
  • cooperative learning
  1. Web环境下的合作学习系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Cooperative Learning System in the Web Environment

  2. 合作学习(cooperativelearning)是新课程改革中的一个亮点。

    Cooperative learning is a bright spot in the the new curriculum reform .

  3. 合作学习(cooperativelearning)作为目前世界上一种有创意和实效的教学策略体系,在世界许多发达国家的中小学已得到广泛应用,并且取得了令人瞩目的效果。

    As a kind of creative and effective teaching strategy system , cooperative learning has been widely used in primary and middle school in many developed countries , and people has achieved remarkable results .

  4. CSCL与CSCW有区别,协作学习与合作学习也有区别。

    CSCL differs from CSCW , and there are also differences between collaborative learning and cooperative learning .

  5. 教学讨论区以合作学习的方式,采用ASP编程,运用ACCESS数据库系统构建,支持学习过程中学生之间、学生与教师之间的交流与合作。

    The discussion area of educating which supports exchanging and cooperation between the students and teachers in studying by cooperative studying has been set up utilizing access data base system and ASP program .

  6. 在教育领域,人们将目光也由个别化学习转向群体合作学习,因此,计算机支持的协同学习(ComputerSupportedCollaborativeLearning,简称CSCL)的研究变得非常活跃。

    An emerging trend in education worldwide is a movement of the focus from individual learning to cooperative learning . The study of computer supported collaborative learning ( abbr. CSCL ) becomes very active .

  7. 合作学习理论与小组活动&大学英语课堂教学探索

    Cooperative Group Study in Classroom Cooperative Learning Theory and Group Activities

  8. 四个案例的着重点不同,分别就合作学习实践研究中的一些关键因素加以探讨。

    The four cases have different emphasis in the key elements .

  9. 中学英语教师对待学生合作学习有着怎样的理解?

    Fourthly , how do middle school English teachers understand CL ?

  10. 在各种教学方式中,合作学习是最有效的方式之一。

    Cooperative Learning is one of the most effective teaching methods .

  11. 介绍了合作学习的理念和特点。

    And the idea and characteristic of cooperative learning are introduced .

  12. 课堂分组合作学习的理论探讨与实施设计

    Research on Theory and Practice of Cooperative Group Learning in Class

  13. 课外合作学习词汇的学生对合作学习的评价如何。

    Do students hold positive attitude towards cooperative vocabulary-learning after class ?

  14. 在合作学习中促进生生互动的有效策略

    The Effective Strategies of Promoting Interacting among Students in Cooperative Learning

  15. 体育教学中合作学习对大学生体育学习合作意愿与行为的影响研究

    Effect on Cooperative Ideas and Behaviors under the Background of Cooperative learning

  16. 合作学习兴起的背景比较

    The Comparison on the background of cooperative learning 's rising

  17. 信息技术教学中的分层合作学习探讨

    The Discussion of Co-operative Learning in the Information Technology Teaching

  18. 合作学习&激发共同创造体育教学模式

    Cooperative Learning & Teaching Pattern of PE Inspires Creating Together

  19. 合作学习的内涵、要素和意义

    The Connotation , Essential Factors and Significance of Cooperative Learning

  20. 合作学习对大学生人际关系改善与学习效果的影响

    On the Interpersonal Relationship and Learning of PE in the Co-operative Learning

  21. 支持合作学习有效开展的教学观念转变分析

    The Transition of Teaching Ideas Suitable for Efficient Cooperative Learning

  22. 在初中音乐课堂实施合作学习的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Promoting Cooperative Learning in Junior High School Music Class

  23. 语文教学中运用合作学习策略初探

    A Research on Tactics of Cooperative Learning in Chinese Teaching

  24. 合作学习有助于提高高中生的英语写作能力。

    Cooperative learning helps promote the students ' writing abilities .

  25. 开展合作学习时机的把握;

    How to hold the time when develop cooperative learning ;

  26. 合作学习能否提高学生英语写作成绩?

    Can cooperative learning increase students ' English writing scores ?

  27. 首先,阅读前的合作学习是很有必要的。

    Firstly , cooperative learning is really necessary before reading .

  28. 学生在活动中学会使用合作学习。

    Ss are able to learn by cooperating with friends .

  29. 加强合作学习意识提高自主学习能力

    Strengthen Cooperative Study Sense and Promote Autonomous Learning Ability

  30. 社会/情感策略包括寻求解答、合作学习、减少焦虑等。

    Social / affective strategies refer to strategies of cooperation , reducing anxiety .