
ɡuó fánɡ fèi
  • defense spending;expenditure on national defense
  1. 市场经济条件下国防费功能刍议

    Functions of defense spending in market economy

  2. 国防费宏观调控刍论

    On macro - regulation of defense spending

  3. 宏观经济政策调整对国防费政策的影响

    Influence of macro economic policy adjustment upon national defense expenditure policy

  4. 我国国防费的经济效益分析

    Analysis on Economic Benefit of Expenditure on National Defense of China

  5. 积极财政政策和增加国防费的协调配合

    Harmonize the Relation Between Active Financial Policy and National Defense Expenditure

  6. 国防费规模与结构和国防实力关系数量模型

    A Logic Model on National Defense Cost Scale-Structure and Defense Security

  7. 国防费:国防战略与宏观经济调控

    Expenditure on National Defense : National Defense Strategy and Macro-Economy Regulation

  8. 国防费结构控制模型探讨

    A research of the model of national defense expenditure structure control

  9. 2001财年美国国防费分析

    An analysis of US military expenditure in the 2004 fiscal year

  10. 中国对国防费实行严格的财政拨款制度。

    China practices a strict system of financial supervision of defense funds .

  11. 国防费的变动趋势及其战略选择

    Change trend of defence expenditure and its ' strategic choice

  12. 论国防费结构关联程度的度量

    Measurement of the cognate degree of national defense expenditure structure

  13. 集权与分权的效率分析&国防费决策权力配置与约束机制构建

    An analysis of the efficiency of centralization and decentralization

  14. 论中国国防费增长的环境

    On the environment of China national defense expenditure increase

  15. 论国防费规模与军事实力的关系

    On the relation between the scale of national defense expenditure and military strength

  16. 国防费规模变动的混沌分析

    Chaos analysis of national defense expenditure scale change

  17. 关于我国国防费投入的若干定量研究

    Quantitative Study of Defense Spending Inputs in China

  18. 在国家经济不断增长的基础上,中国的国防费有所增加。

    Based on the continuous economic growth , China 's defense expenditure has increased somewhat .

  19. 国防费管理更加公开、公平、公正。

    Defense funds are therefore managed in a more just , fair and transparent way .

  20. 四年之中的年度国防费的确在增加,增幅比例是两位数也是事实。

    The expenditure did increase in the four years , with a two-digit growth rate .

  21. 国防费预算、决算由全国人大审查批准。

    China 's defense budget and final accounts are reviewed and approved by the NPC .

  22. 复合系统协调度评价模型在国防费中的仿真应用

    An application of simulation of Model of Composite System Coordinating Degree in national defense expenditure

  23. 我国国防费保障情况探讨

    The issues of national defense expenditure support

  24. 从上述国防费实际构成比例可以看出,维持费用占了大部分。维持和平经费筹措司

    Thus , maintenance-type activities absorb the largest portion of the defense budget . Peace-keeping Financing Division

  25. 国防费适度增长区间论

    Rational growth intervals of defense spending

  26. 优化国防费配置&我国国防工业发展的路径选择

    The Optimizing Allocation of National Defense : To Choice Path of Developing of Chinese Defense Industry

  27. 国防费一方面能促进就业,另一方面也会给就业带来一定的消极影响,如何理清国防费同就业之间的关系,对于研究国防与经济协调发展具有重要意义。

    Defense expenditure can not only promote employment , but also can bring about certain negative impact on employment .

  28. 近几年增加的国防费主要用于:(一)增加军队人员生活支出。

    The increased defense expenditure in recent years has primarily been for the following purposes : 1.Increase of personnel expenses .

  29. 为保证物价上涨条件下军人生活水平不降低,国防费中人员生活所需支出大幅度增加。

    Expenditure on personnel 's living expenses was increased by a large margin to keep up with the spiralling costs of living .

  30. 我国国防费最优结构的确定&对项目支出分配比例的实证研究

    How to Determine the Optimal Structure of China 's Expenditure on National Defense & An Empirical Study on the Distribution Proportion of Project Expenditure