
  • 网络International Stock Market;International Equity Markets
  1. 次贷危机后国际股票市场相关性变动的Copula分析

    Using Copula to Analyse the Changes of Dependence Structure of International Stock Market After Subprime Crisis

  2. 国际股票市场与中国空运企业股票海外上市

    International Stock Market and Getting in of China 's Air Transport

  3. 股票市场交易量与收益率动态影响关系的计量检验:国内与国际股票市场比较分析

    Dynamic Linkages and Influences between Trading Volume and Stock Returns

  4. 在国际股票市场继续上涨之际,美国股市已经消化了大量负面消息。

    The US market has priced in a lot of negative news as international equity markets have continued to move higher .

  5. 石油美元还为国际股票市场增加了流动性,一定程度上也助长了泡沫的产生。

    Petrodollars also increased the international stock market liquidity and , to some extent , contributed to the generation of foam .

  6. 没错,很多国际股票市场最近经历了动荡,特别是俄罗斯和巴西等新兴市场的股市。

    Yes , many international stock markets , especially in emerging markets such as Russia and Brazil , have been in turmoil lately .

  7. 这使这次交易为东京证券交易市场开了个后门,给它进入国际股票市场融合游戏的筹码。

    This makes the transaction a backdoor listing for the TSE , giving it a currency with which to get into the great global stockmarket-acquisition game .

  8. 由于国内市场容量有限,越来越多的中国公司进入国际股票市场进行融资。

    With the limited capital supporting capability of domestic capital markets , more and more Chinese companies started to enter the international stock markets for capital raising .

  9. 2002年全球金融板块呈现调整特征:一是国际股票市场全线大跌,但其他市场却有不同程度的好行情;

    In 2002 , global finance shows the characteristics of adjusting : 1 . International stock markets fell greatly , while other markets were more or less up .

  10. 但是,随着一系列改革的实施,我国股票市场也越来越开放和国际化,其受国际股票市场的影响也越来越显著。

    However , with the implementation of a series of reforms in the domestic stock market , the influence of international stock market on it is becoming more and more remarkable .

  11. 国际主要股票市场指数以及GDP的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Main International Stock Markets ' Indices and GDP

  12. 毫无疑问,任何在军事方面的声明都会导致国际市场股票市场的空头情绪。

    Actually , any announcement of military activities would set off a downward spiral in the international stock markets , said Harper .

  13. 国际资本对股票市场的影响主要有三条途径。

    International fluid capital influences the stock market in three aspects .

  14. 基于国际视角的股票市场价格行为比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Price Behavior of Stock Market from the International Perspective

  15. 回顾了中国证券市场理论估值的研究,发现用平均市盈率进行国际比较对股票市场估值有较大缺陷。

    The research on theoretical evaluation of China 's security markets is reviewed , and an obvious defect is discovered in evaluation of stock markets when average price-earning ratio is used to conduct international comparison .

  16. 第三章采用理论与实证研究相结合的方法,研究了通货膨胀、充分就业、国际收支均衡与股票市场之间的相互关系。

    Chapter 3 Analyzes interrelation between stock market and inflation , employment and international balance through positivism research .

  17. 随着国际金融一体化,主要国际股票市场呈现一起上涨或者一起下跌趋势,因此世界投资者十分关注股票市场的联动性。

    According to international finance globalization , Major international stock markets appear together rise or together down , so global investor attention to Co-Movement in stock market .

  18. 本文分析了欧元在国际外汇市场、国际债券市场、国际股票市场三个典型的国际金融市场中的出色表现,通过大量数据表明了欧元的强势迅猛发展。

    Foreign exchange market , bond market and stock market are three main markets of the international financial market .

  19. 本文基于各国的流动性传导、金融资产的国际定价差异及投资者信心在股市上行及下行的阶段差异,综合分析我国大陆股票市场与国际股票市场关联效应的动态变化。

    This article analyzes the correlation effect of the continent stock market and the international stock market , which basis on the liquidity conducting , international price difference of financial assets , differences of confidence of the investor while the stock market is up and down .