
  • 网络Headquarter;Corporate Headquarters
  1. 接着阐述了如何利用SOCKET编程来实现集团总部与分公司间的实时通信,制定了实时通信时数据发送与接收的应答协议。

    This paper discusses how to realize the real time communications between headquarter and branches of the enterprise with SOCKET and prescribes the response protocol between the transmission and acceptance of the data in real time communications .

  2. 调解协议的内容不得违反法律规定。协调与集团总部配合部门内容的调配与申请。

    Contents of the agreement shall not go against the law . Liaison with relevant Corporate Headquarter supporting departments .

  3. com贝尔罗斯集团总部位于芬兰,是全球领先的电信、医疗和电子工业行业的供应商。

    Perlos Corporation , headquartered in Finland , is a leading global supplier for the telecommunications , healthcare and electronics industries .

  4. RSA集团总部位于伦敦,为个人和企业客户提供保险,其险种包括房屋保险、车辆保险、责任保险和海上保险。

    RSA , which is based in London , offers insurance to consumers and businesses , including home , automobile , liability and marine insurance .

  5. IBT传媒集团总部设在纽约,在印度班加罗尔、中国上海和澳大利亚悉尼设有办事处。

    Headquarters are in New York , with offices in Bangalore , Shanghai , and Sidney .

  6. 通过上述交易,恒天然总共将投资6.15亿新西兰元。该公司首席执行官西奥•史毕根斯(TheoSpierings)称这次交易将“改变游戏规则”。贝因美集团总部位于杭州,是一家生产和销售婴儿食品的公司。

    In total Fonterra is investing NZ $ 615m , in what CEO Theo Spierings called a " game changer . "

  7. 1985年,霍根得到担任通用电气副董事长约翰奥佩(JohnOpie)助理的机会,开始在集团总部工作。

    In 1985 came the chance to work as an assistant to John Opie , GE 's deputy chairman , at the group 's headquarters .

  8. 这宗投资受到了NH的欢迎。该集团总部位于马德里,旗下367家酒店主要分布在欧洲,欧元区主权债务危机爆发之后,NH出现了资金短缺。

    The investment was welcome for NH , a Madrid-based operator of 367 hotels , mostly in Europe , that was left short of cash after the eurozone 's sovereign debt crisis .

  9. 在公园大道黑石集团总部顶楼一个可以俯瞰上东区、用木壁板装潢的会议室中,苏世民接受了75分钟长的采访。他谈的主要是这个奖学金项目,虽然也比较简短地讨论了GE的交易。

    During a 75-minute interview in a wood-paneled penthouse meeting room overlooking the Upper East Side at Blackstone 's headquarters on Park Avenue , Mr. Schwarzman spoke mainly about the scholars program , while discussing the G.E. deal more briefly .

  10. 但他的亲密朋友、三星证券(SamsungSecurities)前总裁黄永基(HwangYoung-key)表示,他在韩国电信的任务与管理三星半导体业务截然不同;在三星,棘手的事务可以由集团总部的职能部门处理。

    But Hwang Young-key , his close friend and former president of Samsung Securities , says his KT role is very different to running the semiconductor business at Samsung , where thorny issues could be handled by the group 's central functions .

  11. 收购Natwest后不久,弗雷德爵士开始计划在爱丁堡机场附近修建新的集团总部。他以前的同事们表示,弗雷德爵士参与了建筑工程中的所有环节。

    Shortly after the Natwest deal , he started planning a new group headquarters near Edinburgh airport and , former colleagues say , was involved in every aspect of the construction .

  12. 诺基亚位于赫尔辛基郊区埃斯波(Espoo)的集团总部以“PPT宫殿”著称,充斥着沉迷于内部政治、喜用微软PowerPoint软件进行演示的中层经理。考虑到微软的收购,这一嘲讽在今天看来非常贴切,也令人伤感。

    In what now seems a sadly apposite jibe , given the Microsoft takeover , the group 's headquarters in Espoo , just outside central Helsinki , became known as " the PowerPoint Palace , " filled with middle managers obsessed about internal politics and making presentations prepared with the Microsoft tool .

  13. 上海惠生化工集团总部,上海(中国)

    Wison Chemical and Biological headquarters , Shanghai ( China )

  14. 第五部分是建工集团总部的薪酬实施和保障。

    The final part is the salary implementation and security .

  15. 大体来说,集团总部可以从四个方面提供价值。

    For cardinal principle , group headquarters can offer value from 4 respects .

  16. 此次搜查是继周五警方突袭乐天集团总部后实施的。

    The raids come after police swooped on the group 's headquarters on Friday .

  17. 旅游投资国际公司是一家领先的跨国集团总部设在伦敦,英国。

    Travel Ventures International is a leading multinational conglomerate headquartered in London , United Kingdom .

  18. 天宝集团总部位于北京,为底盘、动力系统和动力传动系统生产零配件。

    Tempo , based in Beijing , makes parts for chassis , powertrain and driveline systems .

  19. 集团总部之价值

    The Value of the Group Headquarters

  20. 最后,通过案例研究进一步说明了集团总部组织结构设计与再造的现实情况。

    Finally , group headquarters organizational structure design and recycling are further demonstrated through case studies .

  21. 集团总部设在无锡市西南郊周铁镇南环路3号。

    The company is headquartered at No.3 Nanhuan Road , Zhoutie Town , Southwest Suburb , Wuxi .

  22. 按不同的补偿目的计算集中补偿电容器容量协调与集团总部配合部门内容的调配与申请。

    Calculating the Capacity of Concentrate Compensatory Capacitor on Different Compensatory Purpose Liaison with relevant Corporate Headquarter supporting departments .

  23. 通过有效地开展这些活动,集团总部可以起到价值提供者的作用。

    Through developing these activities effectively , group headquarters can have the effect of the person that value is offerred .

  24. 作为集团总部,如何将项目管理目标和企业战略目标结合,在高效地实现各项目的管理目标基础上实现集团企业整体利益最大化,是集团型企业多项目管理需要亟待解决的问题。

    How should headquarter combine the project management objectives and corporate strategic objectives and maximize the benefits is an urgent problem .

  25. 与传统企业相比,现代企业集团的一个突出特点是要构建一个高效且完善的集团总部。

    Compared with traditional enterprises , a prominent feature of the modern enterprise groups is to create a sound and efficient group headquarters .

  26. 福喜集团总部位于美国伊利诺斯州,其分公司遍布世界17个国家。

    OSI Group , which has its headquarters in Illinois , United States , has a presence in 17 countries around the world .

  27. 麦格理集团总部设在澳大利亚悉尼,是一家提供银行业务、金融服务、咨询及投资服务的多元化国际公司。

    The Macquarie group is a diversified international provider of banking , financial , advisory and investment services , headquartered in Sydney , Australia .

  28. 我们同时还重视重要员工的培训和发展机会,这一点可通过我们派往意大利集团总部进行长期培训的员工数量上得到证实。

    We also stress the significance of the training and development of important employees by sending them to MTS headquarter in Italy for long-term training .

  29. 在协商定价模式下,集团总部的主要作用是协调与信息沟通,而不是直接命令。

    In the model of consensus-transfer pricing , the Group Headquarters ' main role is coordination and communication of information , rather than taking direct orders .

  30. 从调动企业积极性、发挥企业集团整体优势等方面,初步探讨选择集团总部指导下的分散财务管理模式及其框架设计。

    Scattering financial management mode and frame design under the general company were probed preliminarily from mobilizing the enthusiasm of all staff and showing enterprises overall superiority .