
  • 网络work culture;working culture
  1. 亚马逊过于苛刻的工作文化开始受到密切关注,起因是《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)今年早些时候对其进行了曝光,文章中描述了频繁的冲突以及员工坐在办公桌前哭泣的场景。

    Amazon 's hard-driving work culture has come under scrutiny after an expos é by The New York Times earlier this year , which described scenes of frequent confrontation and employees crying at their desks .

  2. 但科技行业将这种高强度、高风险的美国工作文化发展到了极致。

    But tech takes the high-stress , high-stakes American work culture to the extreme .

  3. 启明创投的美国联合创始人盖里-瑞斯彻表示,中国初创企业的工作文化甚至比美国硅谷公司还要苛求。启明创投曾投资智能手机生产商小米公司。

    The workplace culture in China 's start-up scene is even more demanding than in Silicon4 Valley , says Gary Rieschel , the US co-founder of Qiming Venture Partners , which has backed smartphone maker5 Xiaomi .

  4. 《ITWeek》杂志和招聘机构ComputerPeople最近联合组织了一个IT女性圆桌会议,在会上,许多女性都谈到IT业的长时间工作文化以及工作时间缺少灵活性。

    At a recent Women in IT roundtable organised by IT Week and recruitment body Computer People , many women spoke of the long hours culture and lack of flexible working in IT .

  5. 作为公司弹性工作文化的一部分,位于芝加哥的房地产公司TheHabitatCompany便制定了电子邮件政策,规定员工仅需要回复在工作时间收到的电子邮件。

    The Habitat Company , a Chicago-based real estate firm , established an e-mail policy that responses should only be expected during business hours , as part of an overall flexible culture .

  6. 美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)一位21岁的实习生死亡,致使人们呼吁伦敦金融城的银行整顿年轻员工的工作文化。

    Banks in the City of London are facing calls to overhaul the working culture for younger staff following the death of a 21-year-old intern at Bank of America .

  7. 要求提高实习生待遇的慈善机构InternAware称之为100小时工作文化,并对这种学生银行暑期实习中盛行的文化进行了抨击。

    Intern Aware , a charity campaigning for the better treatment of interns , hit out at what it called a 100-hour working culture for students on summer work experience at banks .

  8. 你的个性似乎与这种工作文化产生了冲突。

    It seems that your personality clashes with the workplace culture .

  9. 匿名文化冲突你的个性似乎与这种工作文化产生了冲突。

    Anon Culture clash It seems that your personality clashes with the workplace culture .

  10. 众所周知,韩国公司有一种针对女性的不合理的工作文化。

    CJ is also working internally to combat Korea 's notoriously unsustainable work culture for women .

  11. “996”制度,就是在中国科技公司普遍存在的“鼓励加班”的一种工作文化,

    That 's what some call the work culture of ' encouraged overtime ' common among Chinese tech firms ,

  12. 我们关心我们的员工,并且在管理层和员工之间培育注重绩效的工作文化。

    Nestl é cares about its people and fosters a seamless work culture between management and employees in a performance-driven culture .

  13. 办公室结盟是工作文化的一部分,但也别让自己的贡献被人遮掩。

    Office alliances are part of the work culture , thats fine , just dont let your own contributions become overshadowed .

  14. 此外,即使工作文化健全可靠,个别员工走上邪路的可能性也总是无法避免。

    Further , even if there is a sound work culture , there 's always the possibility that an employee will go rogue .

  15. 黎先生补充说,同事的支持配合,以及工作文化的改变,对于提升部门的效率和生产力,至为重要。

    He added that support from staff and a change in work culture were crucial for improvements in efficiency and productivity within the department .

  16. 一直以来,令他称赞有加的是世界上其他国家拥有的那种有规有矩的生活,工作文化,干净的环境和经济发展的各种机遇。

    He forever spoke highly about the disciplined life , working culture , clean surroundings and economic opportunities that other countries had to offer .

  17. 办公室联盟是工作文化的一部分,这没什么,只是别因此掩盖了你个人的贡献。

    Office alliances are part of the work culture , that 's fine , just don 't let your own contributions become overshadowed . 4 .

