
  • 网络contract manufacturing;contract manufacture
  1. 这些玩具汽车是由旭日实业有限公司(EarlyLightIndustrial)生产的。旭日实业是美泰在中国的合同制造企业之一,它又将玩具零部件的涂漆工作转包给了另一家企业。

    The toy was produced by Early Light Industrial , one of Mattel 's contract manufacturing facilities in China , which subcontracted the painting of parts of the toy to another company .

  2. 哈里哈兰认为华硕的个人电脑合同制造业务被高估。

    He believes the company 's PC contract manufacturing business is overvalued .

  3. Alpha-Top得以保住了苹果的业务,不过,在被华硕电脑有限公司(AsustekComputerInc.)收购之后,公司的订单逐渐减少。华硕在从事合同制造业务的同时也在竭力推出自己的同类品牌。

    Alpha-Top managed to keep its Apple business , although orders tapered off after it was acquired by Asustek Computer Inc. , which juggled its own competing brand and contract work .

  4. 在客户的压力之下,华硕2010年把合同制造业务剥离出来,成立了和硕。

    Asustek spun off its contract manufacturing business in 2010 into Pegatron under pressure from clients .

  5. 技术转让,合资,贴牌,合同制造,合作市场,药品制造。

    Technology transfer , joint venture , licensing , contract manufacturing and co-marketing of pharmaceutical products .

  6. 第二章对业务外包的概念进行了界定,介绍了外包与外购和合同制造的区别与联系。

    Then , the paper introduces the concept and differences between outsourcing , purchasing and contract manufacturing .

  7. 而宏基为了将自有品牌业务与合同制造业务分离,几年前也曾进行过类似的调整。

    Acer underwent a similar change several years ago , in an effort to separate its brand business from contract manufacturing .

  8. 为了缓和与客户的紧张关系并减少自有品牌业务与合同制造业务之间暴露出来的利益冲突,华硕最近宣布了一项重组计划。

    Asustek recently announced a restructuring plan to ease tensions with its customers and reduce perceived conflicts of interest between its branded-business and contract-manufacturing arms .

  9. 此外,从纵向一体化转向包含合同制造的横向一体化运营的供应链重构过程,也加剧了供应链上下游之间的信息不对称性以及关键部件的产能竞争。

    In addition , the supply chain operations remodeling process from vertically integrated to horizontal integration also exacerbates the information asymmetry between supply chain members , as well as the competition of key components supply .

  10. 分析中国制造业企业国际市场进入模式时,从出口加工模式、合同制造模式和自有品牌制造模式进行了分析。

    The following four aspects were chosen to analyze Chinese manufacturing enterprises ' entry mode in the international market : the export processing mode , the contract manufacturing model , global distribution model and its own brand manufacturing model .

  11. 买方将派监造人员到卖方工厂对合同设备制造全过程进行监造。

    The supervisors will be sent by the Buyer to supervise the whole process of fabrication of the contract equipment in the Seller 's factory .

  12. 销售合同是制造企业重要的生产信息,其内容既包括用户要求的属性、规格和交货时间,也包括企业制定与执行生产计划过程中涉及的信息,是连接制造企业和用户的纽带。

    The sales contract is the important production information of manufacturing firm , it includes the attribute of the user request , specification and delivery time and the information which enterprise formulation and in the execution productive plan process involves .

  13. 卖方要及时提供与合同设备设计制造有关的资料。

    The Seller shall provide data related to design and manufacture of equipment in the contract timely .

  14. 基于被许可方的独立裁定权,其在本合同项下制造,分销以及出售的全部或部分获特许的产品可带有本商标。

    At the full discretion of the Licensee , all or part of the Licensed Products made , distributed and sold by the Licensee under this Agreement may carry the Trademarks .

  15. 基于多Agent和合同网的敏捷制造单元调度

    A Multi-agent and Contract-net Based on Scheduling Approach for Agile Manufacturing Cell

  16. 我们是严格依照合同的详细规格制造这些货物的。

    We manufactured these goods in strict conformity with the detailed specifications in the contract .

  17. 大多数项目管理软件侧重进度、成本、资源等管理,对合同、质量、制造、采购等管理则要采用其他的相应软件。

    Most project management software lays particular emphasis on progress , cost , resource , etc. To contract , quality , making , purchase should adopt other corresponding software .