
  • 网络personal contact;personal connection;personal associations
  1. 而是因为科技选择具备由社会使用、社会以及个人联系创造的我们至今仍未完全认识到的潜在含义。

    Rather technological options have unconscious meaning created by social use and social and personal associations that we are not fully aware of .

  2. 所以我觉得有个人联系在这。

    So I feel A-A personal connection there .

  3. 我心里没把这两个人联系起来。

    I didn 't connect the two people in my mind .

  4. 目前,已经实现的移动教学系统的功能有:基于Web的个人联系名单的管理,为用户提供适合于短消息发送的联系人,便于群组发送;

    The mobile instruction system has follow functions : management of phone number based on WEB , in order to facilitate the SMS group delivery ;

  5. Brooke与这件事有着个人联系。

    Brooke has a connection to the story .

  6. 我想与张建立更密切的个人联系。

    I wanted to establish more personal and intimate contact with chang .

  7. 个人联系方式最好能公开。

    It is the best to publish your multi personal contact information .

  8. 我觉得很难把这两个人联系起来。

    I found it difficult to relate the two persons in my mind .

  9. 由于良好的爱心,一个人联系了一个好朋友。

    Through the good-loving mind , a person associates with a good friend .

  10. 这种制度本身的性质就决定它是同个人联系在一起的。

    This institution by its very nature is bound up with the personal .

  11. 一个人联系整个自然界。

    A man is related to all nature .

  12. 智能卡存储信用卡号码,个人联系方式等。

    Smart cards store credit-card numbers , personal contact information , and so on .

  13. 提醒对方你们两个人联系对彼此都有好处。

    Remind the person why it 's beneficial for the two of you to connect .

  14. 你可能想要把个人联系信息放在邮件最后。

    You may want to leave your personal contact information at the bottom of the email .

  15. 当你和某一个人联系时

    That when you connect with someone

  16. 他直觉地理解当人们听到自己的故事时会创造个人联系。

    He intuitively understood that people create personal bonds with things when they know their stories .

  17. 那就是说,你可以通过一连串的六个人联系到世界上的任何一个人。

    That is , you can reach any person in the world through a chain of six people .

  18. 在验证和发送时,将针对个人联系列表和公共名录比较每个地址。

    On both validate and send , each address is compared to both personal contacts and the public directory .

  19. 在购物时,只要写下个人联系方式和购买习惯,就可以得到优惠。

    We often get a discount at the expense of telling the sellers our contact details and purchasing habits .

  20. 这样的话,您的一整套设备如果有问题的话,只需要给一个人联系就可以全部搞定!

    We want to make sure you have one single point of contact in case of issues with your whole gear !

  21. 语言接着便成为一个建构及固定小孩和他/她父母间的社会及个人联系的重要工具。

    Language in turn is an important means of establishing and solidifying social and personal ties between the child and his / her parents .

  22. 沃尔玛表示,该公司16名得到提名的董事候选人中,有11名为独立候选人。但投资者称,这些人与沃尔玛之间的企业联系和个人联系却说明,真实情况并不像沃尔玛声称的那样。

    Walmart says 11 of its 16 director nominees are independent but investors argue that their corporate and personal connections to the company suggest otherwise .

  23. 研究人员认为当用户经历了严重的情绪困扰时,他们会寻找替代品来代替所失去的个人联系来提升自己的心情。

    Researchers concluded that when consumers experienced serious emotional distress they turned to a surrogate to replace a lost personal bond and lift their mood .

  24. 但为了让这一声感谢更有意义,应当与致谢对象个人联系起来,与他们的喜好和成就联系起来。

    But for a thank-you to be perceived as meaningful , it should be specifically connected to the recipient , her preferences , and her accomplishments .

  25. 如果合适的话,向他们寻求求职的帮助,提供你的个人联系信息,方便他们和你联系。

    Ask for job search assistance , if it 's appropriate , and provide your personal contact information , so , they can get in touch .

  26. 欢迎有废旧物资的单位及个人联系洽谈回收事宜,对提供成功业务信息者提供业务佣金。

    Are welcome to waste materials recycling units and personal contact to discuss matters relating to the provision of a successful business information commission to provide services .

  27. 随着数据库扩大,光靠本身无法跟某一特定个人联系起来的信息,通过少许电脑上的搜寻努力就能将其解密。

    But as databases grow , information that on its own cannot be traced to a particular individual can often be unlocked with just a bit of computer effort .

  28. 这一概念之所以能够影响产品设计,是因为一旦消费者与某种商品建立了个人联系,那他购买的可能性就会大大增加。

    And the way this concept influences product design is that people are more likely to buy something if some sort of personal connection can be made to the object .

  29. 他相信这项计划在城市人口中既产生了对农业问题的兴趣,又在华盛顿州的市民和农民之间提供了一种新型的、十分直接的个人联系。

    He believes the program has provided a new and very personal connection between urban and rural Washingtonians as well as generated an interest in agricultural issues among the urban population .

  30. 故事总是围绕着马可·波罗和忽必烈汗,福斯克说,这令我着迷,因为很少有人把这两个人联系在一起。

    It always circled back around to Marco Polo and Kublai Khan , Mr. Fusco said . That always fascinated me because so few people make the connection between the two .