
hé zuò shēng chǎn
  • cooperative production;joint production;coproduction
合作生产[hé zuò shēng chǎn]
  1. 谈引进技术合作生产的重点纺织机械

    On Key Textile Machinery for the Joint Production Based on Introduced Technology

  2. 问:据报道,吉拉尼总理访华期间,双方签署了合作生产战斗机协议。

    Q : It is reported that during Prime Minister Gilani 's visit to China , the two sides have signed an agreement for the joint production of fighter jets .

  3. GE公司燃气轮机技术特点及合作生产情况介绍

    Technical Features of GE 's Gas Turbine and Introduction of Cooperative Production

  4. TCL与港商合作生产录音磁带等。

    TCL cooperated with Hong Kong businessmen to produce cassettes etc.

  5. 随着中国进入WTO后过渡期,中国烟草产业面临着残酷激烈的国际竞争,国外烟草巨头纷纷在中国投资建厂或者寻求合资合作生产、销售本公司的品牌卷烟。

    With its entry into WTO , more and more oversea tobacco corporations have business in china , so the Chinese tobacco corporations are facing fiercer international competition and more development chance .

  6. 在分销方面,阿里巴巴与合作方华数传媒(WasuMedia)——谢世煌是股东之一——合作生产机顶盒。

    For distribution , Alibaba makes set-top boxes with partner Wasu ( in which Mr Xie owns a stake ) .

  7. 在这种背景下,我国机车车辆制造骨干企业通过引进先进技术,进行合作生产,创造自主品牌的方式,研制了CRH系列高速动车组。

    In this context , the locomotive manufacturing enterprises of Chinese developed a series of CRH high-speed emu .

  8. 谷歌和啤酒制造商DogfishHead合作生产名为“Urkontinent”的比利时啤酒。

    Google has joined forces with brewer Dogfish Head to produce a Belgian Dubbel beer called Urkontinent .

  9. 本月,日产还表示将与克莱斯勒(ChryslerLLC)合作生产一款小型车,在南美市场销售。

    Nissan this month also said it would team up with Chrysler LLC to produce a compact car that the U.S.auto maker would sell in South America .

  10. 在柴油机方面,1958年与澳大利亚合作生产船舶发动机,1975年与德国宝马B&WMAN公司合作推出了D1146-P222LE系列重载柴油机;

    In the field of diesel , collaborated with Australia to produce marine engine in1958 , with B & W MAN in German to produce D1146-p222LE series in1975 ;

  11. 智能手机制造商宏达电(HTC)报出2011年以来的首次季度营业额上升,原因是新型中档手机和与谷歌(Google)合作生产的平板电脑帮助延缓了其市场份额的流失。

    Smartphone maker HTC reported a quarterly rise in turnover for the first time since 2011 , as new mid-range phones and a tablet produced with Google helped slow the erosion of its market share .

  12. Frank表示,OED公司下一步计划是要力求和中国制造商合作生产SolSource产品。

    OED 's next step is to seek out and work with manufacturers in China to produce the SolSource , said Frank .

  13. 接着,具体介绍了LTCC工艺的加工流程,并结合项目实际要求,选择合作生产厂商,确定后续设计的工艺准则。

    After that , combining with the actual requirements of this project , the design criteria are confirmed from the selected manufacturer after the introduction of the processing flow of LTCC technology .

  14. IFFCON扩大开放的要求与美国和加拿大在发展项目中生产者,他们正在寻求国际融资或合作生产。

    IFFCON extends an open call to US and Canadian producers with projects in development for which they are seeking international financing or co-production .

  15. 这批融合新技术的衬衫是和加拿大的OM公司合作生产的,该公司以生产所谓的生物计量智能服装著称,他预测这种衬衫将是革新性的,此外还有助于改变公司的形象。

    He went on to predict that the tech-infused shirts , produced in collaboration with OM , a Canadian company known for so-called biometric smartwear , would be a game-changer . And an image transformer to boot .

  16. 诺基亚高度依赖手机销售,这是其主要收入来源,而爱立信尽管也与日本索尼(Sony)合作生产手机,但其重点关注的是设计、制造、销售和系统服务。

    Nokia has a strong reliance on handset sales , which generate the bulk of its revenues , while Ericsson is focused on the design , manufacture , sale and servicing of systems , although it also makes handsets in association with Sony of Japan .

  17. 介绍与奥地利合作生产制造的450t桥式起重机偏轨箱形梁重要焊缝的工艺改进及质量控制。

    The paper introduced the welding process improvement and quality control of the deflection track box girder in 450t overhead crane made with the cooperation of Austria .

  18. 巴基斯坦空军还将购买多达250架中巴合作生产的JF-17战斗机。分析人士预计,此项交易的总价值约合50亿美元。

    The Pakistan air force is buying up to 250 JF-17 fighter aircraft jointly produced by China and Pakistan in a deal that analysts believe could be worth about $ 5bn .

  19. K-8喷气式教练机,有时被称为‘K-8喀喇昆仑’或‘洪都巨浪8’日,是中国和巴基斯坦合作生产,配置空对空导弹和火箭装置。

    The K-8 jet trainer , sometimes called the K-8 Karakorum or the Hongdu JL-8 , is a joint venture between China and Pakistan , and is fitted with air-to-air missiles and rockets .

  20. 他也跨界设计造型极其简朴的紫砂茶具(它的制作原料紫砂泥只有江苏出产),以及灵感源自中国街边普通板凳的家具,并与荷兰家居品牌Moooi合作生产这些家具。

    He is also a designer of products such as starkly minimalist tea sets made from zisha clay , found only in China 's Jiangsu province , and furniture inspired by the country 's humble street stools , made in collaboration with Dutch brand Moooi .

  21. 我们合作生产可再利用的铝制瓶。

    We / teamed up to make reusable aluminum bottles .

  22. 国际工人合作生产业和手工业协会委员会

    International Committee of Workers ' Cooperative Productive and Artisanal Society

  23. 749.公司的主体精心合作生产振动蒸发器。

    749 . The corporate bodies collaborate elaborately on producing vibrating evaporator .

  24. 在肯尼亚,政府打算与日本合作生产生物燃料。

    In Kenya , the government plans cooperation with Japan to produce biofuels .

  25. 引进技术合作生产把产品推向国际先进水平

    Enhancing the Products to Advanced World Levels through import Technique and Cooperating in Production

  26. 水电机组国际招标采购和国内外厂商合作生产方式的探讨

    International procurement of turbine-generator units and their joint construction of domestic and foreign manufactures

  27. 1955年,邓肯名为弗朗博合作生产塑料溜溜球的公司。

    In1955 , Duncan partnered with a company called Flambeau to produce plastic yo-yos .

  28. 然而,许多内容拥有者构成各种团体组,合作生产出内容。

    However , content owners constitute a set of parties collaborating to produce the content .

  29. 有一段时间,电力和水的合作生产称为去盐工业的主导方向。

    For a time , the cogeneration of electricity and water dominated the desalination industry .

  30. 与佐竹机械(苏州)有限公司合作生产的大米提升机系列;

    Series of bucket elevator for rice cooperated with satake manufacturing ( suzhou ) CO. , LTD.