
  1. Baird先生说,“在合伙人制度下,让管理者相信人才管理的重要性并不难”。

    " It is easier to persuade people about the importance of talent management in a partnership ," says Mr Baird .

  2. 当被问及公司上市后这样的合伙人制度是否还会继续管事,蔡先生马上举了高盛(GoldmanSachs)投资集团的例子。作为一家上市公司,高盛有着一个联系紧密的合伙人制度。

    Pressed on whether such a cabal could continue to run things once the firm goes public , he immediately points to Goldman Sachs , an investment bank , as an example of a publicly traded company with a close-knit partnership structure .

  3. 大型合伙人制度下,合伙人之间缺乏相互的深入了解。

    And in big partnerships people cease to know each other personally .

  4. 阿里巴巴已反复表示,决心坚持公司的合伙人制度。

    Alibaba has repeatedly said that it is determined to keep its partnership structure .

  5. 采用合伙人制度就得让渡一些利益。

    Being a partnership confers some advantages .

  6. 对冲基金通常采取合伙人制度,他们的绝大部分盈利来自对其交易利润的20%提成。

    Hedge funds are typically partnerships that derive most of their earnings by taking a 20 per cent cut of all profits from their trading .

  7. 尽管合伙人制度没有直接发行两类股票那么透明,阿里巴巴并不能完全无视外部股东。

    Though the partnership approach is less transparent than just issuing two different classes of stock , the company cannot entirely ignore its external shareholders .

  8. 这种合伙人制度是导致阿里巴巴与港交所上市谈判破裂的原因,阿里巴巴最初曾考虑在香港上市。

    An objection to this practice was what torpedoed negotiations between Alibaba and the Hong Kong stock exchange , where the company initially considered listing .

  9. 在长达数月的谈判之后,阿里巴巴上月宣布将在美国上市,因为那里的规定能够让该公司采用合伙人制度。

    After months of negotiations , Alibaba said last month it would list in the US , where rules allow for the kind of partnership structure it is seeking .

  10. 典型的公司中的成功意味着爬上为数不多的高位之一,或许还得把其他人挤出竞争,合伙人制度则在金字塔顶留下更多空间。

    Whereas success at a typical company means climbing to one of a few top positions and probably elbowing others aside in the process partnerships provide a broader top to the pyramid .

  11. 文件称,合伙人制度是为了保持阿里巴巴创始人形成的文化,同时也考虑到创始人最终不可避免要退休的事实。

    The filing said the system is designed to preserve ' the culture shaped by [ Alibaba ] founders while at the same time accounting for the fact that founders will inevitably retire from the company . '

  12. 从拓宽资金来源渠道、调整普通合伙人的税收制度、保障我国风险投资退出渠道的畅通等三方面提出了建议。

    In this chapter three proposals - adjust the tax system , broaden the channels of funding sources and quit are proposed .

  13. 本文对于有限合伙人是否可以以劳务出资进行了论证,并提出若干完善我国有限合伙人出资制度的建议。

    In this paper , the question whether labor service can be considered as a king of invest is being discussed , and a number of suggestions has been carried out about how to perfect the Chinese limited partner ` s investor system .