
ɡuó fánɡ shēnɡ chǎn
  • national defense production
  1. 印度国防生产部长R.K。辛格说,成本将分阶段计算得出。

    Indian Defence Production Secretary R.K.Singh said the costing would be worked out in stages .

  2. 巴基斯坦国防生产部长拉纳映维尔侯赛因(RanaTanvirHussain)已确认,8艘潜艇中的一半将在卡拉奇船厂和机器制造厂建造,从而提高巴基斯坦的造船能力。

    Rana Tanveer Hussain , Pakistan 's minister of defence production , has confirmed that half of the eight submarines will be built at the Karachi shipyard and engineering works , boosting Pakistan 's shipbuilding capacity .

  3. 它负有使国防生产高速度进行的责任。

    It was charged with responsibility for getting defense production into high gear .

  4. 整顿和扩大国防生产,发展农村经济,保证战时生产品的自给。

    Economic policy should consist in readjusting and expanding defence production , developing the rural economy and assuring self-sufficiency in wartime commodities .

  5. 国家对国防科研生产实行统一领导和计划调控。

    The state exercises unified leadership and planned control over defense research and production .

  6. 国务院负责领导和管理国防科研生产,管理国防经费。

    The State Council leads and administrates defense research and production , as well as defense expenditure and assets .

  7. 军品订货量的预测是规划未来国防工业生产规模的关键.本文首先分析确定了影响陕西国防工业军品订货量的主要因素,对其中的定性因素进行了量化;

    The forecast of military products orders is the key to planning the production scale of the future defence industry . Firstly , the main factors which influence the orders shaanxi military products are analysed and among which the qualitative factor is quantified .

  8. 中央军事委员会批准武装力量的武器装备体制和武器装备发展规划、计划,协同国务院领导和管理国防科研生产,会同国务院管理国防经费和国防资产。

    The CMC approves the military equipment system of the armed forces and military equipment development plans and programs , leads and administrates defense research and production in coordination with the state council , and manages defense outlays and assets jointly with the state council .

  9. 本课题打破了FPGA核心关键设计技术和产品制造被国外公司所垄断的不利局面,满足了国防和工业生产的需要。

    The results break through the adverse situation as all of the FPGA products and design technology were monopolized by several American companies , and satisfying urgent demands of national defending .

  10. Monel合金是一种重要的镍铜耐蚀合金,该合金兼有十分优良的力学及耐蚀性能。在国防及国民生产的各个领域(包括石化、核能、军用等领域)中具有十分重要的应用。

    Monel is a type of nickel copper base alloy of vital importance , which has been widely used in national defense applications and national product applications due to its excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance .

  11. 一段时间以来,台湾的国防预算国内生产毛额的百分比持续下降。

    For some time the Taiwan defense budget declined as a percentage of gdp .

  12. 计算机视觉技术在国防、工业生产、交通以及体育等各个方面有着越来越广泛的应用,发挥着日益重要的作用。

    Nowadays , computer vision has been widely used in national security , industrial production , transportation and sports , and becomes more and more important .

  13. 近年来,脊型波导由于其工作频段较高,工作带宽较宽且结构相对稳定,不易变形等优点,逐渐被用于军事、卫星通信等国防和国民生产的重要领域当中。

    In recent years , due to its high frequence working band , wide · bandwidth and the steady structure etc , ridged waveguide device is gradually used for military , satellite communications , and other important fields in national defense , national production .

  14. 比较国防开支占国内生产总值(gdp)的比率,未必显示中国军国主义的崛起。

    Comparisons of defence spending to gross domestic product do not necessarily indicate a gathering storm of Chinese militarism .

  15. 他将确保美国国防开支占国内生产总值(gdp)的比重绝不低于4%大约比目前的比例高出五分之一。

    He would ensure US defence spending never falls below 4 per cent of gross domestic product roughly a fifth more than today .

