
jí zhōnɡ qū shì
  • central tendency
  1. 集中趋势的测度是描述统计学的重要内容。

    Measurement of central tendency is the key content in statistics .

  2. 集中趋势的度量和分散趋势的度量是对空间模式最基本的统计分析。

    The measurement of central tendency and dispersion is the most basic statistic analysis of spatial pattern .

  3. 随时间演化和随地域分布的国民经济的积累(以及消费)之集中趋势,与按优化理论推导的e当量,有相当确切的映射关系。

    The centralizing tendency of accumulations and consumptions of the national economy is of quite precise mapping relation with the e-equivalent deduced according to optimization theory a-long with the evolution of time and the distribution of territory .

  4. 据2001年《世界投资报告》显示,全球FDI呈现出高度集中趋势,并且这种趋势是自觉有序的,表现出明显的产业集聚特征。

    The World Investment Report in 2001 analyzed that the trend of FDI is highly centralized around the world , and the trend is spontaneous , orderly , shows obvious feature of industrial cluster .

  5. 汽车产业的内在特点决定了产业发展具有集中趋势。

    The internal character of automobile industry determines concentrative development trend .

  6. 关于鼠患船舶集中趋势的初步探讨

    An Preliminary Inquire into the Concentration Tend of Rat Evidence on Shipping

  7. 统计分布中集中趋势指标间的关系

    The Relationship Among Concentrated Tendency Indexes in the Statistical Distribution

  8. 二是职业中毒呈现行业集中趋势。

    Second , occupational poisoning shows profession concentration tendency .

  9. 在企业内部产权结构出现横向集中趋势;

    The structure of intra-enterprise property rights shows a trend to centralize breadthwise ;

  10. 论述期刊文献集中趋势的主要成因。

    The main reasons for the tendency towards concentration of periodical literature is discussed .

  11. 信用风险呈集中趋势。

    The credit risk trends to be concentrated .

  12. 非交叉视差的集中趋势分别为:1.6、1.7、1.9、2.6、3.5、4.7。

    The median apparent distance of uncrossed disparity are 1.6,1.7,1.9,2.6,3.5 and 4.7 meters , respectively .

  13. 全年日平均暴露量和暴露时间在中午时段有明显集中趋势。

    The annual mean of daily UV exposure dosage and exposure time presented higer levels at noon .

  14. 草原区沙地与同气候条件下的草原相比,均表现出了不同程度的水分集中趋势。

    Sand land demonstrate the tendency of water centralization comparing with grassland under the same climatic conditions .

  15. 各核团标记细胞节段分布的集中趋势不同。

    Among the four nuclei , there were differences in the tendency of concentration of the labelled cells .

  16. 活动的空间特征表现出高度的集中趋势,主要集中在学校的足球运动场地;

    The active spatial characteristics displays the high central tendency and they choose school places for their activities .

  17. 关于财富集中趋势的小小分歧,很难影响到这些决定。

    It 's difficult to see how small disagreements over trends in wealth concentration could affect these decisions .

  18. 其次,通过对各项指标评价结果的集中趋势进行统计分析,以检验量化误差是否在可接受的范围内;

    Second , it is tested by concentration degrees whether errors are acceptable in the process of quantifying evaluation results .

  19. 同时,省和市级政府的财力也有集中趋势,只有县乡两级财政收入比重在下降。

    Meanwhile , provincial and municipal governments have concentrated financial resources . Only county and township government revenue is falling .

  20. 在统计工作中,平均数(均值)和标准差是描述数据资料集中趋势和离散程度的两个最重要的测度值。

    Average number and criterion deviation are the most important values to symbolize centralizing trend and discrete limit of data material .

  21. 中位数适合表示甲状腺容积频数分布的集中趋势。

    The results indicated the median was more suitable than the mean for showing the central tendency of the thyroid volume .

  22. 目的整合文献数据和原有调查数据,绘制中国出生缺陷发生水平阶梯地图,展示中国出生缺陷发生水平的地理差异和区域性集中趋势。

    Objective To describe the regional patterns of emerging level on birth defects with simulated map by original studied and reference data .

  23. 数理统计分析是一种运用数理统计学的知识来分析数据的经典方法,借助于数理统计分析,用户可以直观地了解被分析数据的数量特征,这些特征包括:集中趋势、离散趋势和分布趋势。

    Mathematical statistics analysis is a classical data analysis method , which uses the knowledge of mathematical statistics to analyze the data .

  24. 按日统计分析中平均角无意义,死亡时间无集中趋势;

    The average angle was not significant and the death period had not the concentration tendency according to the dates ' statistics .

  25. 我国重大急性职业中毒事故的发生在高危行业、重点毒物和主要岗位有明显的集中趋势;

    The trend of the characteristics of severe acute occupational poisoning accidents is centralized in the high risk industries , poisons and jobs .

  26. 结论:住院患儿死亡时间存在有月集中趋势及时点集中趋势,无日集中趋势。

    Conclusion In the death period of patient children there are month and moment concentration tendencies and there is not date concentration tendency .

  27. 本测验采用单因素方差分析和对于集中趋势和离散量数的描述统计来证明4个词汇强度样态存在难度等级的区别。

    One-way ANOVA analysis and descriptive statistics of central tendency and dispersion are used to prove the difficulty hierarchy of the four strength modalities .

  28. 结论脑出血发病有明确的季节性,年度发病集中趋势是冬季的3个月份。

    Conclusions : The onset of ICH has obvious seasonal variation , and its concentrated trend of annual episode is the 3-month winter period .

  29. 方法:运用离散趋势和集中趋势相结合的方法,并通过二维图形中数据点的分布特征对项目的非共识情况进行分析。

    Methods : To apply the method of discrete tendency and central tendency , and the data points ' distributing characters of two dimensional graph .

  30. 不同类型青光眼住院患者的发病年龄进行集中趋势与离散趋势的描述性统计。

    We analysed the onset ages of different types of hospitalized patients with glaucoma by using descriptive statistics ( reflecting concentrate and discrete trend ) .