
  • 网络The Six-party Talks;six-party talk
  1. 韩国报纸称,周二,平壤邀请美国驻韩国特使StephenBosworth和美国六方会谈主要代表SungKim下月访问朝鲜。

    South Korean newspapers said Tuesday Pyongyang has invited U.S. North Korea envoy Stephen Bosworth and U.S. six-party talks chief delegate Sung Kim to visit next month .

  2. 朝鲜从2003年开始与乔治布什(GeorgeW.Bush)政府进行了断断续续的谈判,但一般是在六方会谈的背景下,而不是其一直渴望的双边谈判。

    North Korea had been talking to the administration of George W. Bush on and off from 2003 but generally in the context of six-party talks , not bilaterally as it craves .

  3. 在简报中,Kelly称,如果朝鲜同意重返六方会谈,美国希望能够与朝鲜坐下来进行对话。但是随后他说这仅仅是推论。

    Kelly at one point in the briefing said the United States would sit down with North Korea if it agreed to return to the nuclear talks , but later called such a scenario speculative .

  4. 另外,美国驻日本大使托马斯希弗(thomasschieffer)昨日表示,恢复六方会谈不足以说明应当结束对朝鲜的制裁。

    Separately yesterday , Thomas Schieffer , US ambassador to Japan , said a resumption of six-party talks would not be sufficient to justify ending sanctions against North Korea .

  5. 秦刚表示,所有举措都应有利于推动六方会谈进程。六方会谈在2月达成协议,金正日(KimJong-il)政权同意在4月中旬以前,关闭朝鲜的主要核反应堆。

    He said all steps should assist general progress in the six-party talks that produced the February accord , under which Kim Jong-il 's regime agreed to shut down its main nuclear reactor by mid-April .

  6. 担任白宫亚洲事务最高官员至今年1月的韦德宁(denniswilder)表示,与六方会谈其他成员相比,韩方的观点“有点超前”。

    Dennis wilder , the top White House Asia official until January , says the South Korean view was " a little bit out in front " of the other six-party members .

  7. 从六方会谈看东北亚经济合作

    Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation and Development in View of Six-party Talks

  8. 从六方会谈看朝鲜半岛和平进程

    Peace Trend in Korean Peninsula Judging from Six - party Talks

  9. 进而为此展开的六方会谈框架又成为一组多方政治博弈平台。

    Six - Party Talks is another multiple political gambling platform .

  10. 国际法视角下的六方会谈

    Six-nation Talks : A Perspective from the Angle of International Law

  11. 问:六方会谈有何新的进展?

    Q : Is there any new progress of the Six-Party Talks ?

  12. 六方会谈于2003年启动,时断时续地取得了参差不齐的成果。

    The talks started in2003 and have proceeded intermittently with mixed results .

  13. 金氏家庭会认为恢复六方会谈是一个胜利。

    The Kims would regard a revival as a victory .

  14. 中国提出措施推进恢复六方会谈。

    China to put forward measures to resume six-party talks .

  15. 中美希望尽早恢复六方会谈。

    China , US hope Six-Party Talks to resume at early date .

  16. 你对六方会谈的进展有何总体评论?

    What 's your general comment on the progress of the Talks ?

  17. 平壤方面今年曾表示永不重返六方会谈。

    Pyongyang vowed this year never to return to these six-party talks .

  18. 朝鲜在2008年退出了六方会谈。

    North Korea walked away from the talks in 2008 .

  19. 朝核问题六方会谈历时5年,经历了极其艰难的历程。

    Six-part talks took five years experiencing extremely difficult course .

  20. 第二,六方会谈重启还有希望吗?

    What are the chances of the resumption of the Six-Party Talks ?

  21. 朝核问题与六方会谈&以朝美关系为主导的多方博弈

    The North Korea 's Nuclear Issue and Six Party talks

  22. 两人是六方会谈各自国家的主要代表。

    The diplomats are their respective countries'chief delegates to the multinational nuclear talks .

  23. 韩国在六方会谈中的多重平衡外交

    ROK 's Multi-Tier Balanced Diplomacy in the Six-Party Talks

  24. 日本是在朝核六方会谈仍陷于停顿的情况下延长有关制裁的。

    The extension of sanctions comes as six-party nuclear talks continue to stall .

  25. 布什对中国在重启六方会谈中发挥的作用表示赞许。

    Mr Bush gave credit to China for its role in renewing talks .

  26. 朝核问题研究:从六方会谈到地区安全机制

    On the Korean Nuclear Issue : From the Six-Party Talks to Regional Security Mechanism

  27. 预计明年可以重新开启六方会谈。

    Six-party talks expected to resume next year .

  28. 大家都知道六方会谈已经停了两年多了。

    As we kown that the six-party talks has stopped for over two years .

  29. 朝核六方会谈与美朝关系

    The Nuclear Issue of DPRK and Six-Party Talks

  30. 美国助理国务卿、美国出席朝核六方会谈的首席代表希尔下星期访问北京和莫斯科,就争取推动停滞不前的北韩拆除核设施的进程与中俄两国磋商。

    US Envoy to Visit Beijing , Moscow for Talks on North Korean Nuclear Program