
ɡōnɡ zuò zhì liànɡ
  • Work quality;quality of work;workmanship
  1. 他不可能检查得十分仔细以杜绝承包人在工作质量上的差错。

    He can not possibly inspect in sufficient detail to prevent contractors ' mistakes in workmanship .

  2. 由于对那家公司的工作质量有争议,账单还未付清。

    The bills remained unpaid because of a dispute over the quality of the company 's work .

  3. 运用权重方法评价AFP监测工作质量

    To Evaluate the Quality of AFP Surveillance with the Weighted Coefficient

  4. 电压、电流值误差对X射线机工作质量的影响及解决探讨

    The Discussion of Affection of Voltage Error and Electric Current Error to the Working Quality of X-ray Machine and of the Solution to it

  5. TOPSIS法在天津市艾滋病防治工作质量评价中的应用

    TOPSIS Method for The Quality Evaluation of AIDS Control and Prevention in Tianjin City

  6. 应用TOPSIS法对医院医疗工作质量综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Hospital Medical Quality with TOPSIS

  7. 建筑企业自动化管理系统(AMS)可降低企业管理成本,提高工作质量与效率。

    Automatic management system ( AMS ) for construction corporation can reduce corporation management cost and improve working quality and efficiency .

  8. 本文主要针对TFT-LCD产品评价过程进行研究,在TFT-LCD新产品开发之中,产品评价工作质量的优劣直接决定了新产品质量以及产品研发速度。

    This thesis mainly studies the TFT-LCD product evaluation process . Product evaluation quality will decide new product quality and product R & D speed directly during TFT-LCD new product development .

  9. 结果主成分分析与因子分析法得到的6所医院管理工作质量的综合评价排序结果为(按由好到差的顺序):B医院、C医院、A医院、D医院、F医院、E医院。

    Results There is an order of the 6 hospital 's management quality ( from good to bad ) after we evaluate it by using principle component analysis and factor analysis : hospital B , hospital C , hospital A , hospital D , hospital F , hospital E.

  10. 通过本论文的相关技术的研究,使我们对影响WCDMA移动网络的传输网络故障有了更为清楚的认识,相关传输网络维护工作质量将得到有效的提升。

    By analyzing the related technology in this paper , it can help us to have a clear understanding of the effects of transmission network faults on the WCDMA Mobile network , the quality of related transmission network maintenance work will be promoted effectively .

  11. 目的研究制定统一的X线胸透、摄片、诊断质控标准(SQCD-XR),以期提高大规模的结核病流行病学检查(TBES)工作质量和流调任务的顺利完成。

    Objective To study and make a unified quality control standard of X-ray chest fluoroscopy , radiography and diagnose ( SQCD-XR ) to promote work quality of Large scale epidemiology survey of tuberculosis ( TBES ) and ensure it completed smoothly .

  12. 医院工作质量的加权综合指数评价

    Evaluation of Weighted Composite Index of the Quality of Hospital Work

  13. 对提高市县级环境统计工作质量的几点思考

    Thoughts about Improvement on Environmental Statistic Quality in City and County

  14. 合理配置护理人力保障护理工作质量

    Arranging Nursing Manpower Reasonably to Guarantee the Quality of Nursing Care

  15. 影像科技术员工作质量保证

    How to make the radiologic technician ensure the quality of work

  16. 助产模式对产房工作质量的影响

    Effect of Obstetrical Model on Working Qualities of Delivery Room

  17. 绩效包括的问题比如工作质量与数量。

    Performance includes issues such as the quality and quantity of work .

  18. 利用网络资源提高采编工作质量

    Using the Network Resources to Improve the Interview and Catalog Work Quality

  19. 高校扩招后提高学校体育工作质量的思考与对策

    Considerations and countermeasures of improving school sports quality after college admission expansion

  20. 确保公路建设前期工作质量的看法

    Opinion of road construction prophase work quality to be guaranteed

  21. 桂林市医疗机构消毒工作质量检测

    Examination of quality of disinfection work in medical institutions of Guilin City

  22. 改善多仓双秤配料系统的工作质量

    Improving the Performance of Multiple - bin Double - scale Proportioning System

  23. 努力提高地质工作质量,加快地质行业管理体制改革的步伐为主要途径,方百计提高地质经济效果。

    Quicken step of management system reform of geologic profession .

  24. 这可以使你的工作质量提高百倍。

    You 'll improve the quality of what you produce a hundredfold .

  25. 影响查新咨询工作质量的相关因素及对策

    Relative Elements that Influence Quality of Search & Consultation Work and Countermeasures

  26. 医院药剂科工作质量控制标准

    Standard of Quality Control for Work in Department of Pharmacy of Hospita

  27. 工作质量管理原则:上岗引导的新内容

    The principles of work quality management : the new content of employee orientation

  28. 同时,统计又是一项科学活动,讲究工作质量和专业技术。

    Statistics is also a scientific activity needing quality work and professional skills .

  29. 技术监督管理机构设置模式,直接影响到技术监督的工作质量。

    The administrative organization model of technology supervision directly affects its work quality .

  30. 巴盟地区医疗单位消毒工作质量调查

    Survey of quality of disinfection work in medical institutions of Ba League area