
  1. MDA软件开发技术在集成质量管理系统中的应用研究

    Research and Application on MDA in Integrated Quality Management System

  2. 论文首先分析了质量管理和质量管理系统的整体发展趋势,利用UML建立了基于模型驱动架构的集成质量管理系统的平台无关模型。

    The overall development trend of the quality management and quality management system were first discussed .

  3. 将特钢企业集成质量管理系统框架模型应用于实际案例,运用先进的J2EE架构开发了东特集团集成质量管理系统。

    Using advanced J2EE framework and putting the above model into practice , the integrated quality management system of Northeast Special-Steel Enterprise is developed .

  4. 基于双库结构的集成质量管理系统支撑平台研究

    Study of supporting platform in bi-base based integrated quality management system

  5. 基于数字化工厂下的集成质量管理系统研究

    The research of integrated quality management system based on the digitalized factories

  6. 特钢企业集成质量管理系统研究

    Research of Integrated Quality Management System of Special-Steel Enterprise

  7. 飞机研制集成质量管理系统及若干关键技术

    Airplane Manufacturing Integrated Quality Management System Framework

  8. 回顾了国内外对集成质量管理系统的研究成果,分析了目前仍然存在的问题。

    By reviewing the world-wide academic researches on integrated quality management system , this paper analyzes the existing problems .

  9. 由于市场环境的不确定性,集成质量管理业务过程不断变化,信息技术不断推陈出新,这些变化的因素要求集成质量管理信息系统能够动态变化、快速重构。

    Due to the uncertainty of market , the business logic of Integrated Quality Management is constantly changing with the appearance of new technology .

  10. 在软交换项目的开发中,企业迫切需要学习和实施软件工程管理、系统集成质量管理和项目管理的国际规范。

    In project of softswitch development , the company cry for study and implement the international norm of software engineering management , system integration quality control and project management .

  11. 针对飞机研制质量管理的现状和存在的问题,提出了飞机研制集成质量管理系统框架,并对该系统中的若干关键技术做了探讨。

    The paper analysis the problem of airplane manufacturing quality management , then a framework of airplane making integrated quality management system is proposed , then the related technologies are discussed .

  12. 将基于模型的测试集成到质量管理进程之中

    Integrating model-based testing into the quality management process

  13. 基于供应链的角度,提出了面向过程集成的质量管理系统的体系结构,以采购过程、质量设计过程、质量控制过程、面向顾客的服务过程为研究对象,对其中的关键问题进行了研究。

    Firstly this thesis defines process integration-oriented supply chain quality management system , analyzes the main processes such as purchasing , quality design , quality control and customer oriented service process , and studies their vital problems .

  14. 通过对我国制造业所面临的主要质量改进问题的分析,以笔者开发的集成化质量管理系统为基础,阐述了面向制造业的集成化计算机辅助质量管理系统的设计开发方法。

    This paper discusses the main quality problems faced by the manufacturing industry in China . Based on an integrated quality management system developed by the authors of the paper , a method is demonstrated to design and develop an integrated and computer aided quality management system .

  15. 针对国内质量管理现状,研究集成化质量管理体系构造策略、框架模型及功能模块,对促进我国制造业快速发展,实现产品的敏捷柔性化制造,具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    With aiming at the existing condition of internal quality management , it studies structure strategy , framework and function model of integrated quality management , which has important theoretical and practical significance to the rapid development of manufacturing industry and the realization of agile flexible manufacturing in our country .

  16. 作为CIMS重要组成部分的CIQS(ComputerIntegratedQualitySystem),为实现产品生命周期内质量环节全过程集成和全面质量管理提供了手段。

    CIQS ( Computer Integrated Quality System ), an important component part of CIMS , provides methods , within the life-span of products , to implement the integration of whole quality processes and the total quality management .

  17. 钢铁制造业集成化生产质量管理方法研究

    Research on the Integrated Production Quality Management Method for Steelmaking Industry

  18. 集成化质量信息管理技术在中国企业的实践

    Development of Integrated Quality Information System : A China Experience

  19. 与业务过程集成的质量体系管理系统设计与开发

    Design and development of a process-based quality audit system

  20. 集成化设计质量管理平台

    Integrated Design Quality Management Platform

  21. 流程改善活动集成了全面质量管理和业务流程再造的思想,即将渐增性改善和突破性改善结合在一起。

    Process improvement integrates the ideas of both BPR and TQM , in other words , combines the incremental improvement and breakthrough improvement .

  22. 本论文重点研究基于质量信息集成的全质量管理系统实现技术:基于产品全生命周期的全质量系统应用研究;

    Integrative quality management system implementation techniques based on quality information integration is the main study of the paper . quality information ; quality information ;

  23. 但是如何准确地对批量生产企业的车间质量信息进行管理、如何建立集成环境下质量管理信息系统的开发框架都是我们面临的问题。

    But how to manage the quality information accurately , how to present a platform for quality management information in integrated environment and how to avoid the repeated work in system development are problems faced to us .

  24. 为此,本论文依据集成化思想,从企业质量管理工作的特性出发,全局考虑与质量管理工作相关的各方面影响因素,提出了以制造企业为研究对象的集成化质量管理系统。

    Then based on the thoughts of integration and tile characteristics of quality management activities , the thesis has balanced all the factors pertaining to quality management and purposed the integrated quality Management System with the manufacturing enterprises as research objects .

  25. 基于ERP/MES/PCS三层企业集成框架,分析了钢铁企业产品实现过程质量管理的功能模型,在此基础上提出了集成质量管理系统研究的关键技术。

    Based on ERP / MES / PCS three-tier enterprise integration framework the function model of steel enterprise product realization process is illustrated and then the involved principle technologies arc analyzed .

  26. 将软件测量和度量理论模型移植到集成电路IP领域,首次提出了包括五类质量活动在内的集成电路IP质量管理系统,为控制和改进集成电路IP质量提供了理论指导。

    An IP quality management system including five quality activities is proposed based on software measurement theory and metric models . The quality management system can be used to control and improve IP quality .