
  • 网络International Financial Lease;International Financial Leasing
  1. 国际融资租赁法律探讨

    Legal Study on International Financial Lease

  2. 第二章对国际融资租赁合同的法律特点进行了分析。

    Chapter Two analyses the legal nature of the international financial leasing contract .

  3. 第三部分亦是本文的重点,主要论述风险调整贴现率法如何在国际融资租赁风险分析中的应用。

    Part 3 expounds how to use the Discount Rate of Risk Adjustment in the risk analysis of international finance lease .

  4. 租赁合同与供货合同的特殊关系是国际融资租赁合同的一个显著特点,其突破了合同相对性的理论,对于整个交易有重要影响。

    The extraordinary relationship between the leasing contract and the supply contract breaches the theory of relativity of the contract and is important to the whole trade .

  5. 在民商法层面,主要评论《国际融资租赁公约》和我国《合同法》融资租赁合同章等。

    Furthermore , it discusses the private law mainly on the UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing and the Financial Leasing Contract ' chapter of China Contract Law , ect .

  6. 第二部分,考察国外融资租赁立法的实践并就《国际融资租赁公约》进行了特别的分析和研究。

    Explore the practice of foreign financial leasing legislation , particularly study " The Treaty on International Financial Leasing " , and summarize some aspects which affect financial leasing legislation ;

  7. 第三章对国际融资租赁合同中与商业交易有关的内容进行了法律分析:关于租赁物的有关规定是合同的重要内容。

    Chapter Three discusses the legal problems relating to the bargaining of international financial leasing trade , including : The leased asset These provisions play an important role in the contract .

  8. 第二章研究国际融资租赁关系中的所有权归属问题,针对所有权分化理论引起的所有权归属上的争议,分析了三种在国际社会有重要影响的观点,并将所有权性质作实质上的界定;

    Chapter Two probes into the issues concerning belongs of the ownership of international financial leasing , it analyses three famous reviews and makes a result of the nature of the ownership .

  9. 本文对国际融资租赁合同的若干法律问题进行了研究和探讨,以期能对我国国际融资租赁的实践有所裨益。

    This dissertation will discuss several legal problems in order that it might be helpful to the further development of international financing leasing . The dissertation is composed of three parts : foreword .

  10. 本篇论文主要研究国际融资租赁风险管理问题,一共分为四个部分,大致内容如下:第一部分回顾了国际融资租赁的历史渊源,其概念以及主要模式。

    Part 1 reviews historical origins of international finance lease , its meaning and its main pattern , and presents the meanings of risks and risk management of international finance lease , also its risk discernment .

  11. 国际融资租赁是金融业务发展过程中银行资本与工商业资本相互渗透与结合的产物,是在现代化大生产条件下产生的实物信用与银行信用相结合的一种新型金融业务。

    International finance lease is the result of the infiltration of banking capital and commercial capital with the finance developing , and is a new finance style of the combination of material trust and banking trust .

  12. 第一章阐述了国际融资租赁的概念、历史发展、法律性质,并介绍了有关国家的立法情况,还介绍了国际融资租赁交易合同的特殊性问题;

    Chapter One defines international financial leasing and expounds the definition , its evolution course and legal nature and presents domestic laws of several countries on financial leasing , it also introduces the particularity of the contract of International Financial Leasing .

  13. 由于国际融资租赁合同涉及多方当事人,任何一方违约都会对另外一方或多方的利益造成影响,融资租赁合同中当事人的违约较传统租赁合同更具复杂性。

    As the international financial leasing contract involves multi-party , that any one violates the contract will affect the interests of the other party or parties , so the party breach of financial leasing contract is more complex than the traditional one .

  14. 结合世界主要国家的立法优点以及《国际融资租赁公约》中的合理内容,针对中国的现行融资租赁立法保障所有权人的利益的实体和程序法方面提出了一点建议。

    Combine the rational content in the legislative advantage of the main country of the world and " international financing lease convention ", legislate to ensure the entities of the owner 's interests and procedure law to propose some suggestions to the current financing lease of China .

  15. 引言部分简单介绍了世界融资租赁交易的发展以及我国国际融资租赁业务的现状,指出国际融资租赁合同对于我国融资租赁业务的发展具有重要意义。

    In the foreword part , the author shows the growth and development of the modern leasing industry and introduces the present situation in China , pointing out that international financial leasing contract has an important meaning for the development of the financing lease business of our country .

  16. 因此本人尝试建立国际船舶融资租赁登记制度的架构。

    Hence , the writer tries to build the frame of international ship financing lease . 2 .

  17. 国际船舶融资租赁当中各方当事人的权利与义务,以及权益遭到损害时的救济手段。

    Parties ' rights and duties in international ship financing lease , and the measures when their legal rights are harmed .

  18. 最后,本文提出我国发展国际船舶融资租赁业的若干对策,以期对实务界能有所裨益。

    Lastly , it puts forward several advisable measures for China to develop such international transaction and expects to give helps in practice thereby .

  19. 正是因为在这样的背景之下,国际船舶融资租赁在我国开始被造船企业和航运公司用以解决资金问题,并解决融资方式单一的困境。

    Under this background , Chinese shipyards and shipping companies start to use international ship financing lease to solve fund shortage and single financing mode .

  20. 第四部分,通过对国际上融资租赁监管理论及实践的考察和对我国融资租赁监管立法中存在的问题的分析研究,提出了完善我国融资租赁业监管制度的建议。

    In the part four , the author bring forward some advice that perfect financial leasing legislation in china by analysising the theory and practice of foreign financial leasing legislation and reviewing the question of Chinese financial leasing legislation .

  21. 通过对世界各国租赁业的比较,我们发现国际上关于融资租赁的法律界定存在较大差异,一是表现为各国之间的法律界定差异。

    First , the legal definitions on financial lease are different in different countries .

  22. 卖产品、卖服务、卖理念、卖标准&品读国际工程机械巨头融资租赁

    Sales , Service , Thought , Standard & Reviewing Finance and Rental of International Construction Machinery Elites

  23. 如何认定交易的国际性,是当前学术界争论的焦点。随着我国加入WTO及全球经济一体化的进程,研究国际融资租赁的运作问题越来越重要。

    Along with China joining the WTO and the continuing pace forward of globalization of economy , the study and research on international financial leasing have become more and more important .