  16. 将国防支出占国内生产总值(gdp)的比例削减2%有助于实现这一目标,这意味着要结束在伊拉克和阿富汗的占领,并砍掉不必要的武器系统。

    This can be achieved partly by cutting defence spending by 2 percentage points of gross domestic product , meaning ending the Iraq and Afghanistan occupations and cutting wasteful weapons systems .

  17. 卫星在科学研究、国防建设和国民生产等领域发挥着重要作用。

    Satellites in scientific research , national defense and national production and other areas play an important role .

  18. 磁通门传感器具有结构简单、体积小、耐震性好及精度较高等优点,在科学研究、国防建设、工业生产、日常生活等领域都有广泛的用途。

    Fluxgate sensor behaves some properties such as simple structure , small size , good shock resistance and higher precision .

  19. 伺服系统在国防建设、工业生产、交通运输甚至家庭生活中都有重要的地位。

    Servo system plays an important role in defense construction , industrial production , transport and communication even family life .

  20. 永磁同步电机因其自身的一些优点,在国防、工农业生产和日常生活等方面获得越来越广泛的应用。

    Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors ( PMSM ) have been used more and more widely for drive applications because of their several inherent advantages .

  21. 随着脉冲功率技术的持续不断发展,其在国防建设以及国民生产中的应用越来越广泛。

    With the continuous development of pulsed power technology , the application of it in the construction of the national defence and national product become widely .

  22. 2007年通过了国防武器装备科研生产单位、保密资格审查认证委员会的二级保密资格单位;

    In2007 , it became the research and production unit for National Defense Weapon Equipment , the second level secrecy qualification unit of Secrecy Qualification Certification Committee .

  23. 近20年来,中国国防费占国内生产总值的比例一直在下降(图表3)。

    In the past two decades the percentage of China 's defense expenditure in the gross domestic product ( GDP ) has declined successively ( Table 3 ) .

  24. 高功率脉冲技术作为高新、尖端技术日益受到重视,其在国防建设以及国民生产中的应用越来越广泛,也越来越受到人们的关注。

    As a high and top technology , High Power Pulse Technology is applied widely in National Defense Construction and civil manufacture . It has received more and more attentions .

  25. 其独特超疏水的性质,在国防、工农业生产和日常生活中有着广泛的应用前景。

    For their unique excellent repellent character , hydrophobic membranes will be widely used in many fields , such as in nation defence , industry , agriculture and daily life .

  26. 光电探测器是指能将入射光能量转化为电信号的光电子器件,其在国防科技和人们生产生活中具有广泛的应用。

    Photodetectors are one of optoelectronic devices which converting the incident light signal into electrical signal . They have been widely applied in the defence science technology and production living .

  27. 在科学研究、国防建设、工业生产、生物医疗科学、日常生活等领域,磁场的测量尤其是弱磁场的测量,常常发挥着重要的作用。

    The technology of the weak magnetic field measurements often plays an important role in many fields , such as scientific research , national defense , industry , bio-medical sciences , and areas of daily life .

  28. 我国是世界上风暴潮灾害发生最频繁且所受影响最严重的国家之一,风暴潮给我国国防、工农业生产和国民经济带来重大的损失。

    China is one of the countries that influenced by storm surge badly and most frequently in the world . Storm surges cause serious damage and lost to national defence , industry , agriculture and economy of our country .

  29. 脉冲功率技术在国防建设和国民生产中有着广泛的应用,它当今发展的主要方向之一是提高平均功率,长脉冲的研究是其中的一个重要课题。

    Pulsed power technology ( PPT ) is widely used in national defense and economy areas . In recent years , increasing the average power is one of the most important directions of PPT developments and more attention has been given to long-pulse technology .

  30. 和传统的工业机器人相比,具有自主感知、决策和执行功能的移动机器人具有广阔的应用前景,在国防、工农业生产、抢险等领域中都具备着人类所无法比拟的巨大优势。

    Comparing with traditional industrial robot , the mobile robot with self-perception , decision making , and performance function has vaster application prospect . Mobile robot has huge advantages over human being in the fields of national defense , industrial and agriculture manufacture , and hazard .