
  • 网络Stock Exchange;Stock market;stock exchange market
  1. 最后你的顾问提议你把钱投在法兰克福股票交易市场。

    Finally your advisor suggests you to put your money on the Frank Stock Exchange .

  2. 然后,我们针对中国上海的股票交易市场指数对以上五种方法的统计效用进行了实证分析。

    Then , an empirical study of their statistical efficiencies is imposed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange index in China .

  3. 赫伦公司是一家私营公司,没有在股票交易市场挂牌。

    Heron is a private company and is not quoted on the Stock Market .

  4. 摩根士丹利的高管曾将FacebookIPO表现糟糕的部分问题归咎于纳斯达克股票交易市场。

    Morgan Stanley officials have blamed some of the problems of the IPO on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange .

  5. Part1NASDAQ纳斯达克纳斯达克(NASDAQ)是全美证券交易协会自动报价系统的首字母缩略词。它是当今世界上最大的股票交易市场之一。

    For the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system , NASDAQ is one of the largest markets in the world for the trading of stocks .

  6. MartinCurrie是一个基金投资管理公司,总部位于英国爱丁堡。MartinCurrie是中国A股市市场&这个继日本之后最大的股票交易市场的最大外国机构投资者。

    Martin Currie , an Edinburgh-based investment manager , is the largest foreign institutional investor in China 's A-share market , the largest equity market in Asia after Japan .

  7. 纳斯达克OMX集团(NASDAQOMXGroup)周三早间宣布,该公司已与非上市公司股权交易市场SharesPost共同成立了一家合资企业,旨在“为尚未上市的成长型公司提供一个杰出的股票交易市场。”

    The NASDAQ OMX group this morning announced that it has formed a joint venture with sharespost , in order to " establish the preeminent marketplace for private growth companies . "

  8. 一家过热的英国股票交易市场里股票价格暴跌。

    Share prices tumbled on a febrile British stock exchange .

  9. 预计明天股票交易市场打开时。

    Expect that assumption to be the order of the day when the markets open tomorrow .

  10. 庆幸的是中国的资本市场包括股票交易市场的发展非常快。

    The good news is that Chinese capital market including the stock exchange market is growing fast .

  11. 主要的股票交易市场达成一致,将出台相关计划,防止这种无序的情况再次出现。

    Major stock exchanges have agreed to develop a plan to prevent a disorderly market like that again .

  12. 由于欧洲市场充满了对全球经济急剧放缓的担忧,欧洲所有主要股票交易市场都出现波动。

    Fears of a sharp global economic slowdown gripped European markets , with all the major trading centers showing volatility .

  13. 如果缅甸开放股票交易市场-他们已经尝试在做,我将立刻购买那里的股票。

    If Myanmar opens a stock exchange – and they 're trying , I would buy shares there in a minute .

  14. 纳斯达克是“国家证券交易自动报价系统协会”的缩写,是世界上第一个完全电子股票交易市场。

    NASDAQ is short for National Association of Security Dealers Automated Quotation System was the world 's first completely electronic stock market .

  15. 赌博公司在伦敦股票交易市场的股票大幅下挫,近80亿市值化为泡影。

    Shares of publicly traded gambling companies tumbled on the London Stock exchange , wiping out nearly $ 8 billion in market value .

  16. 尽管专家会告诉你这在股票交易市场上是习以为常的事情。直到宣布结果那一刻,一切皆是不完全确定的。

    Although experts may tell you there are sure things in the market , nothing is quite certain until the results are announced .

  17. 直到1990年上海证交所,1991年深圳证交所的相继挂牌,才形成集中的股票交易市场。

    Shanghai Stock Exchange until 1990 , 1991 , have been listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange before the formation of centralized stock market .

  18. 香港和上海在中国股票交易市场中占据了主要地位,但中国还有一个位列第规模小得多的证券交易所深圳交易所。

    Hong Kong and Shanghai dominate the market headlines about share trading in China but there is a third , much smaller , exchange in the country Shenzhen .

