
  • 网络integrated supply
  1. 通过SWOT分析论证了集成供应链是半导体企业自身发展的必然趋势。

    SWOT analysis demonstrates that integrated supply chain is the trend of Semiconductor industry .

  2. 因此,研究与开发基于J2EE的集成供应链管理系统具有非常重要的意义。

    Consequently it 's important to research and develop the integrated supply chain management system based on J2EE .

  3. SG公司集成供应链战略实施之研究

    The Research on Strategy of SG Company 's ISCM Execution

  4. 本文在深入研究J2EE技术以及XML技术的基础上,开发了基于J2EE的集成供应链管理系统。

    On thoroughly studying J2EE technique and XML technique , this paper develops a prototype system named the integrated supply chain management system based on J2EE .

  5. 第五章提出了基于CORBA技术集成供应链环境下的智能体库存管理系统的设计。

    The fifth chapter poses the design of Agent Stock Management System under the environment of supply chain based on CORBA technology .

  6. 基于EOQ的集成供应成本分摊问题研究

    Study on Cost Allocation of Integrated Supply Based on EOQ Model

  7. 基于BFT和CDS的集成供应链避险机制研究

    Analysis of BFT and CDS based Integrated Supply Chain Risk Transfer Mechanism

  8. 本文从研究J2EE技术入手,结合供应链管理的特点及发展状况,建立了基于J2EE的集成供应链管理系统的模型。

    Starting with J2EE technology , combining the characteristic of the supply chain management system , This paper designs the integrated supply chain management system based on J2EE .

  9. 本课题以面向电子商务的集成供应链管理系统研究开发为应用背景,着重探讨客户关系管理(CRM)系统。

    This paper bases on the research and development of oriented e-commerce integrated supply chain management system , focuses on customer relationship management ( CRM ) system .

  10. 接着结合实现的“基于电子标签的集成供应链管理系统”,以其中的应用之一&“产品物流路径跟踪”功能阐述了EPC信息服务的工作流程;

    Thirdly it parses the implementation and work flow of EPC information service according to its application on product track in theimplemented system ;

  11. 从消费者有限理性角度,研究了集成供应链(ISC)二级分销网络优化问题。

    From the view of consumers ' bounded rational , this paper studied the optimization of ISC ( Integrated Supply Chain ) bi-level distribution networks .

  12. 在研究这些技术的基础上,作者开发出基于J2EE的集成供应链管理系统原型系统,验证了开发基于J2EE集成供应链管理系统的先进性和可行性。

    On researching these technologies in detail , the integrated supply chain management system based on J2EE prototype system was built , which verifying the advantage and feasibility of the development of the integrated supply chain management system based on J2EE .

  13. 从决策者的有限理性角度,研究了模糊随机需求环境下的集成供应链(ISC)库存优化问题。

    From the viewpoint of decision-makers ' bounded rational , this paper discusses inventory optimization of integrated supply chain ( ISC ) with fuzzy and stochastic demands .

  14. 在分析了敏捷供应链和分布式多Agent特点的基础上,提出了基于DMAS的敏捷化集成供应链管理系统模型,并对该模型中Agent之间的通信、协作以及Agent的体系结构进行了分析。

    In this paper , a novel agile supply chain ( ASC ) management system bases on DMAS was brought forward after the analysis of ACS and distribute multi-agent . Then the collaboration and communication between agents and system structure of ASC management system was analyzed .

  15. 以集成供应链(ISC)作为复杂适应系统(CAS)角度,引入多Agent建模思想构建了ISC协作管理的原型,强调战略、组织、方法、信息、文化和过程集成性;

    Since integrated supply chain ( ISC ) is a complex adaptive system ( CAS ), the modeling technology of Multi-Agent is introduced for establishing the cooperation management prototype of ISC , which emphasizes synthesis of strategies , organization , methodology , information , culture and process .

  16. 以集成供应链管理(ISCM)软件开发项目为背景,研究企业动态联盟中的3种关系管理模式的软件构架。

    Based on research and development of integrated supply chain management ( ISCM ) system , the software architecture of three relation management patterns involved in enterprise dynamic alliance is focused on .

  17. 正是在这种情况下集成供应链应运而生的。

    It is in this case that integrated supply chain emerged .

  18. 汽车企业集团集成供应链物流模式研究

    Study on Integrated Supply Chain Logistics Mode of Automobile Business Group

  19. 集成供应链运作与物流管理的研究

    The Research of Integrated Supply Chain Operation and Logistics Management

  20. 集成供应链系统生产决策行为混沌特性研究

    Study on the Chaotic of Production Decision in Integrative Supply Chain System

  21. 集成供应链管理系统动态演化的复杂性研究

    Research on Complexity of Evolution in the Integrated Supply Chain Management System

  22. 三是集成供应链节点企业数据库,并形成为集成供应链信息平台数据仓库提供基础数据的企业数据模型。

    Its data model is the basis of DW of an ISC .

  23. 集成供应链管理系统的分解-协调模型

    Decomposition-coordination Model of Integrated Supply Chain Management Systems

  24. 基于价值链的企业集成供应链物流管理

    Value-chain Based Enterprise Integrated Supply-chain Logistics Management Research

  25. 基于集成供应链理念的应急物流运作研究

    Study on the Emergency Logistics Operation Based on the Thought of Integrated Supply Chain

  26. 讨论了基于电子商务环境下的供应链管理的原理,探讨了电子商务对供应链管理的影响,尤其是对集成供应管理的影响。

    This article is to discuss the principle of Supply Chain Management In E-commerce .

  27. 集成供应链不可见成本的优化

    Optimization of invisible cost of integrated supply chain

  28. 设备备品备件集成供应策略

    Integrated Spare Parts Supply Tactics of Equipment

  29. 集成供应链的研究是目前国内外研究的热点。

    Now the research on integrated supply chain is domestic and international research hot point .

  30. 以核心企业为主导的集成供应链物流能力构成及评价研究

    Study on the Composition and Evaluation of Logistics Capability for Core Enterprise Oriented Integrated Supply