
  • 网络concentrated marketing;Concentrated
  1. 浅析企业集中营销的优势及存在问题&以北京燕化股份公司为例

    Advantages and Problems of Concentrated Marketing

  2. 男:因为客户总对集中营销有所响应。

    Man : Mm , because customers will always respond to focused marketing .

  3. 据某位知悉亨特想法的人士说,美国在线招她过去是让她集中营销职能。

    AOL had hired Ms. Hunt to centralize its marketing , according to someone familiar with her thinking .

  4. 在营销过程中,风险最大,问题最多的环节几乎都集中于营销渠道,这一难题时刻困扰着企业的运作与发展。

    In the course of marketing , there are most risk and problems in the marketing channel , which puzzles enterprise working and development all the time .

  5. 在对大量市场数据研究的基础上,确立了在国内营销上以打造全国棒线第一品牌,实施销售三集中的营销战略定位。

    On the basis of the research on market data , set up to " build first national bar line brand ", implement " three sales concentrations " strategy orientation .

  6. 在目标细分市场方面,明确并细化目标细分市场使其清晰化和明确化,对逐个细分市场分别进行详细的评估,采用集中性营销的营销策略。

    In the target market segments , to identify and refine the target market segments to make it clear and explicit , detailed assessment of the marketing strategy of centralized marketing-by-market segments .

  7. 但迄今为止,企业在“第二生命”中的多数活动,都集中在市场营销。

    But most of the activity by business in second life to date has been focused on marketing .

  8. 开展省集中模式电力营销信息系统建设的跟踪研究,具有非常重要的现实意义和应用价值。

    Tracking and researching of power marketing information system construction in provincial centralized mode had very important practical significance and application value .

  9. 另一方面,过去对于顾客参与相关的研究,大部分集中于服务营销领域,很少有研究从消费者心理学角度,关注顾客参与企业产品价值创造是通过何种机制影响到了顾客的态度和行为。

    On the other hand , previous studies of customer participation , which concentrated in service marketing area , had few insights of related research in product co-creation from customer psychology perspective .

  10. 因为汽车服务贸易涉及的范围太广,本论文的研究主要集中在汽车营销服务、汽车信贷服务、汽车租赁服务三部分。

    Considering the broad covering of automobile service trade , this thesis will mainly concentrate on the following three parts : the automobile marketing service , the automobile credit and loan service and the automobile lease service .

  11. 本文分析了集中原则在市场营销战略中的各种体现,从而揭示了军事上的集中原则在市场营销战略中的普遍意义。

    This paper analyses the embodiments of concentrative principle in marketing strategy and reveals that it has a common sense to use the army concentrative principle in marketing strategy .

  12. 商业银行代理开放式基金营销的竞争焦点,将集中在金融服务营销理念与管理水平的差距上。

    The contest focus of the commercial bank that acts on behalf of the open fund marketing shall be centralized at the disparity of financial services marketing ideas and management level .

  13. 目前,我国市场营销管理的研究主要集中在对市场营销总体理论观念的研究上,而与之相对应的市场营销应用研究领域的研究较少。

    Currently in the institutes of China , the research of marketing management is mainly focused on the general theories and concepts , while the research on the application areas is very limited .

  14. 目前关于消费行为的研究大多集中在经济学、营销学、消费者行为学等领域,真正从社会学角度来研究的很少,而基于生活方式视角的研究则更是凤毛麟角。

    Existent studies on consumer behavior are mostly in fields such as economics , marketing or consumer behavior research , etc , and discussion from the perspective of sociology are quite few , studies based on the perspective of lifestyle are even rarer .

  15. 目前,合作营销的研究成果己稍显丰富,但多集中于对于合作营销概念界定、合作营销模式等,对于合作营销影响因素的研究并不成熟与完善,尚未形成完善的理论体系。

    Currently , the cooperative marketing research has slightly rich , but more focused on defining the concept of cooperative marketing , cooperative marketing model , etc * Factors for co-marketing studies are not mature and perfect , have not yet formed a complete theoretical system .