
  1. 在此基础上,对集团治理与财务控制进行了探讨。

    On this basis , governance and financial control of the group explored .

  2. 第三,论文研究了如何变革重庆市地产集团治理结构与组织机构。

    Third , article has studied how to improve group 's administration structure and organization of Chongqing real estate group .

  3. 发现在集团治理条件下,随着控制权和现金流权偏离程度的增加,终极控制人采取具有侵占效应的行为的激励越强。

    The results show that group control of private listed company will motivate terminal controller to take actions , which have occupying effect .

  4. 但我国企业集团,尤其是国有企业集团,在集团治理、母子公司管控方面尚存在一定的问题。

    However , the enterprise groups in China , especially the state-owned enterprise groups , still face certain problems in the corporate governance and the parent-subsidiary control .

  5. 我期待着与世行的利益相关方一起工作,确保我们保证世界银行集团治理的适当发言权和参与权。

    I look forward to working with the Bank shareholders to ensure that we secure proper voice and participation in the governance of the World Bank Group .

  6. 这此问题有来自内部审计机构人员设置不合理等表面因素,更有来自于报业集团治理结构本身不合理的深层原因。

    On the surface , the unreasonable setting of the internal audit agencies and staff lead to the problems . In fact , the unreasonable governance structure of the newspaper group is the fundamental reason .

  7. 试析国有煤炭集团公司治理模式存在的问题及对策

    Anlysis of the Problems of the Stateowned Coal Corporations and the Solutions

  8. 各国的公司治理模式存在差异;大股东在金融控股集团公司治理中需要正确的功能定位。

    The large stockholder requires the correct function fix-position in corporate governance .

  9. 吉林省投资集团公司治理结构优化研究

    Study on Corporate Governance of Jilin Province Investment Group

  10. 认为股权结构决定集团公司治理与管理体制。

    The stock ownership structure decides the governance and managing system . 3 .

  11. 关于集团公司治理机制的思考

    Consideration on the Governance Mechanism of Group Corporation

  12. 第二部分是对金融控股集团公司治理特殊性的分析。

    The second chapter is an analyze on the particularity of company governs of financial holding group .

  13. 它太复杂了,以至于我们必须引入集团公司治理的知识来对它条分缕析,刨根究底。

    It is too complicated , that we have to comprehensively analyze it with knowledge of group governance .

  14. 目前在中国,对大型国有集团公司治理的研究还不够深入,随着国有经济的发展,对大型国有集团公司治理绩效提升途径的研究,有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    At present in China , the study of large state-owned group company governance is not enough in-depth .

  15. 葫芦岛有色金属集团废气治理对环境空气质量的影响

    The impacts of waste gas treatment on environmental air quality of non-ferrous metal group of Hu Lu Dao City

  16. 这个一度十分重要的社会集团对治理该国的影响越来越无足轻重了。

    This once important social group is becoming more and more marginal to the way the country is run .

  17. 第三章对我国报业集团公司治理结构的形成背景、特殊的政治属性、主要的运行模式、存在的问题,进行了归纳、总结。

    Chapter Three discussed the status , special political attributes , and the existing problems of the management of Chinese newspaper group .

  18. 此类提议也旨在改善金融集团的治理,使解散一家濒临倒闭的银行变得更加容易。

    Such proposals also aim to improve the governance of financial groups and to make it easier to resolve a failing bank .

  19. 进而结合中国大型集团企业治理的现状,提出对大型集团企业完善公司治理结构改革的思考。

    Combining the current governance situation of the national enterprises , it put forward the thinking of improving and reforming national enterprise governance .

  20. 第四章:根据前述的理论、国际经验及D集团的治理问题剖析,文章提出了改善的建议。

    Finally , The article analysis the problem existing in the develpent of D Group , use international experience for reference and put forward improvment suggestions .

  21. 其中,集团法人治理结构的完善是国有金融控股集团竞争力提升的制度基础,业务创新系统的创建则是国有金融控股集团竞争力提升的有效途径之一。

    Of these elements , building up competency , and streamlining corporate governance structures constitute the system basis , while creating a business innovation system marks an effective approach for competency building .

  22. 本文以此为切入点,深入探讨集团公司治理对内部资本市场效率的影响,并以2009年沪深两市的系族集团为对象进行实证检验。

    Based on this starting point , the paper will make a thorough analysis on the way corporate group governance affecting ICM efficiency , and take Chinese corporate group in 2009 for empirical research .

  23. 随着我国加入WTO和QFII制度的实行,集团公司内部治理已成为国企改革深化的重要内容,管理会计在方法上如何创新与发展将成为理论和实际工作者关注的问题。

    With China 's entry into WTO and the execution of the QFII system , internal governance of group companies has been an important part in reform of state-owned companies . How management accountancy innovates and develops has been the hot topic .

  24. 近年、区域贸易协定(RTA)、以及基于RTA而蓬勃发展的区域贸易集团与全球治理之间关系的论辩成为研究的热点。

    In recent years , regional trade agreements ( of RTAs ), and based on RTAs and flourishing relationship between regional trading blocs and global governance debate has become a hot research .

  25. 国有上市公司的集团控制及其治理

    Group Control of State-owned Listed Corporation and Its Governance Of Listed Companies

  26. 金融集团的公司治理:典型模式的案例分析

    Corporate Governance of Financial Syndicate : Case Study of a Typical Model

  27. 商业组织治理结构,如集团公司的治理结构;

    Corporate governance structure of business groups such as Keiretsu or Chaebol ;

  28. 证券集团诉讼的治理研究

    The Research on the Governance of the Security Class Action BAOGANG GROUP

  29. 集团公司优化治理机制研究

    Research on Bettering Management Mechanism of Group Companies

  30. 论大型集团公司的治理结构模式

    On Governing Structure Modes of Super Corporations