
  • 网络International Corporate Culture
  1. 国际企业文化理论兴起于20世纪80年代初,它克服了以往古典管理理论、行为科学管理理论、管理丛林理论的不足,导致了西方企业界一场意义深刻的革命。

    The theory of foreign enterprise culture originated in the early 1980s . It overcame the limitations of classical management theory , behaviour science management theory , management jungle theory and led to a profound revolution in western enterprises .

  2. 接着从国际国内企业文化的典型经验和理论入手,从理论上阐明了企业文化理论的产生、继承、发展及企业文化促进企业绩效的功能和路径;

    There is a theoretical introduction of emergence , development , essence and the function of the enterprise culture of promoting enterprise performance .

  3. 指出了文化差异对企业管理和组织的影响,以唤起国际企业对文化差异的重视,规避因此而给企业带来的风险。

    Moreover , this article will talk about the impact of cultural difference on the management of companies and institutions , so as to awaken the international companies to attach more importance to the cultural differences , and avoid risks correspondingly .

  4. 国际企业的跨文化管理有多种模式,其中以跨文化融合模式最具优势。

    Of ways of choosing cross-cultural management for multinationals , the best one is cross-cultural integration .

  5. 面对跨文化冲突的风险,对国际企业实行跨文化管理便成为国际企业取得成功的基本条件。

    In face of the venture of cross-cultural shock , the key to success in international enterprises is to carry out cross-cultural management .

  6. 在国际、国内,企业文化越来越被各企业所重视。

    A In the international , domestic , the enterprise culture is more and more enterprises to each .

  7. 自上世纪八十年代以来,国际上掀起了企业文化管理的热潮。

    Since eighties of last century , corporate culture management has become a hot spot all over the world .

  8. 通过这样全方位的解析国际企业的先进管理文化,期望能对国内企业的服务质量管理有所借鉴。

    Hopefully , through-out analyzing and studying on the culture of quality management in the successful international company , the paper will be helpful to the local enterprises to implement service quality management .