
  • 网络containerization;Consolidation;ibc
  1. 保持pfep数据库中成品数据的准确性,包括集装化。

    Maintain accurate database on the basis of PFEP for finished products part numbers including containerization .

  2. 单一圆柱体产品集装优化设计

    Optimal Design on the Containerization of Single Cylinder Packaging Piece

  3. 基于RFID技术的通用弹药集装单元可视化保障研究

    Research on Visible Support of General Ammunition Packaging Unit Based on RFID

  4. LDPE热收缩集装薄膜的工艺研究

    Study on process of LDPE heat-shrinkable containerizing film

  5. 关于加强航空材料应用研究和促进成果产业化的几点体会信息安全敏感物品供应链中RFID的应用&航空制造业与军用战备集装器材

    Some Comments on Applied Research and Development of Aeronautical Materials RFID on Security of Sensitive Information Products Logistics & Aviation Manufacturing and Military Equipment

  6. 提出了UpSideUp包装件箱型按比例混装的一种方法,且编制了软件,以满足按比例混装和提高集装能力的要求。

    In this paper , a new optimization method on containerization of Up Side Up cubic packages is given and software is made as to meet the requirements of containerization capacity and packages in proportion .

  7. 从集装设备管理系统看MAPPER语言的开发和应用

    Development and Application of MAPPER Language

  8. 该系列中既有以在线检测并进行快速二维成像的铁路货车检测系统,也有可以对集装、导弹等进行三维图像重建的集装箱(大型客体)CT检测系统。

    The series include not only the Train Cargo Inspection System , which can inspect train cargo on-line , but also the Large Container CT Inspection System ( LCCT ), which can reconstruct the three-dimensional images of containers or missiles .

  9. 通过MATLAB编程仿真所得到的实验数据表明这种遗传算法可较好地求解出集装区多ULD入库作业任务货位调度问题的最优Pareto解集。

    The experimental data obtained by the simulation of MATLAB showed this genetic algorithm can solve the optimal Pareto solution aggregate of the ULD region ' multiple inbound tasks freight lot allocation problem .

  10. 将集装区多ULD入库货位调度分配的问题转化为具有约束条件的多目标优化问题,对其建立了数学模型。

    Translated the freight lot allocation problem into the constraint conditions of multiobjective optimization problem and set up a mathematical model .

  11. 结合作者参与的CRE某项目,提出一种采用标准化集装单元器具,实行小型集装单元一体化运输的运输作业方式。

    Combining with certain CRE project the author join in , it is proposed that a standardizing container unit can be adopted and integrated transport of small size container unit be carried out .

  12. 立方体包装件集装优化及可视化研究

    Discontinuous Optimization on the Spatial Containerization of Cubic Package and Visualizing

  13. 应定期对集装格作定期维护。

    The regular maintenance shall be carried out for the bundle .

  14. 对出口塑料集装袋抗光老化性的分析与研究

    Analysis and Studies on the Light Weathering of the Plastic Container

  15. 阐述了军用物资航空集装化运输流程。

    Elaborate on the transport process of military air container transportation .

  16. 美军弹药的托盘化集装现状及发展趋势

    Status quo and tendencies of ammunition palletized unit load in American

  17. 玻璃集装器具取样方法具磨砂玻璃接口蒸馏器

    Sampling method for glass containers distilling apparatus with ground glass joint

  18. 压缩天然气集装管束的安全性评价及研究

    Safety Evaluation and Research of Compressed Natural Gas Integrated Pipe

  19. 测量柴油机油耗的集装块式燃油切换装置

    A Switch Block Unit Used in Engine Fuel Consumption Measurement

  20. 多货物品种集装化运输的优化调度问题

    Scheduling problem of the multi - item transportation with container

  21. 集装式填料密封结构与特性分析

    The Structure and Specific Property Analysis of the Lumped Packing - Seal

  22. GB/T6382.2-1995平板玻璃集装器具箱式集装器及其试验方法

    Flat glass container & Box-type container and its test method

  23. 基于启发式算法的多元物资集装配载优化问题研究

    On Multi-dimensional Material Container Loading Problem Based on Heuristic Algorithm

  24. 集装式机械密封在石化企业中的应用

    The applications of mechanical seal assemblies in the petrochemical industry

  25. 多浮标集装式深海信息传输平台系统技术

    Multi-buoy containerization type deep sea intelligence transmission platform system technology

  26. 物流模数与集装单元化参数相关性分析

    Analysis of the Relativity between Logistics Module and Parameter of Container Unitization

  27. 集装式机械密封参数化设计技术开发通信用密封铅蓄电池组在线诊断技术

    The Parametric Design of Cartridge Mechanical Seal On-Line Diagnostic Technique for VRLA

  28. 集装格应充分考虑容易拆装、检查及操作。

    Easy disassembly , inspection and operation shall be considered for the bundle .

  29. 玻璃瓶罐包装应大力推广集装法

    Palletizing should be spread in packaging of glass containers

  30. 军用物资器材集装问题研究

    Study on the Container Loading Problem of Military Materials