  18. 其次,多元文化计划并不仅仅是一种时髦的说法,它要求企业头脑人物下定决心,还要求有一个包容型的工作文化氛围。

    Second , to be more than just the latest corporate buzzword , diversity programs require commitment from the top and a culture that supports an inclusive environment .

  19. 熟悉中国的工作文化,具有中国的民族背景,良好的普通话和英语水平。

    Must be sensitive to the cultural issues associated with working in China . A person with Chinese ethnic background , must speak Mandarin and English at reasonable level .

  20. 新的同事,新的办公室,以及全新的工作文化,会让你充满了人生地不熟的感觉。

    New coworkers , a new office , and a brand new work culture all lend to the feeling that you are a stranger in an even stranger land .

  21. 欺骗者对敏捷是消极的,但这通常是因为他们凭借传统方法或者毫无方法发展起来,并且把敏捷视为对他们工作文化的影响。

    A deceiver is negative about Agile but is usually so because they have thrived using traditional or no method and see this as an impact to their working culture .

  22. 围绕五个核心价值&诚信,正直,尊重,团结和洲际集团品牌精神的服务,发扬工作文化。

    Promotes the desired work culture around the five core values of Trust , Integrity , Respect , One Team and Service of the Inter-Continental Hotels Group and the brand ethos .

  23. 志愿者每周花60到90分钟的时间,为新来者提供工作文化、人际关系、填写申请表以及了解专业协会等方面的指导。

    Volunteer mentors are expected to spend 60-90 minutes a week helping newcomers on work culture , contacts , writing applications and learning about professional associations . About 2,600 matches have been made so far .

  24. 随着中国的崛起,其经济和政治大国的地位已经无可争辩,然而在弥补旧工作文化与崭新高效节奏之间的鸿沟方面,却显得时间紧、任务重。

    As China rockets towards its inevitable position as a financial and political giant , it has an almost vertical learning curve in bridging the gap between old work cultures and the demanding new pace .

  25. 日本的工作文化要求长期过度加班和个人牺牲,甚至出现过度工作致死的极端案例,这种现象被认为是日本工作文化压迫下所产生的相应症状。

    This phenomenon is seen as a symptom of Japanese working culture which some regard as unduly oppressive with routine demands for overtime and personal sacrifice , in extreme cases resulting in death due to overwork .

  26. 网络时代以及随之而来的全天候工作文化让单身成为更有吸引力、也更易于管理的生活模式,让人在工作、生活和人际关系的处理上游刃有余。

    The internet age and accompanying 24 / 7 work culture have made living alone more attractive and manageable for many , an easier mode in which to achieve a balance among work , life and relationship issues .

  27. 低估中国的大批新兴竞争对手将会带来的挑战,将给西方科技公司管理层带来厄运。驱使中国竞争对手的雄心和工作文化是欧美难以匹敌的。

    Woe betide the management of any western technology company that underestimates the challenge posed by the vast number of emerging Chinese competitors , fuelled by an ambition and work regimen that is hard to match in Europe and the US .

  28. 风险投资令他们可以迅速扩充队伍,可增速如此之快,令这些组织里的新人感到很难同化,无法理解工作文化,从而导致员工被扯向不同方向。

    Venture capital investment allows them to hire rapidly . But with such fast growth , newcomers at these organisations can find it difficult to assimilate , fail to understand the work culture , which can lead to staff pulling in different directions .

  29. 在他的职业生涯里,他跟上千位公司创始人合作过,他说“创业者拥有在公司打工时所没有的自由度”,因此更便于运动和健康饮食,同时在白手起家创建公司时,也能创造健康的工作文化。

    He has worked with hundreds of company founders during his career and says " there 's a level of freedom you don 't have at a corporation " that makes it easier to be active and eat well , and to create a healthy work culture when building a company from scratch .

  30. 英国工会大会提出“筋疲力尽的英国”(BurnoutBritain)这个词来形容长时间工作的文化。

    The TUC has coined the phrase " Burnout Britain " to describe the long-hours working culture .