设备、教员工资、行政管理费用以及上涨的医疗开支。

    For some time , colleges have insisted their steep tuition hikes are needed to pay for cutting-edge technologies , faculty and administration salaries , and rising health care costs .

  19. 引入社保、医保和其他一些项目提高了成本,尽管许多工厂克扣了这些法定支出,或者以其它名目从工资中扣除一些费用。

    The introduction of social security , medical insurance and other programmes has raised costs , although many factories skimp on these legally required payments or deduct other , random fees , from salaries .

  20. 公司财产能够清偿公司债务的,分别支付清算费用,职工工资和劳动保险费用,缴纳所欠税款,清偿公司债务。

    To the extent that the company is able to repay its debts , it respectively pays all liquidation expenses , wages of staff and workers , labour insurance fees and taxes owing , and shall repay the company 's debts .

  21. 人工成本应包含国家统计口径计算的工资和工资外开支人工费用8项。

    According to national unified calculation method , labour cost shall cover wage and other eight items of labour expenses .