
  1. 做好商标翻译不仅需要掌握语言学、翻译学方面的知识,还需要广泛涉猎市场营销学、心理学、美学、跨文化交际学、广告学等诸多领域。

    Trademark translation involves not only linguistics and translation theories but also knowledge about marketing , psychology , aesthetics , cross-cultural communication and advertising , etc.

  2. 现在,这类系统已经广泛应用于市场营销、客户服务和活动策划等领域。

    The systems are used in a whole host of fields including marketing , customer service , and event planning .

  3. 联合分析现在已经广泛应用于市场营销、战略、激励机制、金融、教育、社会福利政策制订等各个领域,成为发达国家最流行的应用统计方法之一。

    Its applications have spread to marketing research , strategy decision , incentive system , finance , education , welfare policy , and so on .