
  • 网络Six sigma;6 sigma;dmaic;6sigma;SixSigma
  1. CIMS环境下六西格玛管理法探讨

    A Study of Six Sigma Management in CIMS

  2. 同时,也证明了G公司冷链配送使用六西格玛管理的有效性。

    At the same time , it also proves the effectiveness of Six Sigma management of cold chain distribution used in G Company .

  3. 广西CS公司六西格玛管理战略的制定与实施

    Formulation and Implementation of Six Sigma Management Strategy in Guangxi CS Corporation

  4. F企业从2006年开始推行六西格玛以来,取得了丰硕的成果。

    Since 2006 , company F has started to drive six Sigma projects and made a great success .

  5. 探讨了六西格玛管理在CIMS中的应用。

    And it discussed the application . of six Sigma manage in CIMS .

  6. ISO9000认证和六西格玛管理在企业中的作用

    Effect about ISO9000 Certification and Six Sigma Management in Corporation

  7. 本文重点关注如何将ERP和六西格玛管理方法有机集成,以便充分挖掘两者的优势。

    This paper focuses on how to integrate the ERP and Six Sigma Theory organically so as to take the fully advantage of both .

  8. 企业在通过了ISO9000认证的基础上,可以同时开展TQM和六西格玛。

    Based on the ISO 9000 certification , enterprises can deploy Six Sigma and TQM at the same time .

  9. 同样,六西格玛应用到设计领域里有一套新的方法,叫做六西格玛设计(DesignforSixSigma,DFSS)。

    Similarly , the Six Sigma applied to Design a new method in the field of Six Sigma designs , called Design For Six Sigma , ( DFSS ) .

  10. 六西格玛(SIXSIGMA)在20世纪90年代中期被通用电气公司成功地从一种质量方法演变成为高度有效的企业流程设计、改造和优化的方法体系。

    Six Sigma succeeded in developing and becoming highly effective enterprise flow design rebuild and optimize method system from a kind of quality method by GE in the middle period of 1990s .

  11. 但通用电气(GE)公司在1995年重新启动六西格玛计划时,却受到了全球极大的重视。

    While they did not capture more eyes until GE re-started the campaign in 1995.Many local companies paid more attention to Six Sigma in the end of last century .

  12. 自从摩托罗拉公司创立六西格玛以来,加之摩托罗拉和GE的成功实施,六西格玛管理在全球掀起了一场管理的风暴。

    Since the establishment of six sigma in Motorola and the successful implement of it in Motorola and GE , the six sigma management launched a storm of management .

  13. 因此,我们提出了ISO9000、六西格玛与TQM相结合的质量管理模型:卓越绩效模式;

    Therefore , we suggest the integrating quality management model of Six Sigma , ISO 9000 and TQM : Model for performance Excellence .

  14. JackWelch,前任通用电气CEO,六西格玛方法的拥护者,强调执行力是这种方法在GE初始成功的关键驱动。

    Jack Welch , former General Electric CEO and champion of the Six Sigma approach , emphasized that executive sponsorship was the key driver behind the success of this initiative within GE .

  15. 在此基础之上,从管理层准备、管理组织结构建立以及六西格玛推进目标及计划和项目选择等四个方面介绍了H公司六西格玛导入期所做的工作。

    The third part of the thesis introduces the preparations that H Company has done for introducing Six Sigma . It covers four aspects : Preparation of Top Management Team , Establishment of Management Organization , Objective & Schedule and Selection of Six Sigma Projects .

  16. 目前,遵循ISO9000标准建立质量管理体系并力求通过审核认证,以及以六西格玛理论为系统管理方法已成为很多企业追求的方向。

    At present , establishing quality management system following ISO9000 and striving to pass the auditing and taking the Six Sigma Theory as the method of quality management have become the goal that many enterprises pursuit .

  17. FBU公司精益六西格玛战略实施研究

    Implementation Research of Lean & Six Sigma Strategy at FBU Company

  18. 熟悉各类质量工具,如QC七大手法、六西格玛、5大手册等工具及GB2828抽样标准等国家标准。

    Familiar with quality tools , such as QC7 tools , six sigma , SPC , MSA , PPAP , APQP and GB2828 , etc.

