
  • 网络Integrated Innovation;Integration Innovation
  1. 聚焦业务产品研发提升集成创新能力

    Focus on Service Products Research to Upgrade Capability of Integrated Innovation

  2. 这对指导企业集成创新实践具有重要意义。

    It is instructive to direct integrated innovation practice of enterprise .

  3. 在此基础上,运用SWOT分析法研拟出符合陕西省科技资源特点和优势、能够满足陕西经济社会发展需求的产学研集成创新的整体推进战略。

    On this basis , the use of SWOT analysis to conform to the integrated innovation with advantages of technological resources and can meet the needs of economic development of shaanxi .

  4. 无电焊接是传统焊接与自蔓延高温合成(SHS)的集成创新技术,它工艺简便,不需外界能源即可进行焊接。

    Non-electric welding , which combines the advantages of traditional welding and Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis ( SHS ), is a newly developed technology with simple process and no energy supplement during welding .

  5. 知识协同是在知识管理和协同学(Synergy)这两种现代战略管理理念集成创新基础上提出的崭新的管理思想,是继过去十余年知识管理全球性研究热潮之后的又一新的研究热点。

    Knowledge synergy comes into being . Knowledge synergy is a new management thought based on the study of knowledge management and synergy . Knowledge synergy is another new research hot spot following the global study wave of knowledge management in the past more than ten years .

  6. 综合集成创新网络;人才涌现;复杂技术;

    Comprehensive Integration Innovation Network ; Talent Appearance ; Complex Technology ;

  7. 在此基础上,构建技术集成创新模型和产品衍生模型;

    Technology integration innovation model and product extension model are constructed .

  8. 现代管理科学的集成创新&六西格玛管理模式

    Integration and innovation of modern management science : Six-sigma management model

  9. 技术集成创新的集成主体选择方法研究

    Research on the integrative subject selecting methods of technology integrative innovation

  10. 外部技术对装备产品集成创新绩效的影响

    Impact of External Technology on Integrated Innovation Performance of Equipment Product

  11. 企业集成创新:概念、方法与流程

    Corporate Integrated Innovation : Concept , Methodology , and Processes

  12. 企业集成创新要素及评价指标体系

    Factors and Evaluation Index System for Integrative Innovation of Enterprises

  13. 面向集成创新的第三方技术源选择方法研究

    The selection method of third-party technology providers in integrated innovation

  14. 京津城际系统集成创新及主要技术装备

    System Integration Creation and Main Technical Equipment of Beijing-Tianjin Passenger Dedicated Railway

  15. 面向产品的集成创新管理运作方法研究

    Research on the Running Method Facing to the Product Integrated Innovation Management

  16. 全球化的集成创新&中国物流技术的跨越式发展

    Globalized integration innovation & stride forward in material handling technology in China

  17. 综合集成创新网络下的复杂技术创新研究

    Study on Complex Technology Innovation in the Metasynthesis Innovation Network

  18. 基于集成创新的企业竞争优势分析

    Analysis of Enterprises ' Competitive Advantage Based on Integrated Innovation

  19. 系统科学、集成创新与创新型人才开发

    System Science , Integrated Innovation and Innovative Talent Development

  20. 企业集成创新系统的深层耦合机理及其复杂性涌现

    The Deep-rooted Coupling Mechanism and Emergence of Complexity in Enterprise Integrated Innovation System

  21. 自主创新包括原始创新、集成创新和引进消化吸收再创新。

    The independent innovation involves original innovation and integration innovation and imitation innovation .

  22. 技术创新可分为原始技术创新和技术集成创新。

    Technological innovation can be divided into original technological innovation and integrated innovation .

  23. 中国装备制造业正面临着实现集成创新的迫切需求和严峻挑战。

    Chinese equipment industry is confronted with the challenges of realizing integrated innovation .

  24. 先进制造模式集成创新研究

    Researches on Integrative Innovation of the Advanced Manufacture Paradigms

  25. 集成创新可使中国建筑物能效加倍

    Integrated Creation may Double Building Energy Efficiency in China

  26. 高技术产业发展中的系统集成创新研究

    System Integration Innovation of the Development of Hi-tech Industry

  27. 区域产业群的集成创新能力研究

    Integrated Innovation Capability Research of Regional Industries Clusters

  28. 高炉喷煤技术集成创新与工程实践

    Integration and Innovation of PCI Technology for Blast Furnace and Practice in the Project

  29. 基于混沌理论的企业集成创新研究

    Enterprise 's Integrated Innovation Based on Chaos Theory

  30. 企业集成创新系统自组织演化机理浅析

    Self-organizing Evolution Mechanism of Enterprise Integrated Innovation System