  19. 股票交易市场的波动与投资者息息相关。股市的预测研究具有很强的理论和实际意义。

    Fluctuations in the stock market are closely related with all of investors ' benefit , so the research on the stock forecast is both theoretically and practical meaningful .

  20. 汽车、半导体和工业器材产业的下景气,特别对日立构成了危害,由于全球股票交易市场的急剧下滑,有价证券账面价值缩水也是亏损的原因之一。

    Declines in the automobile , semiconductor and industrial equipment industries especially hurt Hitachi , as well as write-downs of securities due to the sharp declines in global stock exchanges .

  21. 本章从经济学和法学角度探究了我国非上市公众公司股票交易市场法律监管制度产生和构建所依赖的经济学和法学理论基础。

    The chapter explores construction of the legal and regulatory system of non-listed public companies ' Stock market which depends on the theory of economics and legal from the perspective of economics and law .

  22. 但我国的股票交易市场仍属于很不成熟的发展中市场,由于市场行为受很多经济因素与非经济因素的影响,还未形成一个全国性的统一完善的股票市场。

    But stock exchange of China is still an immature developing stock market . Market behavior is influenced by lots of economic and non-economic factors , so there is still not a nationally uniform stock market .

  23. 做市商制度是证券制度创新的产物,已有近四十年历史,在美国纳斯达克股票交易市场取得巨大成功,后为各国所效仿。

    The market maker rule is an outcome of the innovation of Securities System with a history of nearly forty years , which makes a huge success in the market of NASDAQ Stock Exchanges and imitated by many countries .

  24. 通过第四章监管不足的分析,借鉴第三章海外先进立法经验,就完善我国非上市公众公司股票交易市场法律监管制度提出对策。

    By the analysis of inadequate supervision in chapter IV , drawing on advanced foreign legislative experience in chapter III , and then try our best to improve the shortcomings and deficiencies of stock market and regulatory system about non-listed public companies in China .

  25. 证券交易佣金自新中国股票交易市场成立以来一直是绝大部分证券公司主营业务收入的50%以上,可见证券交易佣金对证券公司的经济效益影响是巨大的。

    The income of security trade commission is above 50 % of most security companies ' main business income from the beginning of the establishment of the stock market . It is obvious that the security trade commission plays an important role in security companies ' earnings .

  26. 越南表现不佳是由于其市场的广度和宽度,因为目前整个股票交易市场的资本总额仅有200亿美元,而且还处于初始阶段,还有很大的发展空间。所以我们将会看到更多的国有企业及私人企业。

    Vietnam is underperforming is because of the width and the depth of the market because right now the entire , you know , stock exchange market capitalization is only about 20 billion dollars and given that they are still in a very primitive stage and there is a lot of room for growth .

  27. 绝大多数股票的交易市场有其特定的场所。在那儿,由收取佣金的中间人进行股票的交易,即买卖股票。

    Most stock exchanges have specific locations where commissioned , or paid , intermediaries called brokes conduct trading-that is , buying and selling .

  28. 纽泛交易所给客户提供一个国际化特有的欧洲盘股票产品交易市场,包括股权、封闭式基金、债券、交易型开放式指数基金和权证交易。

    NYSE Euronext offers customers around the world a single pan-European market for its stock market products , including equities , closed-end funds , bonds , exchange-traded funds and warrants .

  29. 许多亚洲交易所将另类流动性平台视为威胁,同时由于担心它们会侵蚀股票交易的市场份额,这些交易所已开始游说本国政府不要放开本土的监管限制。

    Many Asian exchanges view alternative liquidity platforms as a threat and , fearful of an erosion of market share in equities trading , have lobbied national authorities against liberalising local regulations .

  30. 中国内地企业股票交易构成香港市场成交量的近三分之一。

    Trading in shares of Chinese entities made up almost one-third of market turnover .