  19. 本论文系统论述了六西格玛(6σ)、ISO9000和全面质量管理(TQM)三种质量管理理论,提出了质量管理的整合模型。

    This paper discusses three kinds of quality management approaches : Six Sigma ( 6 σ), ISO 9000 and Total Quality Management ( TQM ), and advances an integrating quality management model of quality management .

  20. 接着,本文以瀑布型软件开发模式、CMM软件成熟度模型、RUP统一软件开发方法、六西格玛等其他质量控制手段为例阐述了重载软件开发方法;

    Then we introduced heavyweight software development method including " waterfall " software development model Capability Maturity Model ( CMM ) software development model , Rational Unified Process ( RUP ) method , six sigma and other quality improvement method using in software development area as well .

  21. PCL亚洲公司正处在公司刚刚合并的关键时期,是否实施六西格玛战略以及如何实施六西格玛战略,成为公司高层需要考虑的重要问题,本文的目的就是要给出这个问题的答案。

    It is one of key questions whether PCL Asia implement Six Sigma strategy and how to implement Six Sigma strategy when PCL Asia finished the company mergence recently . The main purpose of this paper is to find the answer of the question .

  22. 以六西格玛设计(DFSS)来提高系统稳健性的方法,也将通过对曲轴轴径凸角的稳健设计改进的案例研究来进行介绍与论证。

    The methodology to increase system robustness through Design for Six Sigma ( DFSS ) is presented and demonstrated through the extension of the case study of crankshaft journal lobing design robustness improvements .

  23. 同时,由于该公司已有的5S和ISO9000等与精益生产和六西格玛相关的管理基础,实施精益六西格玛将带来的高出投入数倍的收益,说明该公司实施精益六西格玛是完全可行的。

    At the same time , as the company has carried out ISO9000 and 5S , which are the management infrastructure related to Lean Production and Six Sigma and the much higher financial benefit compared with the cost , the implementation of Lean Six Sigma is entirely feasible .

  24. 六西格玛管理是美国企业在以往几十年推行统计过程控制(SPC)、全面质量管理(TQM)等质量管理方法基础上,为进一步提高产品质量进而改善企业业绩而发明的一种质量管理新方法。

    Six Sigma management is a new method for quality control in order to further improve product quality to improve enterprise performance that is based on the United States spreading statistical process control ( SPC ) and total quality management ( TQM ) in the past few decades .

  25. 随着六西格玛(6σ)管理理念在企业的实施和推广,不良质量成本(COPQ)逐渐取代了质量成本成为指导企业提高质量,降低成本,追求卓越绩效的方法和工具。

    With the implementation and development of Six Sigma management ( 6 σ ) philosophy , cost of poor quality ( COPQ ) is replacing cost of quality and becoming the method that guides enterprises to improve quality , reduce cost and pursue excellence performance .

  26. 利用六西格玛管理提供的工具,对铸管公司1350m3高炉的生铁含硅量进行了系统分析,找出了影响生铁含硅量的根本原因是煤比、料批、炉顶压力、焦炭灰分及料制。

    350 m3 blast furnace is analyzed systemically by using six sigma management tools . The essential reasons of influencing pig iron silica content are found out . They are coal ratio , material charge , furnace top pressure , coke ash and charging system .

  27. 六西格玛管理在病人出院流程中的应用

    Application of 6 δ management to improve discharge procedure for patients

  28. 本文呼吁中国本土企业管理者应当从战略的高度重视六西格玛管理。

    Domestic enterprises should attach strategically attention to Six Sigma Management .

  29. 精益六西格玛方法在电信服务质量管理中的应用研究

    Research on Lean Six Sigma Applications to Telecommunication Service Quality Management

  30. 六西格玛项目和其他质量管理项目有何不同之处?

    What makes Six Sigma different from other quality improvement programs ?